Sentences with phrase «about questioners»

But Jeff Jarvis quotes debate moderator Anderson Cooper as saying about the questioners: «These are people that are very passionate about this topic.
We worry about those who do not fit in, we are uneasy about questioners and doubters, we feel that there needs to be more order» and regularity.
I have come to learn that questions are more about the questioner than the questioned.
He need not worry about the questioner who simply bellows out some hack partisan criticism.
Moreover, the presence of an anonymous audience of strangers requires that questions and discussions be accessible to people who have no information about the questioner.
It does not require any knowledge about the questioner.

Not exact matches

Even today, many company owners who use factors don't much like to talk about it, except to assure the questioner that their relations with their banks are just terrific.
Yellen's questioner hadn't asked about whether there is too much emphasis put on the timing of the first increase in more than eight years.
But when an analyst then asked Mr. Musk about Tesla's capital requirements, the chief executive did not answer the question and told the operator to move to another questioner.
If you read the response in context, it is not quite as ridiculous as it sounds: Bowden's point seems to be that the regulatory burdens that his questioner complained about aren't that important, because the private equity business is so good that the additional regulatory costs are easy to bear, and well worth it to avoid messing up a good racket.
Questioner 35: My question is about Coke.
Questioner 21: Last year you had some very pointed comments about Valeant.
Infuriating members of Congress, a smirking Martin Shkreli took the Fifth at a Capitol Hill hearing Thursday when asked about his jacking up of drug prices, then promptly went on Twitter and insulted his questioners as «imbeciles.»
The next questioner was Joseph Spak of RBC Capital Markets, who asked about Model 3 orders.
If you have watched him make a big concession in a debate, or respond sympathetically to a hostile questioner, or provide a generous account of an opposing view in a book or essay, then you know that his kindliness is often the sign that serious intellectual vivisection is about to commence.
The questioner asked Isay about farm boys who might be attracted to sheep.
He evidences irritation when repeatedly asked about his position on abortion, and refers questioners back to his by - now tired and unconvincing 1984 speech at Notre Dame.
When most of the interviewees admit that it is indeed a baby, they are asked to finish the following sentence: «It's okay to kill a baby in the womb when...» Various responses follow: «That's very hard to say...»; «It should never be done lightly...»; «If the mothercannot provide for the baby...»; «If the mother was raped...» The questioner presses the issue: «When asked about the Holocaust, you said that you valued human life, so why is this situation any different?»
Having established that the Holocaust was an unspeakable crime against humanity, the questioner then invites those being interviewed to make a provocative connection: «How do you feel about abortion?»
Then the smart response from Rubio would have been to tell the questioner that this is not the appropriate forum to talk about the age of the earth, that he is here to talk about economic issues.
Austin was asked why he didn't warn his ailing cousin about his Feb 2 vision and Austin's response ignored the questioner's brilliant question.
On the whole, millenials in the church don't care about whether their friends / neighbors / coworkers are believers / non - believers / questioners.
In Episode 98 of Edit Your Life, Asha and Gretchen talk about her new book, The Four Tendencies, in which she lays out a simple framework for understanding our internal motivations (Obligers, Upholders, Questioners, or Rebels).
Tomorrow I'll post the results of the early rising poll and also some more thoughts about the situation with the woman who doesn't want to spend time away from her daughter (there's been an update from the original questioner).
Real danger comes from the quiet questioner who knows the subject and cares about it.
I was called by a pollster last week about the Democratic Party primary for Mayor of Buffalo, but the questioner couldn't say who commissioned the poll.
Not one of the questioners during the nearly four - hour hearing seemed to indicate that they would vote against a mayoral control extension, even though a few senators asked de Blasio pointed questions about the various investigations circling his administration and other disparate education issues.
Asking a specific question at a specific time is not an indication that the questioner only cares about that subject.
Later still, he practically scolded a questioner asking about 3 - D printing — totally reasonable in a city which plays host to Shapeways and Makerbot — by saying Makerbot sounded like something they'd serve in a «Williamsburg bar.»
If the Telegraph article is correct in suggesting that immigration is once again a major issue, then might I suggest, as I have done in the past, that the topic be defused by asking any hostile questioner about tory policy:
In a debate full of tough questioners, NY1 political reporter Grace Rauh may have been the toughest, in this case asking Dietl about his history of unpaid taxes.
He doesn't take the questioner's invitation to extrapolate conclusions about the use of private companies to do this sort of thing, surprisingly enough.
At the Asian American Federation mayoral candidate debate, one of the questioners began to ask Christine Quinn about restrictions in the city health code which prevent the legal making of kimchi, a widely served Korean food.
But things started going south when questioners started talking about President Donald Trump.
Questioner says they have a lot of initial interest from faculty about pursuing funding opportunities identified in advance, but faculty do not always follow - up.
Questioner / Cross-Examiner — poses questions about the opposing team's arguments to its Question Responder.
Part of my Ms. Bie Ografee's Talk Show Series, studio audience questioners ask da Vinci questions about his life.
This is what it must have been like to listen to eager stock analysts explain in 1998 why some hot new Internet start - up was a sure thing while dismissing questions about strategy and execution as evidence that the stodgy questioners «just didn't get it.»
When the public is asked about the current level of school funding, it is incumbent on the questioner to find out if the responder knows anything about what the current level of funding is.
Questioners typically asked about specific education policies being advocated in current conference debates.
What happens in the last year of a ten - year forecast is a more severe version of what the prior questioner asked about the 2009 forecast of 2019.
I must admit that when you're live on national television, it is sometimes difficult to find a polite way to tell well - intended questioners that it would be irresponsible to provide a forecast about things that are, by definition, unknowable.
One thing I have learned about this form of skepticism is that the questioner never asks, «why is it happening this time?»
If I was a questioner, I'd ask them about potentialities of the future earthquakes under Greenland and West Antarctic ice, about small so far earthquakes for first time on record in west Greenland last summer (UK Guardian early September), magma close to surface northeast Greenland (MSNBC early December), magma close to surface by Pine Island Glacier W. Antarctic (NYT January), rain at North Pole last summer and morels on Greenland big enough to fly a helicopter into (UK Independent, both articles early October)
Either — you know what you're talking about, and so can answer your questioner; or — you can't answer, and make up all sorts of pathetic evasive excuses like the question lacks good faith, you don't like rabbit holes, asking the person to go and find the evidence you claim, etc etc.....
The questioner, the physicist about whom I'm writing today — let's call him Denier 3 — raised his hand at the end and asked if the speaker had considered the criticisms of climate models made by a scientist not present at this conference, a climate scientist famous for his denialist position (let's call him «Famous Denier»).
I had merely given a straightforward, quantitative answer to a straightforward, quantitative question not about any presentation by me but about a presentation given by Professor Lindzen, because the questioner knew that I had been at the meeting at which Professor Lindzen had spoken and that I might be able to answer.
The questioner would never have done this for a physicist lecturing on gravity, and I want to get people to think about why they think climate change is any different.
I vividly recall a video in which a questioner in Australia tried to lecture my friend Stephen Schneider about how climate forcings were logarithmic and that this somehow invalidated the whole of climate science (wrong on multiple levels, and Stephen put the questioner in her place).
A better question, however, would be to ask exactly how the questioners came to know the detailed information about the skeptics» associations with anything related to the fossil fuel industry.
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