Sentences with phrase «about the gender of»

Occasionally, in conversations about God and gender, someone will attempt to conclude the matter by noting that Jesus was a man, as though the incarnation proves something about the gender of God or the ultimate superiority of maleness over femaleness.
Add to this fact that the early church fathers are not even in agreement about the gender of Junia.
The reality however is that this «let down» about the gender of a baby DOES happen.
Heck, when you're pregnant, total strangers on the street sometimes walk up to you, look at your baby bump, and decide to venture a guess about the gender of your baby, as if they have some secret way of knowing.
But there are probably just as many who would rather roll their eyes at the next person who asks about the gender of the baby.
What was also interesting about the results was that women were less concerned about the gender of anyone joining in with a couple's bedroom activities.
In a sign of the immaturity of the games medium, Sony fretted mightily about the gender of lead character Aloy while building its blockbuster new franchise Horizon Zero Dawn.
Often, the uncertainty about the gender of such people raises the question of why they become transgenders, and it requires explanations, since people do not become transgender but they are born like this.
I seldom think about the gender of an artist when I'm looking at the type of work I tend to like unless it's an obvious part of how it's framed.
While there have clearly been tremendous improvements in the attitude of the clients and the profession towards women from when I started 23 years ago, true equality will not exist until we stop thinking about the gender of the lawyer, and focusing instead on the quality of the lawyer.
If Professor Froc's comment was about the gender of the successful advocate, I think the Queen's U. Press ad is at best unclear, at worst misleading; and for me, the original comment did not clarify it.
Pleck (1995) has demonstrated that empirical gender research does not support this assumption... Lytton and Tomney (1991) concluded that «very little about the gender of the parent seems to be distinctly important».»
If you re-read it you will see it is absolutely gender neutral in every way, making no assumptions about the gender of the questioner or her / his fiancé.

Not exact matches

«Become vigilant about attributing comments to the people who made them first,» Bohnet, who is the author of «What Works: Gender Equality by Design,» says.
Within the realm of insiders, the acceptance rates of women's pull requests was about the same regardless of whether their gender could be determined from their profile.
At least 24 of the 34 colleges and universities granted religious exemptions based on their beliefs about gender identity also received waivers allowing them to discriminate against gay and lesbian students and employees, citing faith - based prohibitions against homosexual sex, the Human Rights Campaign said.
That list is comprised of stories about immigration and overcoming racial segregation and gender inequality.
Strikingly, the gender pay gap is even larger at the top — a point underscored by the recent news that NBC «Today» stars Hoda Kotb and Savannah Guthrie are paid about 28 % of what Matt Lauer previously earned.
Whether it's leading a national conversation about gun control or fighting for girls» education and gender equality around the world, an increasing number of young women are stepping forward as change agents.
A closer examination of James Damore's ideas about gender bias reveals the guy just doesn't know what he is talking about.
The CEO of HSBC Bank Canada explains why she's optimistic about the economy, and why achieving gender parity in top roles isn't so hard after all
«There's a full section that talks about pay equity, and what is the larger impact that the gender pay gap has on our society, our economy, our families,» says Deepti Gudipati, vice president of member leadership programs for the AAUW, who is working with the city to roll out the program.
As a professor and author of the book, «Microaggressions in Everyday Life: Race, Gender and Sexual Orientation,» Sue uses his research to educate businesses and corporations about the intervention trainings they can do to prevent these issues from reoccurring.
It's easy to get caught up in conversations about gender disparity, the haves and have - nots, and a variety of other topics that make great headlines and likewise drive click - throughs.
We can thank Susan J. Fowler, whose blog post kicked off Uber's year of reckoning, and Ellen Pao, whose trial forced the Valley to stop brushing off conversations about its gender problem as unnecessary distractions.
The endorsement came despite lingering questions about safety and effectiveness, but also followed a high - stakes pressure campaign in which the manufacturer accused the Food and Drug Administration of gender bias, since several pills were already approved for men with sexual problems.
Plenty of tech industry thought leaders are happy to speak out about their industry's gender imbalance.
Avivah Wittenberg - Cox, CEO of the gender consulting firm 20 - first, wishes the conversations about women in the workplace could move beyond gender stereotypes — «I think it's suicidal to talk about women being better or men being better» — and even beyond mention of gender itself.
She really didn't think in gendered terms, she says; she was «more concerned about being the daughter of the founder and therefore needing to perform better than others so as not to give the impression of nepotism.»
Due out next month, Work With Me will likely kick - start a new round of conversation about the gender divide.
Officials said there are about 160 sailors in the Navy who are somewhere in the process of gender transition.
And about «a handful» of Marines have come forward to seek medical care involving gender transition, and there are possibly others going through the process with their commanders, officials said.
Throughout the observation period, about half of the employees changed managers at least once, and the researchers focused specifically on employees who switched to working for a manager of a different gender.
James Damore's ideas about gender rested on a foundation of discredited pseudo-science, yet he was successful in a cutting - edge industry.
To me it's not about gender parity for the sake of gender parity.
Riggs acted like a chauvinist pig leading up to the game, making the match about gender instead of skill.
She spoke about the problem of perpetuated gender stereotypes at the World Economic Forum this week.
Currently they release information on the number of women in their total workforce and in their leadership roles and publish more detailed information about gender balance internally, but are still working with lawyers to navigate the stricter data collection and protection measures in Germany, where the company is based, and other countries where their employees work, SAP's chief diversity and inclusion officer Anka Wittenberg told Fortune.
Think about the implications for the human race, if technology is destined to be the essence of who we are as a species, if it's developed largely under the leadership and guidance of a single gender
«Equal pay is essential to the goal of gender equality,» Sandberg says in a news release about the campaign.
Even in the most progressive, gender - balanced households, on average, women seem to think about a greater diversity of pursuits.»
It's important that when we talk about diversity that we think about it in lots of different contexts, including age, gender, of course, cultural and ethnical background, and also diversity in thought.»
When the VCs learned about the findings, the researchers write in the HBR article, «the VCs reacted with a mixture of emotions: despair for being involved in creating bias, denial of being part of it, becoming upset with the facts, and feeling relief about the fact that gender bias was finally becoming transparent.»
«The culture of Ultimate Software is all about acceptance — not just in regard to differences in race, gender, or orientation, but also our individual personalities.
Say what you will about gender equality, the truth of the matter remains; males still bring home most of the bacon.
Single people of both genders had more negative opinions about participating in sexting, whereas people who were dating, living together, or married thought of sexting as a positive.
One of the best and easiest ways to show your support on Women's Equality Day is to learn about the women who have been fighting for gender equality since the U.S. was founded.
Advertisers now have the ability to deliver highly targeted ads to individuals over the Internet, using a treasure trove of data collected about that person's location, likes, age, gender and shopping preferences.
Much has been made this year about the lack of overall diversity (both gender and race) in the technology industry.
The 39 - year - old actor posted a series of questions on LinkedIn a few days ago with the intention of starting a «live open dialog about gender equality in the work place [sic] and in tech in general» with his partner from venture capital firm Sound Ventures, Effie Epstein.
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