Sentences with phrase «about predicaments»

Writing about predicaments we're curious about (fatal accidents, murder, drug smuggling, infidelity, sabotage, unwanted pregnancies), Kennedy anchors her high - stakes plotlines in the most familiar emotions, making generous, unmanipulative stories that pull the reader in for thrills and revelations.
If you stop and think about the predicaments faced by these people, you'd realise that they're incredibly screwed up, but there is a general feeling of «midday movie» that stops anything from getting too serious.
Here's what you need to know about both predicaments and how to make the most of your online dating emails.
When she does, she lets viewers know about her predicament.
There is an urgency about our predicament today, any sense of which appears to be almost completely absent in the leadership of the nations.
I immediately got on my phone to tweet about the predicament and solicit advice.
If there is one point about this predicament that Elshtain seems to wish to stress (and one central affinity among Augustine, Arendt, and Elshtain), it is that awareness of the fallen and pluralistic nature of the world «should usher into a rueful recognition of limits, not a will to dominion that requires others for one to conquer.»
I had just hoped for a word or two of encouragement or tips before I steeled myself to actually go out and DO something about my predicament.
It is an understatement to tell you how sorry I am about your predicament and how much I understand what you are going through.
I told her how I was doing and about my predicament and she said she was nearby and she would come pick me up!
In a practically neverending series of exposition dumps over the first act of the film, Thomas is educated by various members of the community on the rules that they have learned to operate with in order to keep the peace between this group of hormonal, angry young men who are desperate for a way out (though oddly they don't seem to be too upset about their predicament).
She carries «10 Cloverfield Lane,» conveying Michelle's conflicted feelings about her predicament and staying so completely in the moment that the tension remains.
This book affords the reader the ability to relive huge battles from years gone by between sorcerers and monsters, and perhaps discover a little more about the predicament in which you find yourself.
He broods about his predicament after being left behind, until he's finally upset enough to make his way to the gathering to retrieve Evelyn.
Despite a rich cast who gets to perform a genuinely funny script, there is something touching about the predicament of these characters.
There's none of the expected movie - of - the - week scenes here — Slate never has an actorly monologue about her predicament, just a series of laugh - so - you - don't - cry wisecracks; when she goes to the clinic, she's never confronted by shrieking anti-abortion activists.
What The Heck Should We Think About BP Stock Right Now Tim brought a balanced and thoughtful discussion to the table about the predicament BP Plc (BP) is in regarding the recent judgement that ruled they were grossly negligent in their actions leading up to the Deepwater Horizon tragedy.
One more word of caution: if you speak to an advisor about your predicament, be very skeptical of the many products targeted to risk - averse investors.
I'm so sorry to hear about your predicament.
Those in the first group can do little about their predicament.
Four of the company's workers are currently trapped in the office and for some reason are blogging about their predicament, asking readers for advice on how to escape and offering a poll that will determine their next action in dealing with the zombie now roaming the studio.
The thin threads of a narrative aren't really tied together and completed by the game has run its course, which is disappointing because despite its fairly generic premise, there was much more I wanted to learn about the predicament I was in, and the planet I found myself on.
And yet between them one can trace the peregrination of Leckey's restless attempt to grasp some form of truth about the predicament of experiencing and being in the current moment, as things, images and selves become interchangeable.
Who's left to tell the people about the predicament we're in?
As long as people like Romm use their positions of influence to determine what can and can not be said about our predicament, to claim uncompromising ownership of the issue, we will never muster the political coalitions required to face this momentous challenge squarely and effectively.
Meyerhofer asks lawyers stuck in the no income - massive debt trap to post a video telling the truth about their predicament.
If so, and you'd like to speak with an Internet libel lawyer about your predicament, get in touch with Aaron Kelly.
For recommendations and suggestions from a professional Binghamton renters insurance representative, talk to them about your predicament and see what they have to say.
Keep reading to learn more about this predicament and find out how you can help remedy the shortage.
To say that I was nervous about my predicament would be an understatement.

Not exact matches

Ingves» point about a lack of legal frameworks perhaps encompassed the overarching predicament central bankers find themselves in when it comes to digital currencies.
As to your comments about Greece, ironically it is these very incentives, that have driven its current predicament (sure, likely, aggravated by cultural factors).
MacIntyre is not naive about the tenacity of liberals to refuse to give Aristotle a hearing simply because Aquinas had so successfully baptized him for the Church: «It is safe to predict that to the vast majority of such protagonists it will seem preferable to remain in almost any predicament than to accept a Thomistic diagnosis.»
The present book looks at the organizational dimension of the Presbyterian (and mainline) «predicament» in twelve essays, dealing with denominational structures; financial changes; women's, men's, and special - interest groups; and in two provocative concluding essays, some speculative conclusions about where the changes have brought us.
Only thus can we really hope to come to grips with the true depths of our predicament and help our liberal culture understand the truth about itself and the profound implications of its present course toward an impoverished absolutism now poised to seize control of the most primitive junction between nature and culture — the family itself.
Immanuel Kant, whose chief aim was to undermine intellectual assurance about what Emmanuel (God with us) stands for, would not, however, see his predicament as entirely hopeless in today's world of science.
need JESUS, and probably another 3 to 4 billion in the same predicament... let's think about them and how to reach them in todays climate... please.!!!
Visit people, talk to them, bring them together, have a meal, talk about life, solve the world's problems, drink a glass of wine, walk along the road, fish, collect friends around you, share common sense advice, solve the odd predicament.
Many conscientious revolutionaries, in all their serious self - examination, would readily feel at home in Paul's predicament about his failure to do what he knew he ought to do and his inclination to do the very thing that he hated [Rom.
We criticize this combination a lot, both for what it says and for what it fails to say about the human predicament.
Materialism and dualism lack these resources and are in Hume's predicament about causality.
Our predicament is a commentary, not on instruments and instrument makers, but on the human inability to employ both scientific knowledge and technical achievement to bring about the good life and the good society.
Is this «vision» of how - it - is the best way to talk about and understand the human predicament?
In Jesus story, the separated son was capable of realising what was good and what his predicament was, the separated son had an idea in his mind about the way to go to return to his father.
To think constructively about the future of Catholicism, we need to understand the shape of our predicament.
Phoenician sailors, more deeply religious than the PL, determine who is to blame for the predicament and what to do about it.
Nevertheless, has this question been so thoroughly cleared up in our own time that no one need feel a little uneasy about himself when he is reminded of poor Socrates and his predicament?
If you aren't in my current predicament of having just moved out and into a place, but about to move again in about a week (it's a long story), I would highly recommend using a food processor to cut down on time.
As we are officially in Spring now but not really with all the snow still lingering, these cupcakes will be perfect to forget about our current predicament.
As I contemplated what to do about my butter predicament, my eyes landed on cream cheese so I decided to give it a whirl!
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