Sentences with phrase «about the flaw before»

Device manufacturers were all notified about the flaw before it was made public, and are working on updates to fix this particular danger.
A new report says Intel first told Chinese companies about the flaws before the U.S. government.
A new report says Intel first told Chinese companies about the flaws before the U.S. government.

Not exact matches

Today's must - read story is from Fortune «s Leigh Gallagher and it features an exclusive interview with Maren Kate Donovan, founder and CEO of virtual assistant startup Zirtual, who talked about flawed financial projections and what caused her company to lay off 400 people earlier this week before announcing that Zirtual will be acquired by
At Facebook founder and CEO's Mark Zuckerberg's hearing before the House Energy and Commerce Committee on Wednesday, lawmakers were blunt about what they see as the company's flaws — its inadequate self - policing, lack of transparency, and reluctance to give users more control over their own data.
You only have to keep track of a couple of days worth of food before you see any any flaws from all their nutritional graphs about what you eat.
it feels like a flaw sometimes but I put creating a smile on others faces and hearts at all cost before I even begin to think about myself.
I forgot to mention of of the biggest flaws in the Tinker Tailor film which wasn't in the TV series or book, i.e. — MAJOR SPOILER — Jim Prideaux / Mark Strong acknowleged that he suspected that the mole was who he was before he went on his mission and told the mole about the mission beforehand, therefore setting himself and his agents up.
Before long, students accused me of caring more about pointing out flaws than helping them improve.
She's literally read every one of my peer - reviewed journal articles and, before finding the many flaws in each paper, she always said something nice about my ideas — something one of my mentors always encouraged me to practice,» said Kim.
Members of the School Finance Network (SFN) testified on April 21st before a legislative committee about flaws in Wisconsin's school funding laws.
A play about a nun ministering to prisoners before their execution may include a theology about God's redemption that some may quibble with, but that doesn't mean the play's flawed.
There's one massive flaw to this otherwise fun game but we already knew about it before it released, right?
Not whether MM were right or wrong (though it's patent they were more wrong in more ways than Mann was, although Mann admitted his work was flawed before ever hearing of McIntyre & McKitrick, which for a guy with as much of a kneejerk tendency to get defensive about his work is worthy of remark).
«Shareholders and regulators will be considering whether Intel made misleading statements about their chips within that time frame, and it certainly does bode well for the company that their CEO sold off as much stock as he was legally allowed to, right before the flaw was made public.»
«Intel could face hard questions about whether and why it concealed this flaw for more than six months before disclosing it to the public,» said Robbins.
Just as the Shadow Brokers hacker group started crowing about a dump of never - seen - before flaws in Windows, Microsoft announced it already...
The blockchain community flooded Reddit with criticism of the CoinDash ICO, claiming people warned the company via Slack about security flaws before the ICO launched.
But it turns out that Krzanich sold off about $ 24 million in Intel stock and options after Intel learned about the flaw but months before it disclosed the vulnerability to the public.
You can read all about the flaw; called transaction malleability, it can lead to a unique transaction ID to be changed before it is confirmed on the bitcoin network.
He has his mood swings every now and then that I knew about before I married him and I accepted that flaw but it never went to this level.
The line from the show DD kept quoting at me all weekend was about how you only reveal a few of your flaws and foibles in the first few months and then wait until the other person falls in love with you before exposing the rest.
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