Sentences with phrase «about teacher involvement»

This is evident in this statement she made about teacher involvement:

Not exact matches

Generalizing about the region, Filatoy and Lunkin write of a rare phenomenon in the Orthodox Church: its «cooperation with the intelligentsia, university teachers, writers, artists and museum staff and widespread involvement of teachers in the work of Sunday schools.
Three - time South Carolina State BBQ Champion Jack Waiboer drops by and chats with Scott about his GrateTV online video show, his involvement with the Southern BBQ Network (SBN), his role as founder and teacher of the Carolina Pit Masters Barbecue Cooking School, and his duties as the Official Pitmaster of Kraft Foods.
Teachers who are engaged in service - learning tend to be more positive about the work they do, and we also see a higher level of parental involvement, which is key to academic achievement.»
Teachers reported having more positive attitudes about arts integration and about teacher collaboration, and parent and community involvement increased.
Many new teachers said they lacked guidance from their principal on parent involvement, and about a quarter of the respondents said they felt unprepared to engage parents in their children's education.
FROM THE P - FILES: Principals Share Parent Involvement Ideas This month, Education World asked a number of principals to tell us about ways their teachers involve parents in the classroom and the school.
There is a growing consensus about the effectiveness of higher standards, reasonable assessments, parent involvement, well - trained teachers, and a quality - learning environment.
P Parent Conferences Parent Involvement Parkville Community School (see also Teaming Up To Achieve) Peer Mediation Peer Review (see Teachers, Review of) Physical Education, Teaching Plagiarism (see Cheating) Poetry, Teaching Portable Classrooms Portfolios Praise Pregnancy, Teaching About Principals Principals, Assessment of Professional Development Promotion PTA (Parent - Teacher Association) Public Relations
Among the entries, we find Bambino musing about the impact of charter schools; the need in schools for more business partnerships and community involvement; the «us and them» divide between teachers and parents; the validity of the school science fair; and the need for more time to plan and reflect.
Program graduates, who researched family involvement during their own teacher preparation programs, talked about what they had learned from their projects and how they had applied that knowledge to their first weeks of teaching.
A home - school coordinator spoke to prospective teachers about her work and discussed ways in which teachers could promote family involvement.
Much has been written about the trust and autonomy Finnish schools provide teachers, but I would like some firsthand examples of how that autonomy extends to students having freedom or involvement in the learning process.
The surveys posed questions about principals «and teachers «perceptions of parental and community involvement in schools; they also asked about stakeholders «influence in schools, the composition of leadership teams, and principals «and teachers «perceptions of parent and community openness to and involvement in promoting student learning.
If it is the case that professionalized teachers are more likely to seek parental and community involvement, then the dynamic in education resembles a current movement within the medical profession, where many practitioners now seek to involve patients as partners in making complex decisions about health care.
Important characteristics of school culture include a caring atmosphere, significant family volunteering, and a supportive environment for teachers «work.158 Widespread trust among participants promotes collaboration within schools and communities.159 Parental involvement benefits students, particularly; it also seems to benefit families, enhancing their attitudes about themselves, their children «s schools, and school staff members.160
We asked teachers about their approach to teaching, the lessons we had observed, the principal «s role in guiding and supporting their work, factors that have the greatest influence on student learning, district influences, professional development opportunities, the school community, the extent of parental involvement, and what they would tell a new teacher about what it is like to work at this school.
Jenisha «Jay» Fair, Physical Education Teacher CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT, NEVADA «I am involved because I want to use my voice — as a young educator — to advocate for my students [and] raise awareness about the importance of social justice in every classroom at every school,» says Jenisha «Jay» Fair of her involvement with the union.
Principal «s reports of their efforts to promote community involvement are not related to student achievement, but reports about parental involvement by teachers located in the same schools suggest a significant influence.
The categories included program characteristics (explicitly articulated objectives and role expectations, provision for continuous student progress, flexibility in matching materials and instruction to student needs, and stability of programs over several years), leadership behaviors (establishing reading improvement as a school priority, being knowledgeable about reading instruction, actively facilitating instructional decisions, establishing and maintaining monitoring of student progress, and evaluating teachers), and psychological conditions (high expectations for students, calm and businesslike school climate, staff commitment to the reading program, staff cooperation, parental involvement, and attribution of reading failure to program defects).
Involving teachers in decisions about their work must be valued in its own right, as must giving parents and other community members more involvement in their schools.
Some teacher candidates expressed concern «about being able to have the same level of parental [or other family members»] involvement» with other grade levels.
Participants discussed a range of factors that impede student success, including gaps between tribally enrolled students and other Native students; high teacher turnover in remote areas; poor attendance and truancy; low family and community involvement; schools» lack of knowledge about AI / AN culture and history; and fragmentation of services among state, tribal, and local agencies.
The policy brief urges policymakers to support programs for the parents of English language learners, implement nontraditional programs that offer reciprocal involvement by schools and parents, sponsor targeted teacher professional development, and provide community - based education to inform parents about school values and expectations and help parents become advocates for their children.
It's about getting to know what students know, and there are a myriad of ways to do this — ways that dramatically change the nature of the involvement of and relationship between students and teachers and ways that significantly alter instructional practices and student learning.
• Learn more about the importance of parent involvement from the California Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and from the Ed Source report, «The Power of Parents» (PDF).
Ask anyone about the most important facets of a thriving public school in 2016, says Phelps, and that list will likely be topped by good teachers and strong parental involvement.
When students teach teachers about youth culture, student rights, learning styles, and other topics important to them in schools, Meaningful Student Involvement can be present in teacher training.
More districts sending teachers into students» homes (December 13, 2011) Education Week wrote about teacher home - visits, a parental involvement strategy supported by the NEA Priority Schools Campaign.
SoundOut is opening a powerful window of opportunity for students, teachers, community practitioners and advocates to learn about student voice, student engagement and Meaningful Student Involvement.
1 — Very little mentioned about parents, or teachers expressed dissatisfaction with parental involvement.
While we had hypothesized that they would learn about literacy and culture, a key unanticipated finding was that teachers reported discovering themselves as «thinkers» as a by - product of their involvement in book discussions.
Thanks in large part to West Ada's high - profile involvement with the League of Innovative Schools over more than three years, Ms. Clark was invited to participate on a panel about empowering teachers when more than 100 superintendents met at the White House late last year.
Meaningful Student Involvement is not just about students themselves; rather, it insists that from the time of their pre-service education, teachers, administrators, paraprofessionals, counselors, and others see students as substantive, powerful, and significant partners in all the different machinations of schools.
Involvement in initial teacher training through our Teaching School Alliance is seen as vital in giving teachers the skills to talk about and analyse their teaching.
[68] The substantive elements of the termination that the Board found unreasonable included: the principal ordering Mr. Dorval to use codes given the evidence that policy (of RSCHS and Edmonton Public School Board) supported involvement of teachers» professional judgment and consultation; the order being simply announced with little or no consultation; questions or concerns being ignored; little or no communication to students and parents about the codes or their enactment; the failure of the principal and the appellant to respect the professional rights and duties of the teacher regarding assessment of his students; and the discriminatory singling out of Mr. Dorval for discipline when other teachers who also challenged and refused to follow the principal's order were not disciplined.
The Involvement of the Parent in the Child's Life — The judge may ask teachers, coaches, or friends of the parents questions about how involved the parents are in the child's life.
The three - year demonstration projects focused on collaboration between child protection agencies and school systems; education for parents, teachers, and children about child abuse and neglect; and the involvement of school staff in prevention and intervention.
Category: About, Building a Positive Family Environment Tags: parent involvement, School - family partnerships, teacher parent relationship
No Child Left Behind at Wrightslaw offers accurate, up - to - date information about the No Child Left Behind Act - research - based instruction, proficiency testing, parent involvement, tutoring and supplemental educational services, highly qualified teachers, and public school choice.
These interventions focused on changes within the school and classroom climate to increase awareness about bullying, increase teacher and parent involvement and supervision, form clear rules and strong social norms against bullying, and provide support and protection for individuals bullied.
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