Sentences with phrase «about sleepovers»

Aw loved that they were excited about sleepovers!
We talked about the baby and made a big deal about the sleepover at her grandma's house when the baby came, but other than that, we didn't try to place any emphasis on how much our lives would change.
Like, the thing about a sleepover is everyone has to suffer from sleeping on the floor with a foam decorative pillow from the couch.
Feuerbacher added, «One of the best things about the sleepover program is that it is fairly implementable at any shelter.
Ask us about our Sleepover Club to earn a free night of boarding.

Not exact matches

Tara and Troy Livesay were among the highlights of my trip (my only regret being that I couldn't stay for a sleepover so we could finish about two dozen conversations).
Now that they are in school it's all clicking by too fast and we're talking about middle school and sleepovers, Star Wars movies and Percy Jackson books, baseball and Minecraft.
When I reminisce about my birthdays growing up, I always think of the sleepover parties I had in elementary school.
When our oldest daughter was about 10 she called home on Saturday morning, from a sleepover, to ask her dad how to make it.
P.S. Writing that first paragraph about Cheez Whiz and Velveeta brought back all sorts of memories of grade school sleepovers.
Connor Murphy, who is in Ann Arbor this weekend on an official visit, talked with Sports360AZ about the recent sleepover with Jim Harbaugh.
Connor Murphy, who is in Ann Arbor this weekend on an official visit, talked with Sports360AZ about the recent sleepover with...
A friend divulged her confusion about some same - sex experimentation that had gone on at a childhood sleepover.
Once a child gets your permission, it is your job to have the discussion with the friend's parents about having the sleepover.
Or, allow your tween to invite 10 of her closest friends over for a sleepover to celebrate their graduation and chat about what high school is going to be like.
They avoid sleepovers and camping trips and feel crummy about themselves.
We shared our experience and stories about raising our son, Morgan, and the various challenges and opportunities we had to empower him as a self - advocate through his tween years of school, campouts, overnight field trips and sleepovers.
Sleepovers are always required for the younger kids and the best part is that they don't even have to worry about buying the new costume for this idea.
Read about strategies for managing bed - wetting at sleepovers and bed - wetting at camp.
Cliché middleschool sleepovers with my best friends are one of my all - time loves, there's something fun about getting n - o sleep.
That's what sleepovers are all about, right?
There's something oddly charming about the film's dogged, goofy attempt to earnestly write the rules of a franchise that will clearly be haunting cinemas, or sleepovers, for years to come.
Most of what I love about the book was beautifully realized, and the movie is sure to be a middle school sleepover perennial and a family favorite for generations.
Lipstick & Dynamite: The First Ladies of Wrestling Look Both Ways Man About Town Manuscripts Don't Burn Meditate and Destroy Mistress Mr. X Music from the Big House Nollywood Babylon Offspring Primitive London Princess Kaiulani Pumpkinhead Red Garters River's Edge Sacred Flesh Sacrifice Schoolgirl Hitchhikers Sleepover Successive Slidings of Pleasure Switchback The Black Stallion The Bloodsucker Leads the Dance The Cove The Cup The Dark Half The Fairy The Giants The Golden Child The Hills Have Eyes 2 The Last Godfather The New Public The Object of Beauty The Rage — Carrie 2 The Revisionaries The Search for One Eyed Jimmy The Sinful Nuns of Saint Valentine The Workshop This Ain't No Mouse Music Truth in Numbers?
It Follows is from the American director David Robert Mitchell, whose 2010 debut movie, The Myth of the American Sleepover, was a gentle, unthreatening drama about teens and platonic crushes.
Year after year, the kids and parents tell me that the Grade - Six Sleepover is the one thing they remember about their grade - six year.
Rabbit and Robot disagree about everything on Rabbit's «To Do» list at their sleepover, including Robot's insistence for pizza toppings of nuts, bolts, and screws.
Your children will want to entertain friends (including the sleepover kind) and you better talk about how you feel about that, and how you'll do it, so you don't end up hating each other.
Anyhow he came for a «sleepover» and never left (I'm glad about that).
Potential adopters who are on the fence about a particular dog or cat are invited to take him or her for a sleepover (up to three nights for dogs and seven days for cats).
I'm not one to talk at length about restaurants, but from the candle in the wine bottle, the wooden beams, cushioned chairs and terrace like a trendy glamping sleepover, it was the perfect place to slap in the middle of the beauty we had already got a taste of.
Others — the sleepover crew, mostly — probably do care about the score but see it as just a bit of fun, rather than an Overwatch session.
Most of what I hear is that when you talk about Goldeneye, you talk about that one sleepover where your friends little brother killed you with the such and such, and when you talk about Metal Gear you talk about the first time you changed the controller to beat Psycho Mantis.
Children often worry about wetting the bed at school camps or sleepovers and may try to avoid going.
If your child is still very anxious about wetting the bed at camp or a sleepover, talk to your doctor to see if medication may help them while away from home.
I don't know how to talk to him about this and can hardly ban sleepovers now that a precedent has been set.
Someone always forgets theirs or if it's an unexpected sleepover due to a storm, they don't have to worry about it.
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