Sentences with phrase «about replacing fossil fuels»

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Many of the same warnings Mario Cuomo heard in the 1980s about Shoreham are the same ones his son hears today from supporters of Indian Point: Closing a nuclear plant will result in blackouts, a less reliable electric grid and increased air pollution as fossil fuels are burned to replace the lost emissions - free nuclear power; customers could face higher bills; more than 1,000 jobs will be lost, and tax revenue for schools and towns will dissipate.
From the start, the ethanol industry has been dogged by concerns about its net energy balance — whether ethanol requires more fossil fuel to make than it replaces.
Getting there requires about 6,448 gigawatts of clean energy to replace fossil fuels — or the equivalent of 295 solar factories the size of Elon Musk's SolarCity Gigafactory under construction in Buffalo, N.Y.
In those figures KA is speaking about how much Nuclear is needed to REPLACE ALL FOSSIL FUELS ENERGY USE GLOBALLY.
What's remarkable in the discussion about responses is how few people have tried to explain how we can replace 90 % of the current energy generated globally with fossil fuels with renewables.
As PV costs drop, as concerns about climate change grow, and as countries look to replace finite fossil fuels with energy sources that can never run out, the growth in solar power should continue.
And the idea that we can replace fossil fuels and nuclear with solar, wind and dams is increasingly viewed as about as credible as replacing vaccines and antibiotics with homeopathy and acupuncture.
You have ignored the point I made earlier about the massive environmental problems that would be caused if renewables were to be used on a scale that woud be necessary to completely replace fossil fuel powered stations.
Approximate cost estimates (4, 7) to replace 70 % of our fossil fuel use (including most coal) are about $ 170 to $ 200 billion per year over 30 years.
Forget about solar power, hydroelectric dams or windmills — «red herrings» in the fight to replace fossil fuels, as one researcher calls them.
If we want to limit the amount of carbon - dioxide in the atmosphere and stay below 2 °C, we'll have to replace about 80 percent of our current fossil - fuel use with carbon - free energy and then use only carbon - free energy to meet our future needs.
FACT CHECK: wind power contributes about 6 % of Ontario's electricity supply, at four times the cost of other power sources; wind power is not the «lowest - cost» option — the turbines are cheap to build but there are many other costs associated with wind power and its intermittency; wind power can not replace hydro and nuclear — the fact is, coal was replaced by nuclear and natural gas, a fossil - fuel - based power source.
Concerns about global warming, rising fossil fuel prices, and oil insecurity have prompted calls for a new energy economy, one that replaces fossil fuels with renewables.
Instead of terrifying the public with scare stories about climate change caused by CO2 emissions, why aren't governments actually doing something about it by replacing fossil - fuel power stations with nuclear ones (and crushing any protests which try to stop them)?
You know, with the dwindling supplies of fossil fuels, I may have to think about replacing lumps of coal next year.
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