Sentences with phrase «about the cost of»

Mulvaney also preemptively addressed questions about the cost of the wall and how many miles could be paid for by the requested sum, pointing to the still - uncertain plans for its construction.
When you think about the cost of real world advertising, which does not have the large scale potential of internet marketing, and the cost of building, purchasing, or renting a physical store, you begin to see the incredible potential of the internet, where everything that isn't free is still so much cheaper.
Worry about the cost of health care?
Some startling news about the cost of education: The average college graduate in the Class of 2011 will graduate with a whopping $ 22,900 of student debt.
According to Dan Kelly, senior vice-president of legislative affairs for the CFIB, the campaign was born out of general misconceptions about the cost of credit card transactions.
Briggs did not respond to questions about the cost of these excursions.
As the Department of Transportation (DOT) says, «Almost any planeload of airline passengers includes some people with urgent travel needs and others who may be more concerned about the cost of their tickets than about getting to their destination on time.
As he was leaving a statehouse meeting in mid-July, Patrick was asked by reporters to respond to Kennedy's complaints about the cost of additional children in schools.
The owner wanted # 3,000 ($ 4,600 USD) for her, but Joe managed to barter the price down to # 800 ($ 1,200 USD)- just about the cost of two month's rent.
Learn about the costs of COBRA or state health care plans early, so that you can budget for these expenses.
Radio users have also complained about the cost of having to buy new receivers or adapters, usually priced at between $ 100 and $ 200 (# 88 and # 176).
It's tough to find reliable numbers about the costs of virus attacks because some effects — for instance, decreased productivity and unrealized business opportunity — are tough to quantify.
They're worried about the cost of that storage, as the amount of information they're looking to store grows.
The appendix offers specific financial figures about the costs of premiums for employees and employers.
Trump is happy to have the state intervene in the most minute of economic affairs, saving a few hundred jobs from leaving Indiana, or complaining about the cost of two Boeing planes.
The conversation was charged as panelists sparred on 421a, with Pinsky — the former head of the city's Economic Development Corporation — raising questions about the cost of lengthy tax abatements.
What about the cost of listing your company on a matchmaking site?
Bay Area residents complain about the cost of living for a reason.
In addition, cities, states, and taxpayers have concerns about the costs of bonds and borrowing, how to get the best return on banked or invested public money, and an interest in finding innovative ways to fund public spending without surrendering public control, as is often the case with public - private partnerships.
Now I hope you can see the reason for the questions about the cost of living above.
Trump, during his, once again complained about the cost of NATO.
Canada can't have it both ways — they can't complain about the cost of First Nation poverty and continually criminalize all Indigenous means of subsistence.
He says Congress needs to set aside peripheral complaints — fast — to help people like «Marty the farmer,» a woman who stopped him at a Chick - fil - A to complain about the cost of her insurance.
Do you have questions about the cost of buying a home in California in 2017?
Maybe people have come to accept that student loans are the «thing» to deal with in order to go to college, and many students don't think about the cost of college and choose to deal with the price tag later.
While many borrowers may gripe about the costs of PMI, the reality is paying these costs often provides a quicker, more affordable path to homeownership.
Mar 04, 2016 Anyone who takes out a loan has to think about the cost of doing so.
Sprout also settled on a price: $ 400 for a month of pills, or about the cost of a month's worth of erectile dysfunction pills.
Phillips is one of the government's smartest cabinet ministers, and has done a good job promoting the flagship Climate Leadership Plan, but the NDP have fallen short when it comes to easing Albertans worries about the cost of implementing the carbon tax during an economic downturn.
It's helpful to think about the cost of a broker in the context of the more typical closing fees on a mortgage.
New required disclosures about the costs of the plan and the underlying investments were introduced in 2012 and are a good start.
Well you know before we started recording you were speaking about the costs of mining Bitcoin and as being one factor in that we could use in its evaluation.
But Trump's concerns about the costs of a trade war with China have inspired him to reconsider the agreement.
So don't think about the cost of the razor itself and instead focus on the cost of the blade.
«We were struck that $ 15 is about the cost of a modern cocktail, if you go to a cocktail bar,» Bohb Blair, global chief experience officer at Starcom Worldwide, said.
The biggest Internet Database about Cost of Living, Housing Indicators and many other informations about cities and countries!
The B.C. Liberals told British Columbians one thing about the cost of the B.C. Place roof throughout the election campaign, only to turn around and jack up the budget by 58 per cent:
Write to your local government about the cost of code violations, traffic fines and other small infractions that criminalize minimum wage earners if they can't pay.
A. Goodwin — I am not coplaining about the cost of contraception.
I'd love to see more conversations about the cost of asking English - speaking second generation Asian Americans to leave their comfortable, homogenous Asian American churches without offering up a similar call to the White church.
In my last Belief Blog post, I expressed concerns about the cost of the upcoming royal wedding to taxpayers.
President Bush and his key advisers show little concern about the costs of the war and the occupation, because occupation is a necessary means to their goal of «a transformed Middle East» and an American - dominated world.
Talk about the cost of having children.
Early in the season of Pentecost, the church remembers the biblical texts that tell about the cost of discipleship, and the profound concept of dying and rising with Jesus Christ.
We have only to contemplate the Cross to lose any illusions about the cost of following Christ.
Matthew's Gospel records Jesus» guidance about the cost of discipleship just after giving the mission to the Twelve.
Tell me something, if the Catholic church rulled the mark of cain refered to black people, and thus would only pay for insurance for their white employees, and the Obama administration said that was not permissable; would you be defending their right to stand on principle, defending their right to deny insurance for their black employees on principle, and complaining about the cost of insuring their black employees?
Although concerns about the cost of the law have delayed issuance of the final rules for FSMA, the act is beginning to set the stage for more recalls.
Re people complaining about the cost of a slice of fabulous toast or similar, I am constantly amazed that the same complainers will, in New Zealand anyway, happily pay even more for a cup of coffee.
But I learned a lot of lessons that way — about buying grapes, about the cost of making wine, about how to deal with corporate wine businesses.
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