Sentences with phrase «about right and wrong»

But I'm over the grand pronouncements about the right and wrong ways to interact.
There is a lot to know about the right and wrong way to blog.
Children who are developing more slowly may take longer than others to learn about right and wrong.
but also making judgments about right and wrong, good and bad parenting.
It seems like there are endless «rules» floating around about the right and wrong way to write a professional resume.
How about just reporting factual information and leaving us to make up our own minds about right and wrong.
Conventional ideas about right and wrong slip in priority and winning becomes so important that criminal activity and sexual impropriety become forgivable...
At a time when moralisers can not give any real meaning to classical ideas about right and wrong, they try instead to make people feel guilty about their impact on the environment.
While you go about your business, hustling to work on the train or in a car, amid the swarming crowd, politicians look down from on high, drawing lines — of national boundaries and corporate connections — making decisions about right and wrong.
Whether it's Batman's frustrated attempt to comprehend a Tardis, or confusion about right and wrong on the Yellow Brick Road, Dimensions knows how to raise a smile.
@JhawkFootball06 Fanboyism... it's not about fanboyism, it's about right and wrong.
@jayarjo, it's not about right and wrong.
Compelling and provocative, it raises many questions about right and wrong, and the human heart's capacity for love and forgiveness.
It's not about right and wrong or morals or ethics.
This war is actually about the right and wrong of consuming a book that a reader already owns.
Children with low self - esteem are particularly vulnerable to peer pressure, and might lose their perspective about right and wrong.
The quiz format is a great way to break the ice and create a lively debate about right and wrong conduct.
Later, the film takes a darker turn and deals with more serious issues such as group think and individuality, madness, and, and deep questions about right and wrong.
In another scene Ray Liotta's character gives a speech about right and wrong, basically being saddled with spelling out exactly what the film is about.
This isn't a film about good and evil, with a clear protagonist or antagonist, but rather it's a film about right and wrong.
Lets talk about the right and wrong ways to do hammer curls.
Joshua Greene is a man who spends his days thinking about right and wrong and how we separate the two.
Glover decided to ask the men seemingly simple questions, such as what they would teach a child about right and wrong.
This party is about right and wrong
«This is about right and wrong, and it's about justice.
«We learned a lot about right and wrong when we were growing up,» said her son Clifford.
These include our life of feeling (emotions, aesthetics, and social sensitivity), our willpower (the ability to get things done), and our moral nature (being clear about right and wrong).
We teach them about right and wrong by reacting to things that displease us in an authentic manner.
It gives us a chance to talk about right and wrong.
As a person strongly convicted about right and wrong, it was exceedingly difficult for me to participate in on - going practices that I knew to be inappropriate simply because what is right, hadn't been approved by all the necessary committees and department heads.
Sometimes that will mean telling them what the Bible says about right and wrong, and sometimes it will mean showing people grace and mercy.
Only moral convictions about right and wrong ensconced in manners and customary restraints can ensure a healthy culture of relations between the sexes.
What gave God a mind, free will, knowledge, certainty about right and wrong?
But such beliefs about right and wrong made no sense in her atheistic worldview where morality, if it existed, was purely subjective — something that humans had evolved for social advantage.
Only Divinity could so perfectly simplify the law so that no one could be mistaken about a right and wrong way to eternal life.
When I talk to my kids about right and wrong, I often have to dumb things down so that they understand because they don't have the experience / higher level thinking requires to reason this out on their own.
If questions about right and wrong are everyday struggles, why are we so reluctant to preach about them?
But it seems that we have often gone one step further: we justify our own confusion by being suspicious of any certainty, and we interpret the lack of easy answers to mean that any answer is as good as another, that we can not be sure about right and wrong.
In Islamic studies and other classes, though, students reported: «We are encouraged, really encouraged, to think about right and wrong and what we think is right, what we think is wrong....
In a pluralist world, what may be called moral innocence tends to be lost, that is, the innocence we have as children growing up that our own religion and the views about right and wrong we were taught are the only ones, unchallengeable and unambiguous.
Of course God doesn't want that for us, so He also warns us and tells us the truth about right and wrong.
Now this Law or Rule about Right and Wrong used to be called the Law of Nature.
If we do not exercise care, reasonable discourse about right and wrong can easily be swamped by the language of intentionality.
I want to know that he cares about right and wrong, and acts to right the wrongs.
For the great majority of Americans, moral discourse — beliefs about right and wrong, good and evil — is shaped and carried by the biblical tradition.
This is not just about Religion but about right and wrong.
When we separate questions about right and wrong from any relation to «God,» we typically end up with a moral relativism that is quite problematic.
People high on authoritarianism tend to have blind allegiance to conventional beliefs about right and wrong and have high respect for acknowledged authorities.
And to all: Whatever you think about the rights and wrongs of judicial execution — Catholics, clearly, differ about it — you ought at least lament its necessity if you wrongly think it necessary.
Click here to hear a debate between transgender woman, Jenny - Anne Bishop, and former transgender Walt Heyer about the rights and wrongs of gender - change surgery and how Christians should respond on Premier Christian Radio's Unbelievable program
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