Sentences with phrase «about stressful days»

Yes, according to Cosmo, by sharing so much about the stressful day he just had, the man is actually revealing that he's cheating on his partner (probably

Not exact matches

Stress happens before, during, and after these decisions — and I haven't even mentioned the fact that we make hundreds of small (but stressful) decisions each day — even about lunch.
And who isn't tired of hearing about all my stressful days leading up to the trip?
It's really hard for some people to come home after work, get down on the floor, and play with their kids or just talk to them about their day — especially if they've had a stressful day themselves.
* Think about what's really going on with you (sometimes we're just having a stressful day and take it out on those we love most) * Am I hungry?
My LO is seven weeks and I'm still supplementing with about 4 oz of formula a day (sometimes more if I can't keep up with pumping), but it has made everything so much less stressful than me trying to nurse a baby that didn't want to nurse.
Ask parents to think about certain times of day that they find the most stressful or chaotic.
Pressed about the incident after the debate earlier this month, Grimm said that he apologized to the reporter and that he made a mistake after a stressful day in Congress.
We also know that when Schneiderman finishes up another stressful day at the AG's office, he likes to kick his feet up and unwind with a nice historical drama film — preferably about WW II.
The «Let's Get Serious» HR Interview: One of the biggest shocks of interview day will come when, at the end of a stressful but successful day — just as you're starting to think about how good that beer is going to taste — you find yourself back in HR for a «let's get serious» discussion about what it would take to hire you.
And then around day eight I'd get this email, «I'm crying as I write this to you...» They'd tell me about how a stressful day at work or a fight with their boyfriend knocked them off their new, healthy path and sent them straight back to the tub of Ben & Jerry's.
A client came into session the other day telling me about her stressful week.
Hey Mike, I am in college right now, and I find it very stressful trying to keep up with my bulking numbers and thinking about what to cook and how I am going to organize that into my already very busy day.
Leave your house every day 30.11.2017 Healthy lifestyle - longer life with less disability towards the end 03.11.2017 1998: walk a couple of kilometres a day and halve your chance of dying 13.10.2017 Longevity strategy: keep up your DHEA, testosterone and IGF - 1 levels 02.08.2017 The anti-aging effect of a simple relaxation exercise 01.08.2017 Eat a handful of nuts every day and you'll live almost two years longer 22.07.2017 Coffee is healthy, but not caffeine 15.07.2017 Live two years longer with extra vitamin E 14.07.2017 Potassium rich diet protects against stroke and reduces mortality risk 11.07.2017 Meta - analysis: you can reduce your mortality risk by a factor of 5 through your diet 07.07.2017 Subjective age says more about chance of serious illness than objective age 28.04.2017 Animal study: half cup of green tea daily is life extending 15.04.2017 Delay aging without strict diet: supplement with ketones 05.04.2017 The gene that gets you to 100 and still healthy reacts to diet 04.04.2017 Conflictive and stressful relationships are fatal 30.03.2017 Slow reactions?
Instead of grabbing a quick snack on your way out the door or eating just to calm down at the end of a stressful day, isn't it about time you let yourself truly appreciate a satisfying, nourishing meal?
At the end of a stressful day it's important to treat yourself to a coffee, for example, without being tempted to think about the places you should be or the things you should be doing.
Effective Coverage works with apartment communities nationwide to simplify this process, because we know that moving day is stressful enough without having to worry about producing yet another piece of paper before you get your keys.
The need for short term finance can be stressful and unpleasant, leading to days, nights and weeks of worries about how you'll meet the required payments.
Who hasn't thought about resigning after a stressful day at work?
Wake up, eat breakfast, dive, morning tea, dive, lunch, sleep, dive, afternoon tea, enjoy a beer with another beautiful sunset, dinner, some small talk about the days diving, and sleep again... very stressful.
This episode I talk to Dr. Emily Collins about how video games can be used to recover from a stressful day.
There's just something about the simple, but fun gameplay and the soothing music that makes it a great game to unwind with after a stressful or busy day.
Effective Coverage works with apartment communities nationwide to simplify this process, because we know that moving day is stressful enough without having to worry about producing yet another piece of paper before you get your keys.
So, unfortunately, when we come home after a stressful day at work, we're primed to attack the person we care about the most.
If you find yourself without people to share Christmas Day with, or perhaps spending it with relatives is just a tad too stressful, how about considering volunteering?
Whenever our family has an especially long, stressful, tiring day — the kind of day where nothing goes right and we're all about to tear each others» heads off — my seven year old will, without fail, ask to «play a family game.»
For example, after a stressful day at work, your partner may seem uninterested or angry while communicating with you about other subjects.
It makes one less thing to worry about on a stressful day.
After an extremely stressful day, I expressed some very negative opinions about the company in general and my manager in particular.
You made a great point about how hiring professional movers can make moving day less stressful and even safer for my family.
I don't know about you, but sometimes at the end of a super busy or stressful day I wonder where I will find the energy to cook a homemade dinner.
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