Sentences with phrase «about place with»

To mark the event, they've provided us with a new gameplay trailer featuring copious tricks, stunts and grown men hooning about the place with little regard for safety and common sense.
This is an often talked about place with many different theories surrounding it.
Four lanes run between the main street and the Mekong and just about every place with a roof offers lodging.
Feb 14, 2018 Hollywood and New York City probably come to mind when you think about the places with the most million - dollar earners.
Levitt's strategy is to choose undervalued countries — he reads International Living magazine to learn about places with prices that are substantially lower than similar regions nearby.
Bali Tour guide will asssit you during the hike up and explain all information about places with visit during trekking trip adventure and about Bali island culture and any other information you need.
I will share the details about these places with you in my another post.

Not exact matches

«Given that the decline in home prices had so much to do with the de-leveraging that was taking place on the consumer side,» a recent 10 % rise in the housing market «is a key reason for optimism about growth improving,» Marple said.
The reversal of the Cole Memo, written by then - Deputy Attorney General James M. Cole in 2013 means that there will be more confusion about the legality of growing, selling, and using the drug in places where state and local laws clash with the federal government.
People like to do business with other people, not with faceless corporations, and your About Us page is a great place to humanize your brand.
On this day, Aeryon's office on the outskirts of Waterloo, Ont., is a quiet place where about two dozen people toil in cubicles separated by glass walls scrawled with engineering formulas.
She talked about how her webinars allow people in more places, with fewer resources, access to her more than ever.
I had the chance to sit down with Toronto Mayor John Tory a few weeks ago to talk about technology and how it can be used to make municipalities a better place.
The bulk of the conference sessions take place Friday and Saturday, so I'll be back Monday with another post about the big takeaways from the rest of the conference.
There's lots of places for you to find out about the best computers — but none with the focus on business that we have here at Inc..
One of the main problems with Alzheimer's drug research — despite the money, the interest, and the need — is that there's still uncertainty about how to control the disease in the first place.
One of Getaway's most talked about and photographed features is its big window design, with the bed placed right next to the window.
A believer in media exposure, Feldstein took time out to speak with the Canadian Press about these new hires, placing emphasis on the fact they lived in town: «Their current employment is burned down or closed or inoperable,» he said.
With 16 percent of business travelers worried about cancelled meetings, it ties with the previous stressor about the meeting actually taking plWith 16 percent of business travelers worried about cancelled meetings, it ties with the previous stressor about the meeting actually taking plwith the previous stressor about the meeting actually taking place.
When asked about his brother, Dan maintains his usual upbeat, grateful attitude: «We're in such a great place with the company and Lucas helped me get here.
With friends in high places, Wall Street may have less reason to be as outspoken about the new restrictions.
With the right angle, everything else about your piece will fall into place.
For example, you can't really think about how to invest without also considering why you're investing, including the time horizon associated with your goals, your current and projected tax status, the type of benefits you have in place and the unique risks that your family may face.
Case in point: Birch Coffee's «ignition initiative» in which customers can take a sign from the wall of the store (samples include: «Ask Me What I Ate for Lunch Today» and «Ask Me About the Most Embarrassing Thing in My iTunes Library»), and place it in front of their table if they'd like to encourage random conversations with strangers.
In an interview at Y Combinator's Startup School this weekend Zuckerberg sounded disillusioned with Silicon Valley, but in 2005 he was starry - eyed about the place: «Palo Alto is kind of this mythical place where you know, all the start - ups come from,» he said.
The software automatically manages your sales pipeline, documents all points of contact with your prospects and current clients, logs sales, and allows you to see everything about each lead in one place.
Kasim Reed, whose history with Sage included opening one of their first offices in Atlanta, joined CEO Stephen Kelly on stage during the keynote to share compelling statistics about why Atlanta is the «place to be» to build a successful enterprise.
Now, with its trust - and - safety team in place, its message about pseudonymity honed, and the election behind it — in which it got a minuscule fraction of the criticism Facebook did — Reddit is stepping up its competitive talk.
In 2014, we knew where about 80 % to 85 % of the activity was taking place, to include when a go - fast [boat] was leaving Colombia or Ecuador or somewhere in Central America with a shipment ultimately destined for the United States, but on the best of days we could probably put a ship over next to and a plane above maybe 10 % of that 80 % to 85 %.
Layoffs, naturally, have also taken placewith about 3,000 reportedly given the pink slip (the company won't confirm the number of layoffs but says it plans thousands of additional hires in the not - too - distant future).
Eagle Sign and Design did not comment about who placed the order, only that the design had been confirmed with the client.
Menon also suggests networking from a place of strength by affirming yourself with positive statements regularly — and to stray from thinking about interactions in a transactional way.
With a cautiously optimistic approach to hiring in place and now that you have the word out, people will start to inquire about opportunities.
That is, until you realize you don't know where to start when you think about choosing what to bring to the new place or how to deal with sharing an even bigger space with one or more roommates.
In other places, a large Niçoise salad (native to Nice) costs about $ 12 and aubergine farcie (eggplant stuffed with chopped meat and garlic), another local specialty, costs about $ 8.
«People don't talk about Florida and all the crazy stuff happening there, but they focus on Mexico when one or two things happen and it has nothing to do with tourism,» said Martha Mendez, who sells day trips for tourists to places such as the Maya ruins Chichén Itzá.
If the first phase of 3D printing was about hulking industrial 3D printers that codified processes, and the second phase of 3D printing was about the hobbyist community using 3D printers, then the third phase, with printers like the Form 2, is about making 3D printing even more accessible by making it simple enough — and making the 3D printers small enough — so that it can go to every place where objects are designed and manufactured.
Breakthrough leaders are less concerned with people's personal loyalty to them and more concerned about building a place where everybody is loyal to the company first — even if that means disagreeing with the big cheese.
Do you get excited about partnering with hiring teams to quickly identify and place new hires and finding creative ways to develop a strong candidate pipeline?
The administration could move to keep the rule in place, or otherwise tweak the program to be more selective about which entrepreneurs are eligible to begin with, for example.
Trump's assurances to Gardner, coupled with the Boehner decision, has created yet another buzz in many places about marijuana moving into the mainstream and the challenges it still faces.
I wish I knew earlier on that by sticking with an idea after failing, you are forced to find your own way forward and get back to what inspired you in the first place — whether it's addressing a hole in the market or thinking about a different way of doing things.
«But I think the time I've spent trying to figure out what to do with it, how to cope with it, how to manage it, how to embrace it, how to laugh about it, and how to let it be part of who I am has brought me to a point where I think a lot of my creative energy comes from that place.
If you educate new team members about company expectations — with a plan in place to train them, they will turn into productivity pluses even sooner.
But there are great places in this area that have great rooms an» all and we didn't want to compete with them either so we tried not to be hoggish about it, we want everybody, but it was time.
Alphabet's had a tough week, with a number of agencies pulling advertisements from the platform due to fears about what content their ads could be placed next to.
What may be oddest about the Nunes memo is that, by obscuring the fact that Page was not a Trump staffer by the time he was placed under surveillance, it inadvertently supports the idea that he was coordinating with the Trump team — and, by extension, with Russian officials.
«As someone who has a fascination with learning about other cultures, New York was the perfect place for this next chapter.»
U.S. officials confirmed that talks about Guantanamo had taken place with Uruguay, but would not give more details.
By summer of 2008, with his site moving into first place among dating sites in the U.S. and U.K., Frind began to wonder about his next step.
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