Sentences with phrase «about specific skills»

LACEFT makes no claims about the specific skills of any therapists listed here or their abilities to work with any specific individual or couple.
They learned how to write a few more sentences about specific skills that are needed for the position.
Based on this information, talk about the specific skills you have in sync with company expectations.
When you create an elevator pitch, you're telling your prospective employer how you can benefit their company, why you're interested in working with them and about your specific skills and talents.
As you list your previous work experience, think about the specific skills you learned from each position.
Besides general skills, one needs to write about specific skills and technical knowledge required to offer consultancy services like knowledge of various software and hardware applications for IT consultants, financial and business trends for business consultants and so on.
Administrative position interview questions will often ask about the specific skills you have that qualify you for the job as well as your less quantifiable people skills.
In this section, you can write about your specific skills or competencies.
«Rather than focusing on your personal desires, talk about specific skills and experiences you have and what they will bring to the organization,» says Schmitz.
Ask them about specific skills.
The Federation of Law Societies clearly recognizes this as indicated by its specifications around the ethics course and by the fact that in the survey cited by Hamilton they asked the new graduates about specific skills within the area of ethics such as screening for conflicts and in relation to managing trust accounts.
Leaders participated in these literacy - focused trainings so they could learn about the specific skills and strategies that support student learning within this content area.
Ratliff, a Los Angeles school board candidate who was recently elected to the union's House of Representatives, said she frequently reviews raw test scores for concrete information about specific skills her students are struggling with, such as grammar or reading comprehension.
In the absence of data about specific skills on which their students lagged, teachers were at a loss.
Make your volunteer time in the classroom effective by asking about specific skills the teacher is covering and finding out which of those skills are causing students the most difficulty.
Test results are reported according to four achievement levels: standard not met, standard nearly met, standard met and standard exceeded, with additional information about specific skill areas addressed by the assessment.
Instead use this space for more valuable information about your specific skill set.
It provides information about the specific skill sets along with career goals.
If a potential employer is planning on calling your references and asking about a specific skill set or qualification; then talk with your reference about that.

Not exact matches

Specific questions like these, in addition to assessing candidates» skills, combat resume fraud — it's pretty difficult to lie about sales margins and inventory turns.
Yet, adoptive parents, while thoroughly scrutinized by adopting agencies, are often given little information about their adopted child, in terms of family history or specific parenting skills that will help their adopted children develop strong emotional attachments.
Asking questions about the specific procedure is one of the best ways to feel comfortable with the plastic surgeons skills and abilities.
In addition to learning specific relationship skills and practical information & ideas about effective parenting and co-parenting, the incarcerated fathers in this program are provided with positive role - models, motivational concepts, and discussion points through our innovative use of digital video storytelling called Virtual Visitors.
The time it takes for kids to achieve specific skills can vary widely, but if you're concerned about your child's development, talk to your doctor.
The studies tested interventions such as training GPs in specific communication skills to establish patients» concerns and beliefs about the need for antibiotics, their harms and benefits, and to agree a management plan with patients.
Neuroscientists have long wondered why the brain has a region exclusively dedicated to reading — a skill that is unique to humans and only developed about 5,400 years ago, which is not enough time for evolution to have reshaped the brain for that specific task.
Shaw and her colleagues briefly captured and banded 20 adult birds, which they trained to carry out six different tests to measure various skills thought to be linked to specific types of animal cognition (defined as the ability to acquire, process, and act on information about the environment).
But although most people acknowledge that young scientists need to learn more during their training than the highly specific expertise acquired during their PhD studies, there is a widespread uncertainty about what those additional skills should be — and, more importantly, how young scientists might acquire them.
Exposure to business ideas gives trainees specific skills for starting and running a lab, says Gould, but also gives them more confidence and a greater sense of purpose about their work.
Success in the job search requires postdocs to have three kinds of knowledge, many speakers emphasized: a general orientation to the fields suitable to their interests and abilities, specific information about particular job openings, and the «soft skills» (including networking, writing resumes, and interviewing) needed to locate, apply for, and land jobs... and also to do well at them, once hired.
Intensive training programs like the one Heil attended can be great ways for early - career scientists to learn about nontraditional approaches to conducting science, hone specific research skills, get a crash course in a new field, explore interdisciplinary research, or use focused time to make headway in their work.
It enables rank - and - file scientists — just about anyone with a modern laboratory and the right skills — to alter specific genes within plants and animals and make those changes heritable.
Instead, think about seeking a mentor to help fill a specific gap in skills or professional persona.
Today, Jennifer travels the world to share what she learned about the importance of maintaining a positive attitude, creating specific goals, and developing strong relationship skills.
There are numerous reasons why singles are engaging dating coaches that are in addition to improving social skills, for example: Some men prefer to date foreign women and learning about a specific culture is where a dating coach can help.
Say what you will about the ridiculousness of the story, but the screenplay does a great job of matching up specific actors (and stuntmen) with complementary skills to maximize the «fun» factor.
Keep in mind that it's not about learning as many skills as possible, but mastering a specific group of skills that will actually benefit them in the real world.
Brain Games also give teachers specific language to use when talking with students about these skills (referred to as «Brain Powers»), including questions that will encourage metacognition and improve children's internalization and transfer of skills.
System - generated interventions can be anything from a simple dashboard alert about a student's risk of failure to assigning struggling students specific actions to hone their skills.
Meaningful progress depends on informed modesty about the likely returns on current efforts; greater specificity and more emphasis on context in the curricula and school - level approaches to teaching soft skills; and the development and use of practical assessments that are closely aligned with a specific framework for teaching and learning.
By sending home detailed data reports that focus on a specific skill, Humboldt opens a two - way line of communication with parents about their child's learning.
While we know that a balance is important, that young people want to be supported and that they want to feel connected to their school and to their teacher, there's much more that needs to be understood about this and we can do this both through administering questionnaires but probably better yet actually talking to teachers and young people and asking them specifically, in specific schools, in specific neighbourhoods: «What would make for a better relationship and a better environment where you would want to spend time, learn and also learn some good, positive behaviour skills
Educators need specific skills to participate in meaningful discussion about curriculum and instruction, make decisions about resources, and recognize when change is happening (and when it isn't).
By sending home detailed data reports that focus on a specific skill, one elementary achool opens a two - way line of communication with parents about their children's learning.
Designed with practical application in mind — this is really important, as onboarding is all about getting your new starter competent in specific skills and processes.
Yet far too little is known about how districts go about identifying talent, enlisting the best candidates for the job, and matching their distinctive skills and capabilities to the needs of specific schools.
Letter writing is an academic skill — requiring students to focus on a specific purpose and an authentic audience — but it's also a perfect opportunity to get students thinking about who and what they should be thankful for.
Be as specific as possible when replying, and tell them about the duties, responsibilities, and skills that relate to the position.
To make accurate decisions about the quality of teaching and the impact of school programs, Willett and Singer urge policymakers to examine not what different classes of children know at each grade level, but how the knowledge and skills of specific groups change over time.
«The trouble is that by not requiring knowledge of any specific book or facts, reading tests have contributed to the false impression that reading is mainly about having skills such as being able to summarize, and not about background knowledge,» noted Lousiana's state superintendent of education, John White.
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