Sentences with phrase «about the hero of»

It will be important for pastors, and catechists, and teachers in Catholic schools, to teach about the heroes of the Church: missionaries and martyrs, statesmen, explorers, writers, musicians.
But really, Infinity War was about the heroes of the MCU, and one of them above the rest: Doctor Strange.
All we know about the hero of the film, chief electrical advisor Mike Williams played by Mark Wahlberg, is that he's a stand up guy, brave as they come, knows his job inside out, and has great sex with his wife (Kate Hudson).
This one - page reading comprehension practises understanding a text about a hero of the French resistance.
If you don't want any of that nonsense, read on to learn about Heroes of Might and Magic VII and how you can get a free Beta Code.
To learn more about Heroes of the Storm, visit
I'm really excited to tell you about Heroes of Loot today, a fun little game by Orange Pixel, Dutch indie developer extraordinaire.
We also dissect the new Fantastic Four trailer, talk about the sheer adventure game goodness overflowing from our metaphorical plates (yes, Grim Fandango is back, and it's gooood) and, of course, talk about Heroes of the Storm, only this time I can actually contribute to the conversation, because I'm finally playing it!.
The more you know about the hero of the story, the more you can relate to him or her and tell their story.

Not exact matches

«If we let that narrative be simply about victims or heroes, I think we've missed an opportunity,» said Mike Haynie, executive director of the Syracuse's institute.
• Delivery Hero, a Berlin - based food delivery service, said it would raise about 927 million euros, or $ 1.04 billion in an offering of up to 39 million shares on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.
Next week Merkel will for the first time speak at Gamescom, Europe's biggest computer games trade show that's expected to draw about 350,000 visitors, many of them teenagers who attend dressed like their favorite digital heroes — from Star Wars stormtroopers to Manga heroines and fantasy game sorcerers.
I would not feel good about myself if I did not make clear that I have come to know and admire James Comey as a man of integrity and a hero / i4SSnqVdlD
At the beginning of Jim Koch's new book about his adventures building the Boston Beer Company, our hero bails on a Harvard MBA to spend three years leading grueling, off - the - grid excursions for the famous outdoor education program.
One of the biggest surprises in «Avengers: Age of Ultron» occurs about halfway through the film when our heroes break away from the action for a more light - hearted family - centric scene on a farm.
But that all changed when he started attending the Bronx High School of Science, where kids spoke in «hushed tones in the hallways about the real heroes» — students who had won what was then known as the Westinghouse Science Talent Search.
Citing studies on the early lives of heroes who rescued people from the Holocaust and highly creative architects, Grant suggests parents «help children think about the consequences of their action for others,» rather than simply yelling «no!».
podcast, Joe De Sena talks to the author of «Born to Run» about his new book, «Natural Born Heroes
The newspaper also reported that like other heroes, Morris had never talked much about his military service, «out of respect for the gravity of taking a human life.»
While it doesn't tell us anything about the aftermath of «Infinity War,» there are some clues hinting at a new hero and more about the Quantum Realm which will almost definitely come into play in next year's superhero sequel.
So around our house there's no shortage of talk about storytelling structure, and the bookcase is full of titles on the topic like Joseph Campbell's classic The Hero with a Thousand Faces.
What it's about: «Sargeant York» may have been about World War I — a sharpshooter becomes an unexpected hero after attacking and capturing a German position using the same strategy as turkey hunting — but the American - proud movie became a point of major discussion in the United States over the merits of entering World War II.
It's sort of like a real - life version of Guitar Hero or Rock Band, except instead of slapping away at a series of buttons — an act that has just about zero relation to the real thing — you're strumming away on an actual guitar.
Whether it's recognition, free - up resources for new initiatives, profit - sharing bonuses or the satisfaction of making a difference for people and organizations your prospect cares about, showing your prospect that a hero's welcome awaits them at the end of the story is the best way to engage, energize and activate.
A new survey by Student Loan Hero finds borrowers are misinformed about interest, repayment, and other major aspects of their student loans.
If you ask any value investor about their investment hero, Warren Buffett will be on the top of their list.
Here's a few of the long - lived investing heroes to inspire you (click on their names for Wikipedia entries to learn more about each).
While the president attacks 99 percent of his opponents by mercilessly strafing them in speeches, sound bites and tweets (and has a one - size - fits - all approach to firebombing Democrats, disobedient Republicans, Gold Star families, war heroes, etc.), Daniels fends off her online critics with self - deprecating humor, and has made a point of refraining from saying anything bad about the president himself — which has probably kept him from retaliating and going after her personally.
Of course since they are both Democrats the same idiot right - wingers who make idiotic comments about liberals will bash Spitzer and Schumer both and say they are too stupid to score that high on the SAT even though clearly Schumer and Spitizer are orders of magnitude more intelligent than them and all their right - wing heroOf course since they are both Democrats the same idiot right - wingers who make idiotic comments about liberals will bash Spitzer and Schumer both and say they are too stupid to score that high on the SAT even though clearly Schumer and Spitizer are orders of magnitude more intelligent than them and all their right - wing heroof magnitude more intelligent than them and all their right - wing heroes
We have some quick stories about Abraham traveling around with sarah every where, occasionally screwing stuff in the name of good, almost killing his son in the name of god, selling his wife up the river a couple of times in the name of god, sounds awfully predictable and robot like to me, and yet you have odysessus, a constant lost hero trying to make his way back to his wife penelope and struggling with his own morality, journeys, trials and ultimate success.
His decisions to honour God in both sport and mission, as well as his athletic prowess, have made him a hero among many Christians, and led to a film being made about him - Chariots of Fire - in 1986.
There have been thousands of movies about police officers, military heroes, lovers, children, comedies, and now we have one for Atheist, my people!
Selfies that portray us as the humanitarian hero with our arm draped around some impoverished victim do a disservice to the dignity of those people — and actually tell a false story about their humanity.
We don't have much to go on regarding what Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol 3 is going to be about yet, assuming our heroes survive their upcoming Avengers crossover in Infinity War.
You drive alone and think about the romance of climbing a mountain: you think about standing at the top, wind whipping your hair as you gaze out on the world below, the conquering hero.
The saga showcases elements of truth — truth about the human experience, the cosmos, the character of a hero, and the nature of life itself.
And just when I feel sorry for myself I hear a story by a holocaust survivor, a war hero, or a survivor of human slavery and I realize I have nothing to complain about.
She has also been doing a lot of reading about super heroes and graphic novels of late — can you tell?
Joss Whedon tells stories about heroes, whether they're California teenagers slaying vampires, a misfit band of smugglers saving the galaxy, or a group of superheroes repelling an alien invasion.
Even more sad is that this article is about real heroes and the point of the article is lost in this religious debate.
Stories about a magical hero are not evidence of the existence of a non magical person.
Josephus reported on the * Christians * of the day... and what * they * believed and claimed about their hero.
But instead comes Easter, which rudely interrupts all the minatory and sententious moralisms of the tragic chorus, just as they are about to be uttered to full effect, and which cavalierly violates the central tenet of sound economics: rather than trading the sacrificial victim for some supernatural benefit, and so the particular for the universal, Easter restores the slain hero in his particularity again, as the only truth the Gospels have to offer.
Jean Valjean, the hero of Victor Hugo's Les Miserables, teaches us about generosity.
At Penn State, we have hundreds and hundreds that are still supportive of a «heroic» coach that also did not do much about what he knew, with some even rioting in support of the sports «hero».
What we read about Abraham is hardly the distillation of hero tales, for what is recalled in Genesis is not the exploits of Abraham but the initiative, the actions and the purpose of Yahweh in his relationship with Abraham.
Who will be the heroes of Rock this season that only we will know about before everyone else?
For example, I can talk to my trans - friends about Jesus, and how He RESOLVED to live among the Samaritans for two days; how He RESOLVED to use the Samaritan in His story of what it means to be loving towards the wounded — in short, lifestyle and genetics are soooo minor that the hero is the one that shows and engages in compassion.
When we said ambiguously negative things about Rand (or Randians) and Michael, we got lots of readers we soon lost when we lost interest in their heroes.
You realize the story was taken from Persian sun - god Mithra, a story dating back to about 1400 BC, talks about a hero born of a virgin in a stable on the winter solstice.
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