Sentences with phrase «about the planet as»

Well if you define facts about the planet as «liberal indoctrination» then you have a point.
Because we care as much about the planet as we do about people, we are committed to transparency in our business and growing practices.
It was okay for them to not talk about the planet as a whole.
This post is the second of 5 focusing on the marketing advantages of businesses that care as much about the planet as profits.
This post is the last of five focusing on the marketing advantages of businesses that care as much about the planet as profits.

Not exact matches

Last week, Planet Labs announced that it would put about 100 satellites into space from the United States and Russia, bringing the total number of «Doves,» as the company calls them, to 131.
As part of the series — produced by Darren Aronofsky and narrated by superstar Will Smith — several astronauts give personal anecdotes and perspectives about the planet based on a place few humans who have actually visited outer space.
Jupiter's Great Red Spot is about twice as wide as Earth and has tumbled in the planet's atmosphere for at least 350 years.
As the craft continues to transmit photos back to Earth, scientists are learning more about the fascinating dwarf planet at the edge of our solar system.
Boeing NYSE: BA recently matched Musk's big talk as CEO Dennis Muilenburg spoke about sending holidayers to orbiting tourist traps prior to linking up with the Red Planet.
As the two planets make their separate ways around the sun, the distance between Mars and the Earth varies immensely — from about 35 million miles, to nearly 250 million miles separating the two celestial bodies.
We are but mammals on a planet and there is not a thing we can do about it as the human was here on earth long before our Religion or the story of Jesus or Muhamid.
You have to tell yourself that in order to feel good about using a crutch of a god in your life because you can't truly cope with the reality of living on this planet, dealing with others that don't view life as you do.
As others have pointed out, he was talking about panspermia, the idea that «life could spread from planet to planet, or from stellar system to stellar system, carried on meteors.»
How about to improve life on this planet and reduce as much human suffering as possible?
The other possibility, the evocation of the transcendent good — grace, beauty, God — through the hard temporal realities of individuals in action is much harder to carry off, as evidenced in Greene's The Power and the Glory, Charles Williams» Descent into Hell, C. S. Lewis» Out of the Silent Planet, Tolstoy's Resurrection, and perhaps most poignantly in the dismal failure of most literary attempts to portray the central mystery, the life of Jesus — Kazantzakis» The Greek Passion, Faulkner's A Fable, or — most dismal of all, historical novels about Jesus (what could be less hidden?)
Of course if anyone looks up, «No man knows my history» by Fawn M. Brodie, or «Under The Banner of Heaven, or Secret Ceremonies: A Mormon Woman's Intimate Diary of Marriage and Beyond,» as well as google different questions about mormon secret names, White Horse Prophesy, Mormons becoming Gods, God was once a man on another planet, mormon bigotry against Blacks, Joseph Smith and his 14 year old wife (WHILE he was still married to his living wife Emma) Helen Mar Kimball... I could go on.
The Maps about Nothing blog describes itself as «the most detailed, comprehensive and downright obsessive - compulsive archive of Seinfeld geography on the planet
When the Bible refers to God darkening the moon, or not allowing it's light to shine, it's likely talking about infrequent lunar eclipses, and the same system of finding meaning in the position of planets relative to constellations we know as astrology is what these Bible writers are talking about.
What about the Mormons that believe in mormon magical underwear that protects them from evil.Or they revere Joesoph Smith as their messiah when he was a con artist, molester, rapist, theif.Or what about Mormons believe god lives on planet kolob lol.I am a conservative christian repub and can not vote for a cult bishop like Romney, Do nt sell your sould supporting a cult bishop who believes this garbage lol.
Then light was liberated, and then gravity created the first stars and galaxies, then billions of years later, a local star went supernova and seeded the local nebula with heavier elements, elements necessary for life, elements that were not created during the Big Bang, then the sun was born, then the planets coalesced, and billions of years later some primate wrote a story about how the Earth was created at the same time as the rest of the universe, getting it wrong because that primate did not have the science nor technology to really understand what happened, so he gave it his best guess, most likely an iteration of an older story told prior to the advent of the Judeo Christian religion.
oxkarbaz How can the scientific community be spreading misinformation about the origins of the universe and life on this planet, as you suggest, without there somehow being some conspiracy to hide the «truth»?
And as it only does what * we * use it to do, there most certainly is something * we * can do about whether it gets used to destroy the planet.
One might say that just as nuclear war has made of the whole planet a potential battlefield, thus raising new questions about war itself, so, too, has modern advertising made of the whole planet an actual constant marketplace, thus provoking radical changes in the practice and theory of human intercourse.
I'm not talking about the gravity on this planet, as that would vary depending on the mass of the planet.
It must be very comforting looking forward to the apocalypse with such delight and fervour.Gee, I wish I believed in a god that will rip the planet apart and save his chosen ones (the best flatterers), while the rest suffer in torment for eternity.I get a warm, fuzzy feeling, just thinking about it.No I don't... Your god sounds like something any sane person would run from, screaming,, as fast as possible
Eschatology is concerned about the goal of humanity and the world; apocalyptic is consumed with the actual end of the planet earth as it is presently constituted.
Simply because I exist on a Planet about a billion light years from any other currently living form of life, not chemicals, elements or gases, and how I don't see this as some random thing — there is something greater than you and I and the evidence is all around you.
Please let us learn about medicine so we can beat You and Your little game of torturing us while we yet live on this planet, as we know You are a Sadistic Son - Of - A-B + ch who is not satisfied giving us eternal torture in the fiery lake.
Two planets in our solar system are spinning the wrong way as well as about 30 moons.
How were the firstborns to die — tangible murder, or a disease brought about by poor birthing conditions engineered by the medical community of the time, or by a pulse from the Anananunki planet that could be attributed to a weak, ineffectual god assigned to this sector of the universe and passed off as omnipotent because He thought he was, or knew he had to pretend to be, to give humans Any Hope AT ALL?
Right, so teach about how the world is actually a giant turtles back, and how in Guam the sun and planets are eyeballs of giants, and about how people climbed from the underworld as ants led by a coyote, and how we were sneezed out from a sleeping giant, and...
This is such a huge subject that I must beg indulgence, therefore, if I give my space to but a small fraction of the historic faith — namely its main emphases on God, Christ, the Church, and eternal life — and consider only these in our modem context, in the effort to discover what values they may have for men and women who are tossed about in an unsettled world, with an uncertain future, and doomed — almost certainly it seems — to a doubtful truce of arms, at worst to a war which threatens to annihilate man as we have known him and in any event to leave us a bare existence such as we can eke out on a totally devastated planet.
In fact, the more I learn about the world, the more I know about science, the more I am amazed about the mystery of this planet and this universe — and it strengthens my faith as opposed to weakens it.»
we need to lose about 40 % — 80 % or the planet will do it for us we as the most wealthy nations need to set a good example
Known as Gliese 581 g, the planet orbits a star named Gliese 581, which is about 20 light years away (the nearest star to the Sun is 4.3 light years away).
As much as it's steeped in space fights, planets and bases the size of moons, Star Wars isn't really about spacAs much as it's steeped in space fights, planets and bases the size of moons, Star Wars isn't really about spacas it's steeped in space fights, planets and bases the size of moons, Star Wars isn't really about space.
Along with a letter that pointed to some online links about space camp, the astronaut program and resources to elementary students, NASA also sent Dexter some really cool pictures of the Red Planet and Mars Curiosity Rover, as well as a sticker that's a replica of the mission patch worn by the astronauts.
When GQ's Michal Hainey asked Rubio, in an interview released Monday, «How old do you think the Earth is,» the rising Republican star described the debate about the planet's age as «one of the great mysteries.»
With the as * anine behavior and ridiculous fighting so carelessly about who's god is greater, We need to put religion in it's place, not end it as every individual has the right to choice, but concentrate on preserving our precious planet and all it's grandeur.
About half believe God created the planet and life on it as it is now, while four out of 10 say there has been evolution, but it was guided by God.
So why would He want to tell those folks about ALIENS from another planet, let alone that the Earth revolved around the Sun and not the other way around... And, according to the gold plates found by Joseph Smith, He DID visit other areas including the Americas where he appeared and taught natives there as well.
And how about storms on other planets, such as Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune?
Best of all, they use all certified organic and sustainable ingredients — you can feel good about the effect your diet is having on the planet, as well as on your well - being.
As the world's leading natural and organic grocer we're all about healthy food and a healthy planet, and we've got bunches of passionate people in our community doing incredible things.
Organic 3.0 is about bringing organic out of its current niche into the mainstream and positioning organic systems as part of the multiple solutions needed to solve the tremendous challenges faced by our planet and our species.
It is about bringing organic out of its current niche into the mainstream and positioning organic systems as part of the multiple solutions needed to solve the tremendous challenges faced by our planet and our species.
Campaigns such as Meat Free Monday have been playing a vital role in shaping the conversation at a grassroots level, helping educate people about the importance of eating with their health, and the planet, in mind.
It's about coming together as a school community to help the planet and promote healthy food.
With a brand new cover, vegan and gluten - free recipes marked in the index plus a note about dairy and eggs, The Meat Free Monday Cookbook is handy for anyone hoping to increase the amount of seasonal fruit and vegetables in their diet as well as make a positive difference to the planet.
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