Sentences with phrase «about the literatures of»

There seems to be little or nothing about the literatures of the numerous other Muslim peoples.
In the face of this surfeit — not to mention the previous century of notable books about the conflict — Wednesday night's panel at Cooper Union about the literature of the Great War, part of the PEN World Voices Festival, served as a live recommended - reading engine.

Not exact matches

From pronouncements about the «death of literature» to predictions of shorter books, the pay - per - page system is being roundly criticized.
He also told The New Yorker he felt the ambitious undertaking would allow him to «confront a lot of our shared anxieties about the future of human expression (see: Twitter or text messages) by forcing a great work of literature through such a strange new filter.»
How to Fix the Future is a truly important book and the most significant work so far in an emerging body of literature — others of note are Tim Wu's The Attention Merchants and Zeynep Tufekci's Twitter and Tear Gas — in which technology's smartest thinkers are raising alarm bells about the state of the Internet, and laying groundwork for how to fix it.
In a 2007 review of the scientific literature on the subject, published in Clinical Psychology Review, researchers found that parenting, on average, explained only about 4 percent of the variation in anxiety issues among children,» notes the WSJ article.
The considerable literature about the significance of «tone at the top» might be usefully summed up by these two sweeping statements:
Finding nothing in the accompanying literature about uploading, accessing, and distributing digital images on the Internet — a major component of Zing's business — Doerr concluded that Platshon had hit on a missed market opportunity.
Another expert, University of Georgia meteorology professor Marshall Shepherd, said that «while we have to be careful about knee - jerk cause - effect discussions, the National Academy of Science and recent peer - reviewed literature continue to show that some of today's extremes have climate change fingerprints on them.»
The report then claims that a survey of the academic literature supports a finding that savers lose about 1 % per year due to conflicted payments.
The Kingdom of God is not about mere words written down in a book that so many classify as just another piece of historical literature.
However, the man is not a literature specialist, so what reason do I have to seriously consider what he has to say about «fairy tales,» much less about «philosophy» and «theology» when he hasn't even so much as an undergraduate degree in either of those areas.
Losing the war made the South the South; Southern literature, for example, is all about the experiences of displaced aristocrats and a kind of very otherworldly Christianity that was the product of political defeat.
The notion of heaven that most Christians have is a half - baked construct that comes out the art and literature of medieval Europe, one that bears little resemblance to the heaven Christ talked about.
On the other, The Nation describes the movement in terms of radical and sweeping revolution quite beyond anything usually depicted in the anti-homosexualist literature of the right: «But the gay nineties is not only about civil rights, tolerance, and legitimacy.
That there is no auxiliary literature of grievance for men — who, for the most part, just don't seem to feel they have as much to grieve about in this new world order — is something else that Humanae Vitae and a few other retrograde types saw coming in the wake of the revolution.
Another source of extensive commentary has been Dana Gioia's programmatic statement about Catholicism and literature, «The Catholic Writer Today.»
Pope Benedict XVI for instance has a lot of fantastic literature on topics you seem to be blessedly ignorant about.
It seems unlikely that the work was ever meant to have been taken seriously by Christians; instead, its purpose was to offer further conjectural details about the life of Christ as a pious entertainment, part of a larger body of Pilate literature.
The Kierkegaardian literature has both a striking pertinence and an air of unreality about it.
If you really want to know more about development and differentiation of cells and tissue... do some reading, it's pretty straight forward stuff that is well described in the literature.
This is from an excerpt of literature from one program: «Anyone may join us, regardless of age, race, sexual identity, creed, religion, or lack of religion.We are not interested in what or how much you used or who your connections were, what you have done in the past, how much or how little you have, but only in what you want to do about your problem and how we can help.
There is a further condition brought out in the literature which can be expressed as «if the separation of the body and life can not be verified, or if there is doubt about the separation of the body and life, organ excision is morally prohibited and should not be allowed» [2].
I got to thinking about all of this when I learned that Evolving in Monkey Town is nominated for an INSPY Award for excellence in faith - driven literature.
It distributes literature, answers letters of inquiry from all over the world, and advises members about group problems.
Anyway, last week, we talked about Chapter 2 — «The Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Literature» — in which Enns tackles the difficult question of how to understand the Bible as special and revelatory when Genesis in particular looks so much like other literature from the ancient Near EastLiterature» — in which Enns tackles the difficult question of how to understand the Bible as special and revelatory when Genesis in particular looks so much like other literature from the ancient Near Eastliterature from the ancient Near Eastern world.
Klauck, professor of New Testament and Early Christian Literature at the University of Chicago, has ideas about what to make of all this, but the value of the book is to be found in his brief summaries of the various topics, the judicious citation of primary sources, and the up - to - date bibliographies.
Some evangelical prayer meetings look «quite a lot like the Pietist conventicals»; the literature on the two «resemble» and «echo» each other; one «comes to mind» when one deals with the other; the ideas of one «would not be alien» to the other; and both «insisted on» similar themes about the warmed heart and signs of regeneration.
But the feeling about the city that Melville is trying to express runs deeper than the pastoral commonplaces and reform literature of his contemporaries.
appeared in The Atlantic in 1991, it galvanized a national conversation about the state of American literature and how creative writing was being taught, produced, and consumed by the reading public.
In his writings there is explicit acceptance of the traditional Catholic doctrine about Jesus and yet also a development of that doctrine with special emphasis on the cosmic Christ adumbrated in the Pauline literature and expounded by Teilhard in the evolutionary perspective.
Theology first appears in Western literature in Hesiod's Theogony, and appears there as systematic discourse about the acts of divine or sacred beings.
Because he is a voracious reader who goes in for heavy reading about ultimate concerns, his humor can be appreciated especially by those familiar with the pretentiousness of some religious and philosophical literature.
One of my biggest concerns about literature coming out of the contemporary «biblical manhood and womanhood» movement is that it tends to relegate certain traits to certain genders, and then pit those traits against one another.
a sample (speaking in particular about the Gospel accounts of Jesus): «I have been reading poems, romances, vision - literature, legends, myths all my life.
She even openly admits in her argument that the sole basis of her argument was not a piece of literature meant to accurately depict the methods through which matter, energy, the Earth and life came about.
All of this is to say, then, that myth and legend in the Old Testament serve for us a historical purpose: the literature of Genesis informs us in a unique way about the faith of the community of Israel, about what Israel believed.
In the course of his thinking about literature, he noted that imbedded within all literary form was a rhetorical component.
She can talk about Jesus with fictional literature, but not in the face of terrorism?
Johnson's thesis is that much of American literature and thought about war in the 20th century is of limited relevance to the typical forms of contemporary armed conflict and the changing shape of the international order.
«Testifies to»: there is a troublesome ambiguity about the logic of this relationship, an ambiguity that pervades much of the recent literature on science and religion.
First of all, the fact that you resort to name calling is very telling about where your heart is with regards to this issue... Secondly I am not referring to one video in particular but the many images and literature that both supported and endorsed those particular attacks...
I read a lot of Calvinist literature in English and literature classes and in history class the closest thing I saw to anti-Christian sentiment was a comment about how Islamic scholars in West Africa criticized Christian teachers for doing exactly what the Islamic scholars had been doing (the hypocrisy was clearly pointed out).
About that time the production of first - rate literature began, with William Faulkner, Eudora Welty, Ellen Glasgow, Robert Penn Warren and several others moving to center stage on the national scene.
This body of literature has generated some useful hypotheses about the effects of Puritanism on the rise of science, its legitimation of revolutionary dissent, and the qualities of religious rationality, to mention only a few of the themes that have been pursued.
Much of the literature generated by and about postliberal theology has debated these questions.
Mark Edmundson is a professor of literature who has said some interesting things about the quarrel between philosophy and poetry, as well as the larger cultural implications of the Nightmare on Elm Street movies.
She commends the work, and rightly so, primarily for its «comprehensive critical review of the literature» (there have been about 15 studies of female homosexuals who were not patients) and for its 26 summarized case studies.
Beginning with a Nietzschean analysis of Greek thinking and literature which sees the distancing of the numinous as the center of the Greek experience, this book attempts to demonstrate that the higher expressions of religion in both East and West revolve about an absolute antithesis between religion and reality, wherein religion can only truly and finally realize itself by an absolute negation, dissolution or annihilation of reality itself.
While awaiting his death in the Tower of London, More wrote this most unusual example of prison literature, a spiritual treatise peppered with comic stories about nagging wives and overscrupulous donkeys.
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