Sentences with phrase «about such a pointed»

The government of the day did nothing about such a pointed allegation.
You will easily learn about such points and avoid them for you to make your dating adventure run smoothly after you decide to ask the questions and hear the tone of whenever you are talking to.

Not exact matches

Key points about your background, experience, and achievements may go on one page, questions for the interview on another... but then place those notes in such a way that you won't be heard shuffling through papers.
The same pharmacies, he points out, have no qualms about carrying highly addictive painkillers such as oxycodone.
To think about what «Breaking Bad» would have been like without him is almost impossible, as he was such a key point in Gus Fring's criminal organization, as well as a perfect foil for Odenkirk's Goodman to bounce his humor off of.
McKinsey further pointed out that such moves helped senior leaders avoid the typical pitfalls that inhibit success, most notably the perception gap pitfall between the top and the rest of the organization about what's really going on day - to - day, and the pitfall of over-planning.
In Japan you can point certain Sony Ericsson or DoCoMo cell phones at a building, and they will display information about what's inside it, such as directions to a third - floor office or a menu for the rooftop restaurant.
One team created a takeoff on Reader's Digest, teaching about customer service under such familiar headings as «Laughter, the Best Medicine» and «Points to Ponder.»
The reason for such a broad range all has to do with financing, which includes rates, terms, buying points, etc., so find a good lender who can explain all your options, and continue to educate yourself more about the process on our mortgage page and other helpful housing and financial sites.
Blippar allows a user to point their phone camera at something such as a coffee mug or plant, and get detailed information about it.
Companies such as Verizon are known to bundle Internet, cable and landlines, but AT&T is moving to become the first to combine cellular with other services — a fact that the wireless behemoth was not shy about pointing out in its announcement.
But if the nation reaches a point where Mike Pence is whispering about unborn babies in Donald Trump's ear — or about how Mulan proves that women shouldn't serve in the military — it won't be such a laughing matter.
Those worried about potential security threats posed by Chinese investments in sensitive areas (such as high - tech, communications, and energy) point to Beijing's declared strategy of «going out» to gain technology and resource security as grounds for scrutinizing Chinese investments.
Swift, the subject of the magazine's latest cover story, admitted coming to a revelation about Spotify that she simply «didn't like the way it felt» having her music so readily available at such a low price point.
Such activities have been shown to lower functional IQ by 10 points — which is, by some measures, about twice the impact of smoking marijuana.
Use your summaries to create financial reports that will tell you specific information about your business, such as how much monthly profit you're making or how much your business is worth at a specific point in time.
You may wish to do some clean up then as sites such as Bloomberg Business news are pointing directly at your current website and business activities in stories about the bankruptcy filing: This is what leads people to believe that the current company filed.
The broad points are sound, but I didn't get a conclusion to warn you of an impending recession any more than I did from the Times article, but thought it coincidental that many are talking about a recession but NOT associating such talk to the stock market's action in the last month.
IDRs contain key data points that are central to Glass Lewis corporate governance analysis, such as information about a company's board of directors, including board composition, governing documents, independent public auditor, compensation practices, summary compensation data and equity plans.
I've stopped talking about this as much publicly because it's such a heated, emotional topic where the points - of - view are strictly subjective and for which the answers will only be revealed in the future.
PICTURED ABOVE AND BELOW: The City of Seattle is averaging about 750 new townhome and single - family home sales per year, but is witness to a diminishing number of sales at price points below $ 750,000, with no such new home sales occuring in 2018 below $ 500,000 — not surprisingly, the median home prices are rising.
Buyer personas are fictional representations of your actual, paying customers, created based on the data you have about them — such as their job title, budget, buying motivation, challenges, company size, age, pain points, education level, buying concerns, etc..
To be sincere with you, I find such answers ridiculous and whenever I hear such answers; I instantly fire back with my own reply thereby forcing the aspiring entrepreneur to have a rethink about his / her own point of view.
Einar, I didn't realize that the WR pulled their policies off their website, but that fits with the point you're making about «principles» (such as transparency) meaning something different to the Wildrose than the rest of us.
The initial thought that comes to mind about funding usually points to avenues such as bank loans and venture capitalists.
Individuals living in Japan, the United States, or Germany don't worry about rampant inflation, a national infrastructure that is at the point of collapse, or the availability of basic necessities, such as food and medicine.
When I have conversations with my kids (or anyone) about such things as sex, abuse, basic decisions... I try to approach it from a «pro-con» point of view.
If you really go down the list looking at every word and the heart behind it in light of scripture and in the light of the law of the Spirit of life you'll find major discrepancies and see how carnal, worldly and unbiblical those points of views really are... I'm concerned about the heart behind such views because it isn't one of a disciple (one who emulates their rabbi and is possessed by the «Holy» Spirit of God).
Ironicus, you can consider me a friend up to the point when you start infringing on MY rights to perform my duties, and begin attempting to express your opinion about a subject on which you are not well - educated in such a way as to pretend you have authority in that arena.
At such a critical point in a persons's life I would hope that there would be some discussion about whether their soul is right with God before they die.
Jimmyc, While you make a point, let me reply that mainstream muslims such as me, my family and just about everybody i knew growing up are in the majority in numbers, there are a couple of (sad) factors that let the extremists hijack our religion 1.
«If the Church is ever mentioned» in such debates, he pointed out, «it is in the gratitude expressed that we have not attempted to «appease» the Church or the Church hierarchy, or else in the (unintentionally) patronizing allusion to those who care about the University's relationship to the Church as implicitly conceiving the University along the lines of a seminary.»
However, the point simply is Paul is warning them about certain actions they are either committing or they see in society around them being committed — to avoid such actions as a person of the Spirit... so obviously with the Spirit they could still make common mistakes.
But such a suggestion only returns to the previous point about the general illumination that theism needs to provide to render itself plausible in our day (GPE 272).
In such circumstances one needed an ideal — a point from which to begin and on the basis of which to think about the world.
In 1864, Louis Pasteur proved that point in one case, showing that spontaneous generation (that life could originate from nonliving matter, also called abiogenesis), though accepted by some in the scientific community (such as Belgian chemist Jan Baptist van Helmont about 200 years earlier, who also believed that the basic elements of the universe was just air and water), was untrue.
I continue to learn about important distinctions between sociopathology and narcissism, and other such points relevant to expanding our understanding of the dynamics of abuse.
That's one of the things I was pointing out to someone who read a book on necromancy (long island medium) and was totally sold on everything the author wrote and was now at «peace» from reading about the endless cycles of death — i.e. soul coming back as such... dying then coming back again as another.
Heck, maybe Bill has been reading my blog, because some of the points he makes I have made on this blog (Such as this point about a Pastor Leaving no Tip).
Her second point was that teenagers are already talking about this, so it is easy for Christians to engage with when we've got such an appealing alternative: «If the church wants to be connecting with young people, we need to be hearing what their concerns are and this has been subject young people have been really willing to open up about
Statistical studies of the frequency of sexual abuse of minors in the general population as well as statistics about abuse among other groups such as public school teachers lend support to MacRae's point.
I do hear your points that you think I have not seen the need for warning of danger, that you believe I think of it as «unChristian» to talk about such things, and that you may even believe that my comments are akin to protecting evil deeds and harming the innocent, using the bible as a proof texting weapon to that end and contributing to a problem of church becoming fake and shallow while claiming to be deep and pious.
He intelligently applies such truisms to various marketing and public policy issues, but they are in service to his larger point: forget the formation of character and persuading people about whether something is true» the way to get things done is to condition behavior.
Wow, you are such a parody of what this article is about, Even finished with a biblical verse, which doesn't actually have many objective interpretations, so you conveniently use the interpretation that best suits your point.
Powerful lobbies such as the Pro Israel lobby, American Atheists and many others pay top dollar to have shills come to these forums, spread their agenda and copy whatever info they can get about the people who disagree with their point of view.
My comment about a theocracy was making the point that America was not set up as such but that a country which lived to love and honor God would be-Awesome!
All verses like this and Matthew 5:28 (where Jesus talks about adultery in a similarly harsh manner, are meant to do is point us straight to verses of Paul's such as Romans 3:23 and Ephesians 2:8 - 9: it's the evidence Jesus provides that, no matter what, even if we never murder a single person or in any way commit adultery, we're nothing without Him... and, oh, yeah, it's the meter that shows us who we are and why we need Him, and only Him (John 14:6), to get to heaven.
I don't know many Christians to begin with, as they always start spouting off about how everyone else is going to hell because they haven't accepted Jesus in His name or some such nonsense, even when I point out that the word «God» is said in different names due to different languages.
That distinction is a half - truth at best, and it misses two important points: the widespread reading of such books not only tells us something important about the overall religious temper of our times; it may also give us a clue to one possible theological expression of the future.
Evolutionists can harp all they want about creationism, but until they can actually do more than point to bird beaks and peppered moths and such as evidence all the skeptics are not going to go away.
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