Sentences with phrase «about the courage of»

I think you need to ask yourself about the courage of your convictions if you give way to apologetics the moment the WSJ finds you guilty by association.

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I learned the secrets of a two - time championship NBA coach who's taken the pressure out of the game for his players so they can be freed to take risks and I learned about where to find the courage to bounce back and reinvent yourself from the former CEO of the internet's most famous flop who has since rebuilt her reputation and a thriving business.
And how about this uplifting message from Jagmeet Singh after he won the leadership of the New Democratic Party on the weekend: «At a time when people are feeling so despondent, when there is a lack of hope, when it feels like things will only get worse before they get better, Canadians must stand united and champion a politics of courage to fight the politics of fear.»
People used to talk about the great courage of my teams that would do these night raids, get on helicopters, and go right into enemy positions.
There's been a lack of willingness to invest and a lack of courage about saying we'll try stuff even in a corner of city government.
«No matter what companies assume about women, you will often see women lead with courage in crisis,» says Kate Bensen, the president and CEO of the women leadership group The Chicago Network.
Instead, it's a creature of politics, brought to life by our lack of political courage when it comes to tough decisions about what taxes to raise or what spending to cut, and by how much.
What we're talking about here is ultimate courage, and despite what you think, any of us can manifest this if we choose to.
More than that, however, they offer suggestions about how to evaluate each of those traits in a potential leader, tying courage, for example, not just to a leader's commitment to core values and a track record of navigating challenges, but to patience.
For me, it means thinking about unique ways to help solve some of society's biggest problems, with the courage to not always have the right answer the first time.
In 2014 I interviewed Bill Treasurer, author of Courage Goes to Work, about how to hire courageous people, and he suggested asking a job candidate, «Describe a time when you had to disagree with someone in authority and stand your ground.
Rob Ford, defended at every turn by his brother Doug, was prepared to regularly lie about his addictions, to abuse his oath of office, to associate with criminal elements, to dismiss his racist and misogynistic comments as the new normal, and to attack and bully those with the courage to confront him — as if they, not he, were at fault for his transgressions.
I'll admit that setting aside your beliefs and theories requires a degree of openness and courage, especially when you might feel that you already have the answers or wish to give the impression of being knowledgeable about a particular subject.
Despite my concerns about his lack of sleep and sneaking around, I was recently told (by a computer programmer) that it takes a ton of courage to create content and put it on the Web.
It changed the way I think about challenging communication and opened a world of courage and candor.
So next time you're about to despair because of how many hours your kid is staring at screens, take courage in the fact that science gives you an ironclad case for stepping in.
Stephen Buck is a drug supply chain expert and the co-founder of Courage Health, a start - up that provides answers to cancer patients about their life expectancy.
It's perhaps a cliché, but I love Steve Jobs» quote about intuition, «don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice... have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.»
Years of frustration and mounting discontent from Yindjibarndi people about the current applicants and YAC and the endless division and fighting within the community provided respected Yindjibarndi Elders Rodney Adams, Sylvia Allan, Maudie Jerrold, Francis Phillips, Allery Sandy, Ken Sandy and Diana Smith with the motivation and the courage to give all Yindjibarndi people a voice and an opportunity to vote on 23 June.
In his recent book, The Courage to Act, Bernanke writes about what it was like at the center of the storm.
And black people, unfortunately, continue to be criminalized for our moments of courage, for our moments of mourning and grieving,» Black Lives Matter Network co-founder Patrisse Cullors said when asked about the differing reactions to Parkland and black racial justice organizing during a HuffPost Black History Month panel earlier this week.
Please share more about your reunion and teach us more about the importance of standing in our dignity and courage even when it means risking our life.
Bishop Mark Davies of Shrewsbury preached at Mass yesterday evening about St Thomas of Canterbury and how his yes to God should inspire young people to have courage in responding to their vocation.
With the courage that John Paul II brought us, we found we could witness to other Americans and especially to other Catholics about the beautyand excitement of being totally committed to our faith.
This thread gave me increased amounts of courage to own my deep discomfort with the narrative about forgiveness as a tool of oppressors and silencers.
I admire your courage in thinking about your children during such a personally difficult stage of your life.
Sure, people can say you violate your anonymity, or our traditions about publicity, etc. but I also know there may be some who need to hear your message where it will give them the courage to try this (hard, as you said) way of getting sober.
if you have the courage (or you can leave an anonymous comment), write about some of your greatest strengths and weaknesses in the comments below.
There is something winsome about a person who had the courage to defy the rigidities of the psychoanalytic establishment in this
«Beginning with the Exodus narrative and the Elijah narrative and the Jesus narrative, they are all storied about public transformation that happened by courage of uncredentialed people.
I admire the courage it must take to completely disregard what the dictionary teaches us about the meaning of words and go your own way.
I need only the courage to be honest about my questions and doubts, and the patience to keep exploring and trusting in spite of them.
Instead of understanding — that intellectual understanding which we are so fond of — there is a feeling of rightness, of knowing, knowing things which you are not yet able to understand... As long as we know what it's about, then we can have the courage to go wherever we are asked to go, even if we fear that the road may take us through danger and pain.»
The transfigured one's visit to you as an individual will give you that courage of frankness — but what am I speaking of — and if you actively consider the occasion of this talk, then you will stand as an individual before a still more exalted one who, none the less, thinks still more humanly — about the meanness of the occupation, but also infinitely more purely about which occupation is truly honorable.
For as well as theoretical reflection on the moral significance of a decision, there are other ways and means by which a human being can either become clear about the rightness and conformity to God's will of a decision, or at least improve the conditions for its correct formation: the general cultivation of courage, unselfishness, self - denial, the practice of the art of making vital particular decisions which can not be deduced by purely theoretical consideration as this art is taught by the masters of the spiritual life.
In order to demonstrate her courage, she opens the book with an account of losing her virginity to a boy she «dated» for about twelve hours.
What I was thinking about was the importance, no, the necessity, of thinking with courage.
If you feel that strongly about it, have the courage of your convictions and be proud of it without being a coward and whining about how the PC world is ruining things for you.
Hereâ $ ™ s some of the things that grabbed me: important theological / spiritual themes are developed through the story such as good and evil, leadership, courage, love, forgiveness, and unity; good character development; convincing geographical descriptions; it does feel like the same kind of worlds Tolkien, Charles Williams and C. S. Lewis wrote about.
If only more had enough desire to look for these truths, intelligence enough to understand them, and courage to speak out about them, instead of bashing each other with their limited understandings and crawling back into their own spiritual or empty caves, to sit by their fire with their clubs at the ready.
Indeed, in any situation, like the front line trenches at the zero hour, when courage is an absolute necessity and every man with all his heart is ardently desiring all of it that he can get, the one intolerable thing would be to talk about it.
Grow some courage and try to respond to what you've been challenged about, instead of your wimp - outs and dodging.
If ever a man is tempted, in a low mood, to give up hope about humanity, let him think upon the courage which human life on every side of him exhibits — the quiet, constant, sustained heroic courage in obscure and forgotten places where nobody sees!
It takes a lot of courage for me to speak out like this and if all this does is give hope to one person so they man or woman would be enabeld to got help for healing and / or someone who is mistreating think twice about what they are doing then I will have provided a service.
The author of a new book, Magnificent Desolation, Aldrin argues, «More than just exploring a hostile new world, Apollo 11 was about bold vision and great risk, about the obstacles a great nation could overcome with dedication, courage and teamwork.
There is nothing more holy» or terrifying» than reading what St. Catherine of Siena wrote about wayward clergy in her searing Dialogue; few sermons in Christendom equal the power of St. Alphonsus Liguori's on the enticements of the world; and how many of us would have the courage of a St. Charles Borromeo, who, as he implemented the reforms of the Council of Trent, had his life threatened multiple times?
Anyway, this morning we were listening to the Seeds of Courage one and I just remembered how glad I was when someone else told me about these CDs when I was a new - ish mum and so I thought I'd better do the same and pass it on.
He retained a sense of humor about his own pretensions, and he was prepared at times to make a frank reversal of opinion: he had the courage to change.
In his influential book The Courage to Be Catholic, George Weigel wrote about the «The Truce of 1968.»
While these groups are undoubtedly a valuable support for many people, there have been some questions raised recently from within the group itself about the underlying premise of Courage that a homosexual orientation is a psychological disorder.
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