Sentences with phrase «about reusable shopping bags»

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I am so adamant about this I started my own company this year called EarthSAKS and designed a line of reusable bags for shopping and lunches.
Our hope is that by seeing him at The Shops at North Bridge, Chicagoans and tourists alike will think twice about single - use plastics and take simple actions like using a reusable shopping bag at a store or carrying a refillable water bottle whenever possible.»
One, we already talked about in the last segment is kind of reducing your impact on the environment by using a reusable product versus the single use and you see that all over the place with reusable shopping bags and reusable water bottles.
Maybe it's not just about bringing a reusable shopping bag anymore; it's about being a little bit more intentional with your purchases when possible.
I agree with Smil that the rich world could lower its footprint dramatically without any real sacrifice or technological change, in fact monetary savings, and with positive externalities beyond agw, but it's hard to convince people and to ask them to think more about what they do (reusable shopping bags rather than plastic).
Of course this is not going to single handedly solve the worlds plastic bag problem, nor are we saying it is totally sustainable jewelery, (gold is also used), but this jewellery does give rise to alternative and thoughtful uses for discarded plastics.The recent backlash against plastic shopping bags in Australia has been written about here before, there are a few alternatives that have been trialled such as the potato starch bag, reusable woven bags and banning plastic bags altogether, but using plastic bags persists, which leaves the dilemma of what to do with them.
Our poor long suffering Tips Editor keeps sending me tips about some «clever» Australian reusable shopping bag concept.
We still talk about green lifestyle choices like recycling, making DIY cleaners or riding a bike - and these things are all still worth doing as a way to lessen the impact of our current system - but for the large - scale, world changing shifts we know are needed to adapt to a changing climate, it's going to take much more than reusable shopping bags.
We're using the reusable shopping totes instead of plastic bags, recycling aluminum cans, turning lights off when we leave the room, unplugging appliances we aren't using, using flourescent light bulbs and teaching our 4 year old about recycling.
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