Sentences with phrase «about professional book cover design»

Click the following links to learn more about professional book cover design, illustration, or book layout design on Reedsy.

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About BookBaby: BookBaby takes the hard work out of self - publishing: From book printing, eBooks, book distribution, book cover design, and now professional book editing, BookBaby has everything today's indie author needs to succeed.
, proofread, formatted, had a cover designed, professional back matter / blurb created, and uploaded to distributors and online social media outlets like Goodreads, it might feel like you've done everything you can to get your book off the ground, short of skywriting info about its debut.
Working nights, early mornings, weekends, etc. around his full - time job, he finished a novel, hired professional editors, cover design, etc., and published the book about two years ago.
Another distinction: Do - it - yourself publishing, where the author attempts (with varying degrees of success) to self - edit the book, learn enough about typography and design to come up with something reasonably professional looking, do the same for the cover, create and execute a marketing plan, etc., etc..
Start here to learn more about Bookaby's professional book cover design services.
Just because they know something about publishing doesn't mean they really know what kind of covers sell books; and if they can't get their shit together to make a professional and well - designed website for their own business, they shouldn't be giving you advice on your book cover.
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