Sentences with phrase «about texture pop»

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On the other hand, I've been adding all sorts of texture and flavor pops over the top of the silky soup, like garbanzos or lentils, spiced seeds, and this genius savory pistachio granola, which kicks up just about anything it's added to to the best degree.
There was something cathartic about * popping * the peas from their skins into a bowl and it truly did make a difference in the texture of the hummus.
But there's one last step — the most important part to get those carnitas nice and crispy at the end — popping them under the broiler with a sprinkle of salt for about 5 minutes to get that perfect texture and paired with Mission Organics ® White Corn Tortillas.
After that, you pour your batter into an ovenproof skillet (cast iron works best, both for the gasp - worthy presentation and final texture), pop it into the oven to cook for about 10 minutes, then add toppings of choice.
This look is all about the pops of color and play on texture.
This year our Thanksgiving tablescape is all about texture, pops of color, and layering.
Lighting can be odd at times and then suddenly fix itself, there is texture pop in at the beginning of levels in the campaign (lasts for about 3 seconds), and then there is an odd feeling to the running controls (if the left thumbstick is slightly pushed up and right, you might suddenly start strafing sideways rather than running diagonally).
While there isn't too much to say about the visuals of the game past their beauty, I will say that everything in this game popped right out at me, both because of the extremely effective 3D and because of the vibrant and detailed colors, textures and designs.
He's been honest that the 360 will have texture pop - in like Mass effect did, and he's been very honest about programming for the ps3 has been a challenge, BUT one they've taken on without crying about it like Valve did.
Even though the textures and pop in were distracting, the ease of launching a salvo of rockets towards three Titans that are raining rockety ruin upon you, ejecting and landing on the side of a building, proceeding to run along a wall, double jumping through a window parallel to the one you came from, sailing out another window to land on one of the Titans that took out yours that you leap off just as you put one final bullet into its cranial servo makes you forget all about inconsequential things like texture resolution.
@NakedManHoldingAFudgesicle: disqus: Your comment reminds me of the one thing that really galls me about modern military shooters: the detailed environments of the maps (after the texture pops in, anyway).
We're planning to pop some warm textures, and fresh & fun, cottage - y colors into the space in the weeks to come, and we look forward to blogging all about»em when they're in place and poppin».
Thank you for posting about the recipes... I tried Plaster of Paris but did 1:1 and it came out more like Suede Paint Texture... so will reduce the PoP and try again.
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