Sentences with phrase «about recent events»

We talk loads about recent events in the gaming world and our own personal lives!
We talk loads about recent events in the gaming world and our own personal lives!
Think about a recent event in your life, either good or bad — what did you tell yourself about the causes of the event?
We have columns on new authors and news about recent events.
It's just a bunch of facts about recent events with no accompanying thesis, argument, summary, or conclusion.
A few people I asked to comment for this article hadn't even heard about recent events to put my question into context.
However Marty, you do seem to be a little disgruntled about the recent events in B.C., concerning the subject of Regulation.
She asked about their friends, and the Schmidts enjoyed telling stories about recent events, especially about some of the more eccentric professors.
As usual, hosts Chris DeRose and Junseth talk about recent events in the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency world, in the most hilarious and offensive way possible.
Speaking specifically about conglomerate Dalian Wanda Group, Lei Jing, a fixed income chief investment officer at Beijing - based Harvest Fund Management, said he wasn't at all surprised about recent events.
I just wanted to say THANK YOU for saying something about the recent events....
Dozens of residents turned out for the meeting, furious about recent events in Ramapo, including an FBI investigation into St. Lawrence as well as a state investigation alleging that town fire inspector Adam Peltz allegedly failed to report serious safety violations at several private schools.
«When awake, reverse replay occurs in situ, allowing immediately preceding events to be evaluated in precise temporal relation to a current anchoring event, and so may be an integral mechanism for learning about recent events,» they continue.
That day, he retweeted several things about Metal Gear, though none about the recent events.
February 9, 2017 • The OGE cites «an extraordinary volume of contacts from citizens about recent events
In this edition of the Harvard EdCast, Alonso speaks publicly for the first time about recent events in Baltimore, and examines their potential impact on schools and children.
In order to demonstrate the task, the researcher had queried the classroom teacher about a recent event that the child would have taken part in.
LAPCS executive director Caroline Roemer says that teachers should be prepared to talk with their students about the recent events in Baton Rouge.
For example, they might use a Writers» Workshop activity for children to draw and write about a recent event.
Can you tell us a little about the recent events Harmonics has been involved in organizing in Japan?
The Boston Marathon «The good thing about these recent events is that they are so poorly faked that a lot of people are catching on.
On Wednesday night, they protesters held an online chat with incoming freshmen to let them know about recent events.
A 10 - minute (non-billable) chat about a recent event, their family or another personal topic is enjoyable for your client and will deepen your understanding of him / her.
Strategic Coin News provides original reporting and analysis about recent events in the crypto market space.
I was recently interviewed by CNBC Asia about the recent event I spoke at.
However Marty, you do seem to be a little disgruntled about the recent events in B.C., concerning the subject of Regulation.
As the name implies, news is information about some recent event, deviating from expected routine.
That is, how this movie about an oil rig, is better in such a multitude of ways, in telling a story about recent events, than is a movie like «Money Monster», which set out to achieve that, and really didn't.
Those events led me to my thoughts about a recent
At Peppers Seminyak, we're delighted to share the latest news about our recent events and details about upcoming deals and vacation packages at our luxury villa resort in Seminyak, Bali.
I recently had a lunch meeting with a contact for a large company; we were to talk about some future work but ended up talking about a recent event in that person's life.
Updated the Senior Analyst, also a contributing author to Forbes magazine, about recent events in the healthcare sector, such as the Ebola outbreak, and the market trend of biotech / pharmaceutical companies
:) Today we are switching it up a little and talking about the recent event we attended,...
An effective way of initiating a conversing can be talking about recent events or situations.If a couple is fighting around you for casual dating, you can seize this opportunity to say something ironic about the idealist of that couple.
A.I works better with the NPC civilians roaming on about their life in the city, discussions between them about the recent events happening in the city, vomiting outside bars due to excessive drinking, photobombing you if you are taking selfies and much more.
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