Sentences with phrase «about the human origins of»

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According to Sonia Zakrzewski, an associate professor of archaeology at the University of Southampton, Hublin's discovery could encourage other archaeologists to change the way they think about human origins.
We can trace the evolution of humans back to about 3 billion years ago and the origins of the Universe to about 13.72 billion years ago.
Most highly educated people who understand quantum physics and it's related fields realize that humans might not ever be able to understand everything, including the origins of the Universe, but it is human nature to look for it and to try to understand as much as we can about the universe and how everything interacts.
As described in my article on The Judeo - Christian Origin of Science» [1], science is based on specific fundamental beliefs about the natural world, namely that matter is good, rational and contingent and open to the human mind, and that any discoveries that may be made should be shared freely.
I don't know much about the origins of sacrifice in human culture.
Built around 9600 B.C., the site predates Stonehenge by about 6600 years and places the origins of human religious experience much farther back in the historical progress of our civilization than scholars previously believed possible.
But with insight into retrospective aetiology based on the present situation, much could be cleared up in the vivid representation of the inferred state of man which causes difficulties in view of the way we inevitably think today about human origins.
If we engage in the «de-mythologizing» of the Revelation to St. John the Divine, as we must also «de-mythologize» the creation stories in the book Genesis in the Old Testament, we realize that what is being said is that as human existence and the world in which that existence is set has its origin in the circumambient, everlasting, faithful Love that is nothing other than God — we recall Wesley's hymn, quoted a few paragraphs back, that «his nature and his Name is Love», and Dante's great closing line in The Divine Comedy about «the Love that moves the sun and the other stars» — so also the «end» toward which all creaturely existence moves is that very same Love.
The differences in citizens» beliefs about the origin and destiny of human life may keep them from coming to politics with the kind of shared enthusiasm and exuberant rivalry that they bring to sporting events.
The Evolution of Adam: What the Bible does and doesn't say about human origins By Peter Enns.
Creationist «well, what about the origin of the universe, the fact that the universe obeys laws, the origins of life on this earth, the fact that the largest «gaps» in the fossil record correspond exactly with the organisms identified in the bible as being created by God, namely fish, birds, land animals and humans»
Questions about the origin of the family and of human society are not yet answered, and may never be, but they are serious I questions now being dealt with enthusiastically in several disciplines.
Both the Muslim and the Christian have sought to bring as much as possible of the worldly affairs of their communities under the rule of the divine law and to make effective what their faiths teach about the origin and destiny of human society.
We are becoming aware of a whole body of data accumulated within the last one hundred years which has stirred the flames of controversy in religious, anthropological, and philosophical circles — data that raises new questions about the origins of the family and of human society.
Evolution is a wonderful thing: humans used to grunt to communicate and now use social media and smartphone apps; they used to hunt mammoths and now eat farmed animals... but that could be about to change, thanks to the efforts of someone who has forged a link between the modern world and the origin of the species.
Lead author, Dr Penny Spikins, senior lecturer in the Archaeology of Human Origin at the University of York, said: «Our findings suggest Neanderthals didn't think in terms of whether others might repay their efforts, they just responded to their feelings about seeing their loved ones suffering.»
Birmingham, U.K. — A provocative new theory about the origin of «mad cow disease» and its human counterpart stirred debate at the annual International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology here yesterday.
The data suggest that around 3500 B.C. — roughly the same time that many linguists place the origin of PIE and that archaeologists date horse domestication — Yamnaya genes replaced about 75 percent of the existing human gene pool in Europe.
In addition to sequencing the woolly mammoth genome, Hendrik has reconstructed the diets of extinct giant sloths, debunked a hypothesis about the origin of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and sequenced the genome of the bacterium that caused Black Death.
An allegation against Richmond, the curator of human origins at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in New York City, inspired a cascade of other allegations about him and motivated several senior paleoanthropologists to do battle against sexual harassment in their field.
My love of international cinema deepened into larger questions about the origins of human societies and cultures.
Posted on June 17 on the bioRxiv preprint server, the research supports archaeological evidence about the multiple origins of farming, and represents the first detailed look at the ancestry of the individuals behind one of the most important periods in human history — the Neolithic revolution.
A shell etched by Homo erectus is by far the oldest engraving ever found, challenging what we know about the origin of art and complex human thought
We celebrate (or bemoan) the human species, get excited about the discovery of new species, obsess over the fate of endangered ones, and shout at one another about the book called On the Origin of Species.
Levin also hopes insights gleaned from the model will help scientists grasp the origins of collective human behaviors, such as the emergence of social norms and attitudes about important issues.
In Animal, Pascoe tries to find out, combining her personal experience with lots of reading about the origins of human behaviours such as jealousy, infidelity and society's preoccupation with breasts.
Her desire to understand the origins of humanity is largely about understanding human disease.
Scientists recently discovered that Neanderthals and modern humans once interbred; nowadays, about 1.5 to 2.1 percent of DNA in people outside Africa is Neanderthal in origin.
When we look at the origin of the neck in Tiktaalik, the origin of the wrist inTiktaalik, we are talking about human history.
Serrallonga spent a couple of years continuing with excavations in the north of Spain and thinking about human origins before his first travel opportunity to Africa arose.
«This significantly shifts debates about the origins of art - making and supports ideas that this fundamental human behaviour began with our most ancient ancestors in Africa rather than Europe.
«There are several untested assumptions about the origin of Homo,» said Bernard Wood, University Professor of Human Origins at GW, who was not an author on the study.
In Kate's discussion about Neandertals and our own history as a species on the planet, reminds me of the origin of the celiac disease issue which is, you know, very deeply tied with our human history.
«To mitigate the effects of climate change, we can talk about two types of options: to attack it at its origin, by eliminating or reducing the human factors that contribute to it (such as, reducing emissions, controlling pollution, etc.) or developing strategies that allow for its effects to be reduced, such as, in the case that concerns us, increasing green areas in cities, using, for example, the tops of buildings as green roofs,» states the University of Seville researcher, Luis Pérez Urrestarazu.
According to paleoanthropologist Lee Berger and his colleagues, who unearthed and analyzed the remains, they represent a new species of human — Homo naledi, for «star» in the local Sotho language — that could overturn some deeply entrenched ideas about the origin and evolution of our genus, Homo.
The STR is also campaigning to remove content about «the evolution of humans» and «the adaptation of finch beaks based on habitat and mode of sustenance», a reference to one of the most famous observations in Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species.
Between about 200,000 and a million years ago, our view of human origins is blurred — most of the fossils of hominins, or members of the human family, are isolated, fragmentary, or spread widely across Europe, Asia, and Africa.
«[But] I also think it's a big stretch to infer something about the origins of human male aggression towards women.»
So some of the origins we have about, [well] we have more than 50 different origins in this issue and we go from the very large in cosmic from the origins of the universe and the origins of life itself to the origins of the human mind and computing and also to things that you might wonder about just in your everyday life, like where [did the stirrup] in horseback riding come from, where did the clock come from.
Despite being so closely related on the evolutionary tree, as well as to us, these species differ hugely in the way they use tools, and clues about the origins of human tool mastery could lie in the gulf between chimpanzees and bonobos,» Koops said.
First of all, note that many of the items in this list are completely irrelevant to modern thinking about human origins (and some of them were never relevant).
As humans, we have an innate curiosity about the origins and development of life on Earth.
«This Prize also validates the fundamental importance of how basic biological research can inform about the origins of complex human disease.»
Late last month, he revealed research results that may provide another stunner about the origins of humans: a previously unknown and now extinct relative of modern man.
And while the origins of modern human behavior have been widely debated, there has been much less discussion about the evolution of modern human anatomy.
Applying these paradigms on various neural differentiation schemes of human pluripotent stem cells allows us to identify and isolate new types of neural stem and progenitor cells, to characterize their cellular properties and molecular foundations, to expose their progenitor origin and track their imminent potential, to reveal their in vivo counterparts and learn about their regenerative potential.
Over the last 100 years, reconstructions of their appearance have slowly become «humanised» with each new revelation about their culture and physiology, culminating in the stunning discovery in 2010 that up to 4 % of the genome all modern humans of European and Asian origin carry Neanderthal DNA, as a result of interbreeding between the two species.
It was a controversial interpretation for many, as it contradicted religious beliefs about human origins; the short, stocky limb bones and the skull's oversized brow suggested an ape - like ancestor that did not fit in with the biblical idea of God's creation.
While questions related to the when and where of humanity's origins remain hotly debated, one matter about our collective genetic makeup is clearer: All humans appear to be hominid hybrids, made up of DNA from different and distinct populations.
After six months of work, the team formed by CSIC staff and the LuzLux production company, among others, has completed the documentary «Nanocosmos, a journey to the origins of dust grains, a road movie which talks about the technological and human challenge that lies behind the development of instruments in the area of Laboratory Astrophysics.
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