Sentences with phrase «about the measurements of»

What is important about this measurement of simultaneity is that it depends upon the operationist definition of simultaneity.
At first I was quite worried about the measurements of the dress because this was my first time shopping online for a dress.
About The Measurements of Decay by K. K. Edin From the 8th to the 15th of May 2018, the ebook will be discounted at 66 % on
Talk about the measurement of CO2 concentration that has been going on in Hawaii since 30 or 40 years ago.
And what about the measurement of atmospheric CO2?
Did you read SoD's comments (and the references therein) about measurement of «back radiation»? SOD has written several nice posts about measurement of DLR.

Not exact matches

The suggested daily dose of vitamin D for most healthy adults is 600 IU (the measurement tool for fat - soluble vitamins), of which a serving of milk has about 25 % of the daily amount.
The average Mattermark Growth Score — a measurement of how quickly a company is gaining traction — for studio companies was about 26 percent higher than the average score for accelerator companies.
Dig Deeper: 5 Business Lessons Learned from Undercover Boss How to Set Up a Mystery Shopping Program: Appraising the Program A mystery shopper will make inquiries and observations according to the specifications of each project, noting specific details and measurements about the location and level of customer service provided.
Frey's team did not train their system to predict diseases, but instead to take measurements of contents within a cell (metrics such as the concentration of a specific protein) and draw conclusions about the cellular system as a whole.
However, two of the most helpful reviewers complained about the accuracy of the body fat percentage measurements.
Anyone who tells you that building a startup or driving a lean transformation is glamorous has not experienced how much of the work is about measurement, accountability, and being brutally honest with yourselves and your colleagues.
Over the years, researchers have raised a number of serious conceptual and measurement concerns about how the official poverty rate is calculated.
And keep an eye out for upcoming Book of Answers posts where we'll tackle questions about teams and processes, content creation, content distribution, and content measurement.
Americans spent about 7.5 billion minutes watching Netflix on their phones in June of 2017, according to data from media measurement company ComScore, up 73 percent since 2014.
However, regardless of what you seek to measure about your inbound links, or those of your competitors, the ultimate impact of obtaining those measurements is that you still have to know what to do about them.
Since it's high last month, it has given back about 20 %, which is the standard measurement of what constitutes a Bear Market.
We can allow the thoughts, opinions, attitudes and measurements of others to guide our thinking about outcomes.
fakebucky «It's the RELATIONSHIP of the measurements» look it up dork, you'll find «about» equal with «this» or «that» on all ancient Hebrew conversions.
«16 Thus, Lindsell posits that the cock crowed six times for Peter (in order to harmonize the Gospel accounts); he concludes that «about 23,500» people died on a certain single day (in order to account for Numbers 25:9 citing 24,000 as the figure while Paul asserts in 1 Corinthians 10:8 that it was 23,000); and he hypothesizes that the «molten sea» described in 2 Chronicles 4 as being ten cubits in diameter and thirty cubits in circumference (although we know that C = BD, I. e., the circumference of something ten cubits in diameter is actually 31.4159 cubits) can be understood if the vessel is considered to have sides that are four inches thick, and if the measurement for diameter is taken from the outer edges while the measurement of circumference is taken from the inner edge.17
If you set about measuring a complicated structure like the pyramid of Cheops, he says, you will soon have dozens of measurements to play with; and if you have the patience to juggle them about in various ways, you are bound to come out with many figures that coincide with important historical dates or with scientific calculations.
Measurements of the water vapor and of other molecules, such as carbon monoxide, suggest there is enough gas to feed the black hole until it grows to about six times its size.
Stapp's thesis about possible spin - values must not be confused with similar claims about the results of actual measurements.
It is rather about a class of measurements that are possible individually but not jointly: no more than half of them can ever be performed.
Stapp's conclusion, then, is not about the results of actual measurements nor about a class of class of measurements that are all possible.
The meaningfulness of talk about alternative possible measurements does not in itself ensure the propriety of conjunctively combining equations which each express relationships among the results of one of the four possible measuring procedures.
Certainly, there is nothing particularly problematic about asserting all of the following: (a) if two classes of measurements A» and C» are performed, their results will be related in a particular way; (b) if the two classes of measurements A'and D' are performed, their results will be related in a certain way; (c) if the two classes B» and C» are performed, their results will be related in a certain way; and (d) if the two classes B» and D' are performed, their results will be related in a particular way.
Our measurements of the particle's location and its motion (actually, its momentum) are reciprocally land inversely] related to each other The more we know about one, the less we know about the other,»
But I do realize that the atheist rant is pointless, especially where it tries to argue from an empirical / scientific standpoint because spirituality isn't about trying to figure things out from the outside in through research and data collection — it's when we see things from the inside out and the only valid instrument of measurement is our own being.
Giving orders, and obeying them — Describing the appearance of an object, or giving its measurements — Constructing an object from a description (a drawing)-- Reporting an event — Speculating about an event — Forming and resting a hypothesis — Presenting the results of an experiment in tables and diagrams — Making up a story; and reading it — Play - acting — Singing catches — Guessing riddles — Making a joke; telling it — Solving a problem in practical arithmetic — Translating from one language to another — Asking, thanking, cursing.
From this base, he can move to a formal definition of the projective properties of straightness and flatness in the derivations of PR IV, 3, apply those notions to the doctrine of strains (PR IV, 4), demonstrating that the shrinking of a set of linear relations into the microcosm of a strain seat does not distort those relations, and hence that the measurement of a strain locus in the presentational immediacy of the measurer says something objective about the contemporaneous world (PR IV, 5).
Kick question about the book... are the measurements in the UK edition of the book in cups, Tbsp mostly (like in teh blog)?
Hi Ella... Can you please clarify about the use of cup measurements... A cup is different in the US, UK and Oz.
Hi Tanene, I created this recipe in grams so I'm not sure about the cup measurements exactly but it's about 5 cups of oats.
I read the cmments about the coconut flour after I made it so I used the exact measurements but white flour instead of coconut.
My measurements today had each muffin come out to about 36 calories, and about 6 grams of carbs!
****************************************************************************************************************************** Almond Pancake (measurements are approximate except the eggs) Ingredients: 2 small eggs About 1 cup almond flour / meal (I used left over ground almond and almond waste from my homemade almond milk) Splash of... Read more →
I would encourage you to read all the posted comments to learn more about variations, substitutions and measurements / weights of ingreds.
This helps a lot of confusion about measurements.
Using US measurements 1 cup (of 240 ml) has about 125 g of flour.
Only used half the ketchup and brown sugar and proceeded with recommended measurements for remaining sauce ingredients, but added about a 1/3 to 1/2 cup of the broth from the chicken (depending on how thin or thick you like your sauce).
See my note below the recipe about the choice of milk and coconut butter measurements to help guide you when making this delicious recipe.
With the publication of this manual on the Anker Methodology of Living Wage measurement, there is an unprecedented opportunity to measure living wages that are accepted by the variety of players involved in living wage issues, and to lead cooperation and shape discussions about worker needs and wage levels around the world, to achieve progressive improvement in wages towards a living wage globally.
I do agree that more oil was needed in between the first and second batch but mine were cooked all the way through, and I followed the measurements of about 3 Tbsp.
As you know, baking is about precision and accuracy and that's why I've always been an advocate of weight measurements.
Use imperial measurements Method How to make Bacon and Broccoli Rice Bowl Cover the eggs with about 1 inch of water in a small saucepan.
Your butter measurement is a little odd; 2 / 3c is about 10.5 TBSP of butter, and 1 / 2c + 1 / 3c like you suggest is closer to 13 TBSP, which is it?
I love the idea of a cookbook being about ideas instead of hard - and - fast measurements and techniques; cooking should be about letting the food inspire you.
Every batch of kimchi is a little different so don't worry about exact measurements of the brine.
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