Sentences with phrase «about such issues»

How do they make decisions about such issues as commerce and agriculture when they've never owned a business or worked on a farm?
However, as I discussed last month, sometimes people only care about such issues when it starts to affect them.
They would rather talk and debate about such issues rather than actually help.
Employers need to have open discussions with employees of different religions about such issues, and stay on the correct side of our discrimination laws.
Or should pastors say nothing publicly about such issues because they are strictly political?
[The subject is] all about the questions about such issues.
If nothing else, even a simple introduction of such issues would be valuable because it could plant the seeds for concern about such issues.
Nobody could ever claim that talking to parents about such issues is easy.
Doctors can assist and encourage a pregnant woman about such issues, offering help with stress management instead of using cigarettes.
Much was said about such issues as competency - based education, distance education, accountability, supporting students outside the classroom, and consumer protection.
His final paragraph argues that journalists and readers should become more scientific when they weigh information about such issues.
Either way, a brief note about such issues would probably be more appreciated than this silence, so that users won't have to second guess every single Android update.
Don't be hesitant to have a conversation with your spouse about such issues.
It's always nice to hear what other moms think about such issues.
We have yet to hear from the department's ministers any indication that they seriously care about such issues, let alone that they are developing policies to address them.
They would rather talk and debate about such issues than actually help.
My GP doesn't seem knowledgeable about such issues, even though the lab has flagged many problems with my blood work related to folate, B12 etc..
Still, stock pickers anxious about such issues can pay extra for safety.
Alison Green, author of the Ask a Manager blog, says she receives «a startling number» of questions and complaints about such issues, including workers who have their sandwich stolen daily and people dealing with a lunch thief who happens to be their boss.
We have learned a great deal of these leading executives and family members about such issues as Sustainability, Human Capital, Reporting, Security, and the use of Strategic Outsourcing for such services as the External CIO, Client Reporting, Concierge Medicine, Travel, and Household Staffing, among others.
Someone who has already BOTHERED to think about such issues BEFORE he sets foot in the White House.
The faculty - lounge types know they can rant and rave till the cows come home about such issues because the targets of their trumped - up ire (the United States and Christians) present no retaliatory peril.
The New York Times contends that today's students are apathetic about such issues, but apathy wasn't what I saw.
But nowadays, to talk openly about such issues is hardly permitted in polite society.»
Whilst it's possible Hodgson was merely seeking to be upfront about such an issue, by explicitly referencing Sterling's claims of feeling tired he exacerbated what should've been a relatively straightforward issue.
I encourage parents and any other adult to feel free to talk about such issues since kids watch television a lot and might be influenced by what they watch as some movies may contain contents related to drugs.
Writing for CapX, Montgomerie says he has been speaking to various MPs, commentators and pollsters about such issues over the last month and he concludes:
A thoughtful, emotive, occasionally macabre comedy - drama about such issues as life, death, knowing when to hold on and knowing when to let go.
The creators of this movie couldn't care less about such issues, merely utilizing these concepts for the purpose of creating a high - octane action vehicle to traverse some very familiar chase / thriller pathways leading to a suspenseful, nail - biting finale.
Written and directed by Maggie Carey, the film can easily be compared to American Pie or Super Bad, but from the female perspective and set in 1993, an interesting choice considering much of the language or concepts discussed are significantly more recent than 20 years ago, but let's not quibble about such issues.
often assume that our online students know more than they actually do about such issues as online etiquette and communication.
Morales said that the restructuring lacks important details about such issues as teacher training and that it appears to be driven by budget shortfalls.
Because gifted individuals feel passionate about such issues, they can feel hopeless when others appear to be unconcerned about oppression, war, poverty and homelessness.
His oeuvre frequently calls into question many widely - held attitudes about such issues and much else — the importance of stylistic consistency, the «natural» evolution of individual artistic sensibility, the spontaneity of creativity and the relationship of technological means and mass - media imagery to traditional studio methods and formats.
They can certainly speak about such issues, but it would be inappropriate and premature for them to offer an opinion on what would go into a working group report or what the I.P.C.C. plans to do.
Norway is in a good position as are other smaller Scandinavian countries to not have to worry about such issues with so many rewable sources but their economy may falter due to a drop in oil exports.
The Canadian Bar Association («CBA») suggests talking to colleagues in one's own firm about such issues.
The Vancouver board has added a special meeting about such issues as accountability and MLS to its AGM this month, in response to a petition that garnered more than 700 votes.
Since there's no one to adjudicate between you and your tenant, and you hold the position of power, you should be diligent about such issues as noise control.
Ed Miliband had a go as radio host, and has now turned his hand to being a quizmaster, asking about such issues as the price of a sausage roll in a bakery.
Since they haven't been resolved, Google now faces a class action lawsuit that alleges the company knew about such issues and sold the phone regardless.
While the data answer many questions about such issues as Neanderthal language capacity and the genes they passed onto humans through interbreeding, we're still a long way from being able to resurrect one.
Some may wonder why a climatologist is conversant with or knowledgeable about such issues.
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