Sentences with phrase «about quality of schools»

«It's not just families with school - age kids that are concerned about the quality of schools when buying a home.
But don't say anything yourself about the quality of the schools.
People who worry about safety also are often concerned about quality of schools, and you'll find that El Paso has highly ranked schools.
We are fortunate to have had Denver Public Schools leading the state and nation for over a decade in data transparency and providing information to families about the quality of schools through the School Performance Framework (SPF).
Families in Aurora, JeffCo and across the state deserve to have access to accurate information about their quality of their schools.
Often they ask about the quality of the schools, but Armstrong says nobody has asked yet why most of the Bartholomew Consolidated School Corporation's schools received C's and D's on the latest round of state ratings.
We want these 11 dimensions to challenge every charter school authorizer and every education leader that cares about the quality of their schools.
The truth is, most parents enjoy a false sense of security about the quality of their schools.
Families across the state are being misled about the quality of their schools.
These two groups also are more likely to pronounce a clear view about the quality of schools and the value of different education reforms.
Only one in four teachers claims that the state's standardized tests offer excellent or good information about the quality of schools, compared to the 69 percent who believe that the information is either fair or poor.
Florida employs an A to F scale, providing a much more intuitive way of telling families and citizens about the quality of their schools.
The governor, who has said in recent months that he wants to break the public education monopoly, says New Yorkers have concerns about the quality of the schools and whether they are adequately preparing students.
No matter how many people complain about the quality of the school lunches, nothing has ever been done.
Obesity aside, this more recent study is a good reminder, even as we complain about the quality of school food across the board, that the NSLP is a critically important safety net for the 31 million American children who eat a free or reduced price lunch every single school day.
So you see, it's not about race, or about money: It's entirely about the quality of the school itself, and unfortunately for the schools in distress, that's a self - perpetuating problem.
The NEPC report paints a dismal picture of student learning at K12 - operated schools, but the fatal flaw of the report is that the measures of «performance» it employs are based primarily on outcomes such as test scores that may reveal more about student background than about the quality of the school, and on inappropriate comparisons between virtual schools and all schools in the same state.
There is a case for summative school ratings, which send an unambiguous message about the quality of a school to parents who might otherwise be overwhelmed with information.
Pupils are also given an opportunity to comment on similar issues, while teachers are asked about the quality of school leadership, discipline and the expectations held for pupils.
The «Big Test» does reflect the condition of the neighborhood from which a school's students are drawn; however, these conditions completely mask any test derived information about the quality of the school or its teachers.
Gosh John Conlin, most parents don't care about the quality of the school their children attend.
What's needed, he said, is for parents to understand that test scores track so closely with a person's background — their parents» education level and income — that they say little about the quality of a school.
And the SPF still provides a variety information about the quality of a school — but it's harder and harder to know what this might mean.
With numerous «red flags», I am very suspicious about the quality of this school or their ability to update their technology as we move into a mobile and tablet world (and whatever else comes along).

Not exact matches

An advocate for a local teachers union also expressed concern to the New York Times Magazine about the quality of the education, arguing Bridge focuses less on getting poor students to the baseline as enticing public school students to switch to Bridge schools.
New Jersey — a wealthy, educated state with ready access to world - class health care in Philadelphia and New York City — has «better access to higher - quality information that lets us be more complete» in screening, Walter Zahorodny, a New Jersey Medical School professor and director of the New Jersey Autism Study, said in a conference call about the findings.
So in today's solo round on The School of Greatness, I'm sharing things I rarely talk about — how I maintain hundreds of quality relationships with people who are incredible influencers.
In both the business world and the arts, you can find schools of thought treating quality and quantity as two isolated, inversely related entities on a zero - sum sliding scale: The more you produce, the less time you'll have to obsess about the quality of each production.
Over half of black children in public primary and secondary schools are concentrated in the nation's twelve largest central city school districts, where the quality of education is poor, and where whites constitute only about a quarter of total enrollment.
At some university divinity schools and a few independent institutions the quality of resources and students is much higher (though there one often can worry about how few of their students are headed toward ministry).
Black churches can also adopt public schools, into which they can send volunteers to «testify» to young blacks about he value of a quality education.
Without minimizing the difficulties, theological schools and the religious groups they serve must ask themselves the hard questions: Do we care about the quality of religious leaders we educate?
By Riki Shore A mother recently commented to me about the poor quality of the snacks offered at her daughter's after school day care program.
A mother recently commented to me about the poor quality of the snacks offered at her daughter's after school day care program.
While we know that not every camp can engage in a large evaluation process, we hope that our findings will be useful to others and inspire reflection about how camps can excel as high quality learning environments where kids can practice many of the essential skills they need for school, job, and relationship success.
I have conversations with «ordinary Americans» all the time, and I find their opinions about the school meals served in the very school where they send their kids, or where some even teach, to be out of touch with the foods, the variety and the quality of those foods, offered each day.
While I kind of wished she had just skipped the stuff altogether - I think an even bigger lesson was learned - about looks and taste - and we have fed them such quality food that they don't like school food or prepackaged treats!!!
Celebrating NSLW can help you increase participation, earn media coverage, and connect with school stakeholders about the high quality of your school meals.
During a particularly lively conversation about fostering qualities of grit and perseverance in children, I even volunteered to write an article about it for the school newsletter.
Now the new snack standards end up being all about tweaked fat grams and calories instead of the true intention — which was to provide better quality foods to kids in schools.
This adds to the concern that Chartwells, whose parent company recently settled a $ 18 million court case for its failing to pass on rebates to NYC schools, is more concerned about earning a large profit margin than about the quality of the food it serves.
This can come in the form of quality play time, reading together, eating family meals and talking about your day, doing homework or school activities with them, and having a consistent bedtime routine.
Though in many ways the program has been a success, there is growing concern among parents and doctors about the health of America's children and the quality of the food provided by school lunches.
While the program continues to generate a lot controversy in more affluent schools (lost class time, sanitation issues and concerns about the nutritional quality of the food), our Food Services department has said that in poorer schools the program has been enthusiastically welcomed by principals who are seeing increased attendance, reduced tardiness and fewer discipline problems.
The study found that kids who go to schools where lots of junk foods are sold are heavier than those who go to schools in states with strict standards about the nutritional quality of snacks and drinks.
I don't envy the task of a trying to ensure quality control at 300 local schools, and I'll write more about the issue of on - site quality control as I learn more from my district.
Still others are concerned about perceived deterioration of the academic quality of public schools as a result of overcrowded classrooms.
Healthy Schools Network recommends simple activities such as: • Adopting Guiding Principles of School Environmental Quality as a policy for your School; • Distributing information related to Green Cleaning or Indoor Air Quality (IAQ); • Writing a letter or visiting your Principal or Facility Director to ask about cleaning products or pest control products; • Walking around your school: looking for water stains, cracks in outside walls, broken windows or steps, and overflowing dumpsters that are health & safety problems that need atteSchool Environmental Quality as a policy for your School; • Distributing information related to Green Cleaning or Indoor Air Quality (IAQ); • Writing a letter or visiting your Principal or Facility Director to ask about cleaning products or pest control products; • Walking around your school: looking for water stains, cracks in outside walls, broken windows or steps, and overflowing dumpsters that are health & safety problems that need atteSchool; • Distributing information related to Green Cleaning or Indoor Air Quality (IAQ); • Writing a letter or visiting your Principal or Facility Director to ask about cleaning products or pest control products; • Walking around your school: looking for water stains, cracks in outside walls, broken windows or steps, and overflowing dumpsters that are health & safety problems that need atteschool: looking for water stains, cracks in outside walls, broken windows or steps, and overflowing dumpsters that are health & safety problems that need attention.
I still strongly prefer to pack his lunches myself and I don't have any delusions about the quality of the food he's being served at school, but I don't think I'll feel quite so guilty about that weekly school lunch day going forward.
What this suggests is that effective parenting for school success is about developing a quality parent - child relationship that communicates the value of education and provides the child with resources to succeed.
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