Sentences with phrase «about self care»

We'll be talking about self care practices because its hard to focus on caring for others when you aren't taking care of yourself.
It's a lot about self care, because if you're worried or frustrated, it's going to be hard for you to focus on things around you.
This is a great question sheet about self care.
We hear about self care a lot these days, and the meaning varies from mom to mom.
So today instead of just giving you the styling scoop on my outfit, I thought I'd talk a little bit about self care.
I think this is a post about self care - giving yourself change, rest and nurturing in the way you need it.
Social workers, activists and artists have been talking about self care for decades, but sometime in the past few years it entered the mainstream consciousness.
He has to be updated with patient records and documents for teaching patients and their families about self care treatment interventions.
I wrote about self care here, and I love how Rachel agrees that self care isn't about going to a spa or getting a massage (though those are nice).
This week's Links You'll Love round - up is all about self care.
For the last few weeks on The Gottman Relationship Blog, we've been talking about self care.
This year for me is going to be about self care.
She is talking all about self care activities and what self care really means.
My first rule about self care is not feeling guilty about self care.
Body Love is about self care and it starts with your morning routine!
Plus, a big part of the cleanse is about self care.
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