Sentences with phrase «about sexual sin»

The Bible has lots to say about sexual sin because all of it has huge repercussions, usually on the weaker ones — women and children.
I guess I always read the 1 Corinthians 5 passage to be about the sexual sin, and not about the abuse (a man has his father's wife).

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He's pleased that more Christians are openly talking about pornography and sex addiction, but Laaser says he's concerned that some Christian leaders and therapists are confusing sexual sin with sex addiction.
Yes, Christ can take away the weight of sexual sin, but we must talk about it and find accountability.
Certain of Calvin's tropes for sin, most notably his descriptions of the defiling and polluting power of sin, feed gender stereotypes about sexual purity that unfairly blame and shame women's bodies as the source of sin.
i committed a sexual sin and other sin i forget about.
Fishon — My point about Jesus not judging sexual sin was that I don't see him taking the judgmental approach the church takes toward it.
Virtually all attitudes about sexual and family ethics are related to the belief that the passions of the flesh are the source of sin.
Our lord on Homosexuality In response to an item last month about the very bad argument that homosexuality must be OK because Jesus didn't say anything about it, our friend Gerry McDermott notes that Jesus did give his teaching on the matter, «albeit implicitly, when he condemned porneia (sexual sin) in Mark 7 as evil.
It's about the Christian kid who lies awake each night pleading with God to «cure» him of his sexual orientation because his youth pastor denounced homosexuality as a sin requiring repentance.
And the same should go for anyone who says they are saved if they are sinning and letting everyone know it, which includes all sexual immorality, including having sex before a couple is married, drunkards, slanderers, gossips, thieves, swindlers, idolators, adulterers, and men who have sex with other men, etc... So ultimately, many Jesus followers accept certain sin of all types because they care more about what the world thinks, than what God thinks.
Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Roy Moore, Louis C.K., Al Franken, and plenty of men who aren't famous enough for me to recognize their names in the articles announcing their transgressions: Over the last month, as women and men have come forward to speak about sexual harassment and assault, their separate portraits of their abusers have added up to a pointillist portrait of sexual sin.
The fourth tip for sex in marriage is to avoid thinking about any past sexual sins that might have developed.
Dirty Weekend wants to say something new about the mystery of sexual attraction, but at this point, Neil LaBute seems to have the same level of insight into sex and relationships as Sin City creator Frank Miller does into violence and criminality.
The Bible is clear about the dangers of sexual sin yet all throughout history people have had marital affairs.
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