Sentences with phrase «about stasis»

In other words, one might be seeing art about stasis or motion — and about nothing or about itself.
Every new religion starts out all about change and most end up being all about stasis.

Not exact matches

Or how about using your «stasis» rune to freeze an enemy's weapon?
And we've got ta be careful about this one because, you know, there are some who want to regulate absolutely everything, which is a recipe for stasis or disaster: you end competition, you lose diversity in the financial system, you lose all the benefits of a parallel system.
Know that things change... it isn't even making a judgement about «for the better»... just that life changes, feeling «stuck» or in stasis or numb or unable to move... it won't last forever, and when the time comes change will help you to move from where you are now.
He had a point; and if we then ask about the «progress» from Grant to Nixon, we would have to acknowledge something like stasis in our political morality.
But arrested thought no longer is transitive; there is no transition about it at all, only stasis.
the bizarre thing about the athiest / naturalistic stance on natural selection / purely random genetic mutation, allopatric speciation and stasis / rapid change is that there is simply no harmony there..
In fact, what is killing the Consti.tution today (and this is somewhat ironic if you think about it) is that politically we are paralyzed to make amendments to it any longer, so it stays in a stasis until it starts to get irrelevant.
This is about Brown's ego and a whimsical an irrational urge on the part of scientists, who have painted themselves into a corner prematurely, for climate stasis.
And while you can admire, in theory, a movie about that kind of stasisabout a real - life situation in which things are bad and can only, maybe, get ever - so - slightly better — in actual practice, this is a film as depressed as its characters.
Movies about emotional stasis are rare despite it being a rather universal experience.
«Ever since his 1984 breakthrough Stranger Than Paradise, Jim Jarmusch has been finding transcendence in stasis and Paterson is nothing if not a movie about the wonders of routine.
Not faring much better is Leonardo DiCaprio, whose «always the nominee, never the winner» stasis — admittedly a sexier narrative — still needs about 10 more years of ripening before voters begin to sympathize.
... Outsiders, observing that U.S. schools have remained about the same despite revolutions in technology and economic life, conclude that education stasis is due to the lack of new ideas.
Talking to your veterinarian about a healthy diet can help to reduce the risk of gut stasis.
There's something about a spaceship and people in stasis and some nonsense about VR headsets, and then suddenly you're playing a strange puzzle game obsessed with buttons.
It's also a game about tiny ecologies: places that have a sort of stasis of their own, most of which have been thrown ever so slightly out of balance, and it's up to you to correct that balance just through the act of moving and exploring and touching.
You have unlimited health, ammo, and stasis so you don't have to worry about any of that.
I do wish the story were fleshed out a little more though; we don't learn much about why Kick was in a sleep stasis, nor do we find out much about Fennick's origins either.
It has become the element that I enjoyed most about the development, but I was certain that STASIS would need a professional on - board to help with, so I could focus on the rest.
Instead, it asks hard questions about the distinction between art and life, stasis and migration, the seen and unseen.
Yesterday, as the artist talked about his work he peppered his conversation with words like weight, cantilever, stasis, balance, placement and gravitational lode.
But of course there could be another reading, which is both about overcoming stasis and subverting authority.
Yesterday, to explore the stasis in negotiations, I had a Skype text chat about the disconnect between countries focused on whale hunting and whale protection with David Rothenberg, a friend and neighbor who is a professor of philosophy and music at the New Jersey Institute of Technology and author of «Thousand Mile Song» — a book about whale communication.
Ever notice that whenever temperatures are in stasis or dropping there is a rush to find errors and make adjustments or blabber on about «noise» in a meaningless manner.
But GHE is such a misnomer to me, IMHO it is roughly the local radiative resonance that keeps the air about any point in the atmosphere in radiative and LTE stasis (equipartition across the available degrees of freedom) and therefore maintains maximum warmth and it is performed mainly by GHGs radiation and to a smaller degree, conduction.
The one consistent thing about the Left is its worship of stasis.
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