Sentences with phrase «about such topics»

Teachers eagerly soak in what the students have to share about such topics as technology use, technology engagement, and project - based learning.
I would like to know more about such topics and hope to get some more helpful information from your blog.
Forget about such topics as gay rights or abortion debate.
GOP group formed to promote women Arizona Republic - Phoenix, Arizona, USA Leah Landrum - Taylor said lawmakers were not talking about such topics as the quandary faced by grandparents raising their grandchildren when she took office...
If you were to talk about such a topic in the olden days out in the open then we can assure you that you would have been out casted.
Constituent companies are chosen based on their score on two sets of measures: a quantitative assessment consisting of their return on equity, balance sheet accruals ratio and financial leverage ratio; and a qualitative score derived from management's responses to a survey about such topics as corporate governance, risk and crisis management, customer relationships and tax strategies.
He wrote that while «from the beginning, the church has structure, authority, and accountability» (p. 376), Luke says very little about such topics (p. 387).
If we are not satisfied with what our current practice, science, and philosophy have to say about such a topic as space and place, can we propose an alternative that is more general, more coherent, more potentially effective in practice?
Just the fact that this article can get over three thousand people arguing about such a topic is amazing enough, especially when everyone knows he was really an ancient alien... so he is green.
Our Nevada fertility center also hosts special events at our state - of - the - art facilities that provide in - depth information about such topics as fertility preservation, becoming an egg donor, becoming a surrogate, and third - party reproduction using donated eggs, donor sperm or surrogacy.
Such understanding is a key to science literacy, she said, and the ability to do critical thinking about such topics as cloning, genetic engineering and environmental degradation.
More specifically, Evita explains why there is so much misinformation about such topics in our society and how we can tackle this in a discerning manner to best help ourselves.
As the third chapter in a real - time trilogy about two people in love, Before Midnight has a unique position to explore a relationship between a couple beyond the limitations of many other films about such a topic.
On October 2, Fox will be releasing a special Blu - ray with tales from cast members about such topics as André the Giant snoozing in hotel lobbies.
REVIEW: Students and teachers will find the ASPIRE Lab to be a rich resource for teaching and learning about such topics as cosmic rays, force, gas particles, kinetic energy, lunar phases, machines, momentum, the night sky, refraction, the scientific method, seasons, seismic waves, stars, the angle of the sun, and many more.
But more importantly, it presents the perspectives of children, teens, and adults who live with chronic illnesses — and all students will benefit from reading about such topics as teasing, hospital stays, daydreams, and bad days.
Children are asked to read and then answer multiple - choice questions about such topics as taking a hike in the Appalachians even though they've never left the sidewalks of New York, nor studied the Appalachians in school.
Fisher argues that the investor is fortunate that most top executives are willing to talk in detail about such topics, however.
There's no doubt that that you need to write more on this issue, it may not be a taboo matter but usually people don't speak about such topics.
Sit back and enjoy us ramble on about such topics as: Nintendo Switch Online, PS3 -LSB-...]
If TOD doesn't want Don here, they can make that clear and Don can either not post or refrain from posting about such topics.
I think thgat you need to ublish more on this subject matter, it migjt not be a tanoo matter but usually people don't spek about such topics.
Interviewers are asking participating families about such topics as child and parental health, parenting style, child development, and social services used.
WSET courses will teach you everything you need to know about such topics as how to navigate a restaurant drinks menu to impress your boss, friends or in - laws; what's the difference in sake styles; whether you might prefer rye or bourbon, and so much more.
In this 12 - week summer research program, students work with a Purdue PVM faculty member to collect data for their project and attend weekly seminars during which faculty talk about such topics as how to write a scientific paper, research ethics, research careers in veterinary medicine, and preventive medicine.
There's no doubt that that you should publish more on this subject matter, it may not be a taboo subject but typically people do not talk about such topics.
These sessions boost the knowledge you are gaining during the in - water lessons by teaching you about such topics as: Meteorology (Wave Formation, How they break, Forecasting etc), Surfboard Design, Etiquette, Video Analysis of your Surfing and many more for you to choose from.
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