Sentences with phrase «about pregnancy options»

During the session your counsellor will give you accurate, honest and clear information about your pregnancy options — abortion, parenting and adoption.
You probably have many mixed emotions about your pregnancy — fear, elation, worry, confusion or just a desire to know more about your pregnancy options.
Please visit for more information about pregnancy options.
But be careful when looking for a reliable health center, because there are fake clinics out there that claim to offer information about pregnancy options and abortion.
At Open Adoption & Family Services, we support pregnant women and couples in making decisions about their pregnancy options — parenting, abortion, adoption — in an atmosphere of dignity and respect.
Education For Choice is dedicated to ensuring that young people have accurate information about pregnancy options and impartial support with...
At Open Adoption & Family Services, we support pregnant women and couples in making decisions about their pregnancy options — parenting, abortion, adoption — in an atmosphere of dignity and respect.

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They had talked a lot about the pregnancy and the options before the mother.
An example of this approach is our partnership with the Winemakers Federation of Australia, on the promotion of consumer messaging about drinking alcohol during pregnancy, supporting Government guidelines that the safest option when pregnant is not to drink.
My philosophy of birth is that it is a normal, beautiful, powerful and physiologic process and that ALL families have the absolute right to knowledge about all of the choices, options and alternatives they have when it comes to pregnancy and childbirth.
As your pregnancy progresses and you learn more about your options, you may discover that the provider you selected does not fit your ideals any longer — and that's OK,» says Dr. Hill.
And she hopes to use her experience to educate other women experiencing an unplanned pregnancy about the positive aspects of adoption when they explore their own options.
It's important that anyone looking to further educate a teen mother about her feeding options understand that she may have conflicted feelings about her pregnancy.
If you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy after a prior cesarean, hiring a doula may be a first step in learning about your available options.
Expectant parents deserve access to unbiased, accurate information about all of their pregnancy options: parenting, abortion and adoption.
Experts recommend that pregnant women read product guides about the many different options they have, and choose a pillow that will not only serve their needs in pregnancy but after childbirth as well.
To learn more about options for breast augmentation after pregnancy, click here.
Learn about an engaging, client - driven all - options pregnancy counseling model in which you can assist women facing an unplanned pregnancy with their decision - making process.
Recently I had a chance to find out more about her story, including what's it like to live so close to your child's adoptive parents and about what advice she has for women who are facing an unplanned pregnancy and looking at adoption as an option.
However far you are into your pregnancy, the thought of giving birth is never too far away, and from early on, you may be thinking about which birth option may be best for you.
Either way, being a healthy 27 - year - old, with a low risk pregnancy, I couldn't understand why I lived in this amazing city, with access to just about everything else, except a variety of birth options.
While I do not give medical advice, I can guide you to research and resources and help educate you about your options, both holistic and medical, for the discomforts of pregnancy and labor.
In Adventures in Tandem Nursing, Hilary Flower writes about the how important it is to keep all your options open and using these pregnancy and tandem nursing challenges to learn about yourself and what you are capable of.
And, you know, I think for most women who have a healthy normal pregnancy, homebirth is a good option that they need to think about.
We know you have many local options when looking for the best doctor or midwife for your pregnancy and birth, and we invite you to come visit our office for a free consultation to meet the midwives and learn about the services we provide.
Eat - Sleep - Love's services include breastfeeding education, greenproofing (educating about eco-friendly pregnancy, birth and home environment options), maternity and newborn sleep hygiene education (including safe co-sleeping practices), babywearing education, safety awareness, education regarding stages of pregnancy, birth options information and referral, referrals to childbirth education classes, nursery planning support, child proofing information and referral, registry information and support, post-partum and return to work plans (including referrals for postpartum care and support), transition resources for those who plan to stay home, and more!
Services may include: breastfeeding education and support, maternity and newborn sleep hygiene education (including safe co-sleeping practices), birth options information and referral, greenproofing (educating about eco-friendly pregnancy, birth and home environment options), baby wearing information, cloth diapering information, safety awareness, education regarding stages of pregnancy, referrals to childbirth education classes, nursery set up support, child proofing information and referral, registry information and support, baby shower planning, bed rest plans, post-partum and return to work plans (including referrals for postpartum care and support), transition resources for those who plan to stay home, pregnancy and newborn photography referrals, and more!
You can learn more about appearance, dimensions and safe pregnancy seating and laying options in this video.
My hope is that my daughters will feel educated and informed about their options in pregnancy and childbirth (MANY years from now), that they will feel confident and supported in the decisions they make.
If you have concerns about your pregnancy or feel that sex during pregnancy may be unsafe for you, speak to your doctor or midwife who can advise you on the best options for you and your partner.
If you start using a hormonal method and your milk supply decreases, talk with your obstetrician or other member of your health care team about other options for preventing pregnancy.
At the time, I didn't know there were so many different options for cloth (I'd left the diaper research to hubby during the pregnancy, and then once the baby arrived, I was too caught up in the bliss to worry about it).
She also doesn't mention any other treatment options for pregnancy or postpartum, even things that we know about — massage, B - complex vitamins, exercise, etc..
We understand that there may be circumstances that make you feel hesitant about participating during pregnancy options counseling and in adoption planning.
However, condoms offer couples with an option of enjoying sex while at the same time avoiding pregnancy or protecting themselves from STIs since sex is more fun when you are not worried about getting pregnant or getting an STI.
For full search methods used to populate Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group's Trials Register including the detailed search strategies for CENTRAL, MEDLINE, EMBASE and CINAHL, the list of handsearched journals and conference proceedings, and the list of journals reviewed via the current awareness service, please follow this link to the editorial information about the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group in the Cochrane Library and select the «Specialized Register» section from the options on the left side of the screen.
Part of the difficulty with creating a new understanding of adoption - including the women who chose it, the families who adopt, and the children who are adopted - is combating archaic adoption practices that not only reinforce negative stereotypes, but also do an incredible disservice to what adoption can be - that is, adoption is a legitimate pregnancy option for all women faced with a pregnancy decision, regardless of whether they identify as «pro-life» or «pro-choice,» religious or not, conservative or liberal... In the face of a pregnancy decision, the women who choose adoption feel no more part of the political discussion around it then the women who choose abortion feel about the political rhetoric characterizing their decision.
Advocating for adoption should not be about decreasing the number of abortions, it is not just a pro-life choice - it is a legitimate pregnancy option that is not owned by any political party, religion, or social movement.
We'll provide access to unbiased, accurate information about all of your pregnancy options: parenting, abortion and adoption.
Discussing your options for the pregnancy with your doctor, nurse, guidance counsellor, or a professional at a sexual health clinic may also provide you with useful information about choices that are available to you.
Vanessa Merten provides info that goes way beyond the typical «pregnancy instruction manual» by sharing perspectives from first - time moms, experienced moms, midwives, doulas, the latest research, and even a physician here and there — all so you decide what the best option is for YOU and feel confident about your decisions during your pregnancy and beyond.
If more women and families are knowledgeable about and demand access to a full range of postpartum options than we can begin to change how we treat this often ignored but very important time after pregnancy.
Providing women who take a powerful acne drug with a fact sheet about contraception while visiting the dermatologist can significantly improve their awareness of the most effective birth control options and may prevent unintended pregnancies and birth defects that can be caused by the drug, according to a University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine study published Feb. 4 in the journal JAMA Dermatology.
For example, pregnancy remains an option for women in their early 40s — with the chance of conceiving about 50 per cent.
In my post about the pregnancy and prenatal care options I chose, I mention that I don't take the pregnancy glucose test that requires drinking glucola (that syrupy orange or grape drink) and that I use an alternate method of testing.
What about the cases in which an exterior circumstance such as trauma in late pregnancy leading to premature birth with all the developmental issues those extra fragile babies have, trauma during delivery including the use of forceps or vacuums, or even vaccines post birth that can cause «severe abnormalities» does the same «option» stand - to kill a life or not?
If you are pregnant as well, check out all of my pregnancy related posts, including this one about the prenatal care options I chose (and which ones I skipped) and these top ten pregnancy books that I found helpful.
Logically, I knew that home birth can be statistically as safe as hospital birth in most cases and that statistically, it would be a good option for us, but after having undetected placenta previa with a previous pregnancy, I always held on to a fear that something might be wrong that we didn't know about or that my body was somehow broken or inadequate.
Find out about In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), understand the reason why some people choose this option of conceiving and discover some of the natural solutions and recommendations to health - related and nutrition issues that hinder people from having a natural and healthy pregnancy.
Though she recognizes that there is certainly a time and a place for these procedures, her goal is to help inform pregnant women and their spouses about their options during pregnancy and childbirth.
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