Sentences with phrase «about questions like»

Renters insurance in York, PA covers your liability and provides a defenses so that you don't have to worry about questions like those above.
As Jeremy Waldron has noted, while we may all agree that rape is wrong, disagreement arises fairly quickly as soon as we think about questions like the age of consent or whether there ought to be a defence for a reasonable but mistaken belief in consent (Jeremy Waldron, Law and Disagreement, 1999, p. 105).
You'll want to think about questions like how do you want funds disbursed, what happens if the beneficiary doesn't use the funds, how do you want the trust to terminate, who do you want to manage the trust, and more.
By that I mean thinking about questions like, «What is the role of science in the world?
Renters insurance in York, PA covers your liability and provides a defenses so that you don't have to worry about questions like those above.
When we write about questions like «What went well today?
Most people don't think about questions like this.
His purpose is to learn more about questions like: What organs did dinosaurs have and what were they used for?
Before you give birth, you'll want to think carefully about questions like what kind of pain relief you want during labor and what you want to pack in your hospital bag.
It's important to talk about the issue before your baby is born, to ensure that you're both on the same page about questions like:
They want authenticity, they want transparency, and they want to know your business is thinking about questions like sustainability.
The nice thing about a question like this is that it isn't up for opinions.
What I find so amazing is that there is any dispute about a question like paid reviews.

Not exact matches

Again, people don't like to think about insurance, so we try not to ask questions you don't need to be asked.
It seems an absurd question to be asking about a company like Research In Motion, Canada's most successful and influential tech firm.
To the average reader of a business magazine, these may seem like ridiculously simple questions, but Lusardi and Mitchell's research over the last few years shows that, in general, you can not count on even this base level of knowledge about how money works.
Among other things, the Breitbart furor raises questions about how a news or media organization functions once it has become a clear supporter of a specific politician like Donald Trump.
Joe Fresh has tried to stay on top of things as the story develops but statements like this, particularly after reports of ignored safety request — the building had illegally added storeys — raise more questions about the audit process than it answers.
Through the data it collects in a growing number of companies, Moss and his team hope to eventually put numbers to the value of just about any office practice or perk, enabling employers to instantly answer questions like, What would make my staff happier — free food at work or a shorter commute?
You're not going to get the answers you need if it seems like you might be looking into downsizing or restructuring, so be explicit about why you're asking these questions and how honest answers will help your employees get the solutions they need.
«I was trying to explain, in response to a question about the election, that my limited understanding was that the President talked to a portion of America like an accessible person they could relate to, as he was NOT a politician.»
Rasco: Well we like the US, there's no question about it.
Just how he'll go about tackling those problems wasn't spelled out precisely, with Zuckerberg suggesting he'll be «bringing groups of experts together to discuss and help work through» questions like whether the internet is becoming too centralized and whether the technology behind cryptocurrency could improve social media.
The service can respond to questions about the weather and traffic, and can also connect to things like personal calendars and Gmail accounts to provide personalized information to users who ask.
Unlike companies like Google, which are infamous for giving their candidates impossible brainteaser interview questions, Snapchat's questions to potential hires are more straightforward — and they say a lot about what Snapchat wants to do as a company.
Just like any filler word, «so» is used by speakers at points of uncertainty to stretch the time their brains have to think about the next point, response, or question.
While the use of video - streaming tools like Facebook Live can create a compelling real - time record of news - worthy events — a rough draft of history, as someone once said of newspapers — it also raises questions about how platforms like Facebook (fb) and Twitter (twtr) handle that kind of information.
While most interviewers inquire about things like «the most difficult peer - to - peer situation you've ever encountered,» these questions are limiting and don't necessarily tell us much about the applicant.
Then the question comes if you've managed to do that, you as a society, then the next question is about things like purpose and those kind of higher level questions, which I think are very interesting things to think about.
But we also launched a series of other changes to the earnings experience that we felt like would address a lot of the fundamental questions drivers had about earnings.
And so while we can squabble about just what Justin Trudeau should or should not do, our effort is much better spent thinking about the question one level up, as some commentators have already begun doing: Should sitting Members of Parliament like Trudeau accept paid speaking engagements?
You can get the same results by asking behavioral questions that start with verbiage like, «Tell us about a time...» or, «Describe a situation where...» The candidate can bring up real - life experiences that will reveal far more than pretend scenarios ever could.
It might sound like I'm talking about marriage rather than business but how you know when you've found the right investor might be answered in part by the questions asked.
But no matter how long it has been since I was at the helm, if I see something that I don't like, I'm not at all shy about making my thoughts known and asking some very pointed questions.
Respond to RSVPs, «likes» and questions by welcoming guests, answering questions, and asking what they are looking forward to or want to hear more about.
In what seems like an eternity to the audience (and in reality lasted about 10 seconds), Jobs takes a sip of water and reflects on both the criticism and the question.
There are extremely powerful tools that can help knowledge workers find insightful perspectives and answer a whole host of questions they might have about their area of business using natural language, just like using a search engine, but far more meaningful.
Do you worry about productivity to avoid worrying about more difficult questions like your vision and goals?
Led by management professor Russell Johnson, the research looked at smartphone use both among upper - level managers and a variety of mid-level professionals, like nurses and accountants, asking them to both report their nighttime smartphone use and then answer questions about their levels of alertness and productivity the next day.
You can ask about the day's weather in general, or ask more specific questions like, «Is it going to rain today?»
There's no question that it today's valuation — if you look at the S&P overall, forward PE's are about 18.5, the long - term average is more like 15.5 — you could say that it looks a little bit rich.
While it might seem like the obvious solution is to rehire for that position, the smart CEO asks some questions instead: Is there a better way to go about this?
While venture capitalists, mutual funds and other private investors can only see upside in a zero - interest environment where growth is hard to find, public investors would be skeptical of a public Uber, Smith explains, just as they've asked tough questions about companies like Twitter and Yelp.
There are larger, philosophical questions about ventures like Facebook's Instant Articles and Apple's News app — both of which are trying to bring publishers further into their ecosystems — and whether media should be wary of them or not.
Ask questions like these: «What did you like or not like about our latest release?
Most behavioral interview questions start with phrases like «tell me about a time» or an adverb such as what, where, why, or when.
If you have specific questions you'd like to answer about the material covered in a book, you're likely to dive in with more enthusiasm (and pleasure), contends Page19.
Once you've picked the one you'd like to trade, you have to answer a handful of questions about its condition (Apple's are the most thorough, unsurprisingly) before being shown its trade - in value.
Questions like these, about shares and sharing, come up a lot as you develop a plan for starting a business.
He listed some topics he would prefer talking about and called the birth - certificate question «a long, complex subject that I just don't like talking about, and I won't talk about it.»
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