Sentences with phrase «about the same»

I also kept my basic meal times about the same as they had been all week.
The classes that are held online may or may not offer a community to talk to other people who are expecting at about the same time as you are.
It will run you $ 500 and an additional $ 150 if you want a keyboard dock, which puts it at about the same price as the Surface 2.
And now they will have two SUVs of about the same size competing with each other.
I didn't think twice about making my second feature for just about the same amount as I had made my first one (nine years earlier).
We were also mattress - on - the - floor people for about the same amount of time.
It costs about the same price as a premium wireless charger would on its own though, and you get the added benefit of reducing the amount of clutter on your desk.
Then when I got to the big one I could paint it in about the same time as the sketches pretty early on.
I'm completely tired of talking about the same thing year after year.
Both are running the latest Android 5.0 Lollipop and both even cost about the same amount of money.
Below the screen is a tiny bezel, just about the same size as the bezel just above the screen.
Both sets of workers retired at about the same ages.
We now know that all children are born with about the same number of brain cells, billions of them.
The participants lied most about their abilities — at about the same rate on their resumes and LinkedIn profiles.
There are many handsets available in the market using the same chipset with about the same price tag.
It will remain about the same size, with the biggest changes being in the button layout, that many people also complained about the first one.
Both family dogs and working dogs scored about the same on the tests, confirming previous studies showing that education doesn't necessarily improve a dog's performance.
And you probably think about those same things as you're planning your morning meal.
For this idea to work however, the parties will need to think about the same issues in respect of customer service levels as arise with respect to supplier service levels.
The trunk should remain about the same length, to package the optional folding hard top.
This does not mean that you can not write about the same topic as others but rather means that if you do, you must make it different in some way.
From the female's point of view inside the corridor, the bigger, more distant items look about the same size as the nearby smaller ones.
Today, the trip by mass transit rail still takes about the same time.
Data from the watches showed that subjects got about the same amount of sleep in the two settings.
You have even written about the same things before.
Our traffic has increased by about the same percentage each and every year.
When your kids are all about the same age, it's easier for you to find gifts that they can all enjoy together.
The potatoes should be done about the same time as the tofu.
Insulin functioning improved by about the same amount in both groups.
A large banana and a small potato weigh about the same amount, but a potato offers more vitamin content per calorie than a banana.
Since muscle weighs significantly more than fat while taking up less space, the end result is that you may stay about the same weight while getting much smaller.
We don't approach it the same way; we don't talk about it the same way.
Ironically (or perhaps biologically on purpose) your baby's vision is about 8 to 12 inches, which is about the same distance from his face to yours when you are nursing.
It is difficult to listen to a text when there are other texts in the room talking about the same subject matter, often in ways more elaborate and more familiar.
In a simple task, the two groups moved equally quickly and made about the same number of mistakes.
That means most people pay about the same rate within a general area for the same amount of coverage.
Aurora drivers spend about the same time on the road as other drivers around the country, so it shouldn't have any substantial impact on your car insurance rates.
I worried about the same thing when we got them, but it's always nice and bright in there.
The speaker on the bottom feels about the same way as these options too.
The volume rocker is small and located at about the same height as the power button, which makes them tough to distinguish in your pocket.
The larger 9.7 - inch model has a slight advantage in this area with its dual stereo speakers, but the audio quality remains about the same when it comes to real world usage.
Probably about the same cost as an umbrella policy and you don't have to worry about some judge telling some guy you owe him your life's worth.
The other students scored about the same in each state.
The authors concluded that students in most charter schools perform about the same as students in comparable public schools (68).
We come from every corner of the globe and yet we all deeply care about the same issues.
People are complaining about the same stuff over and over again.
If your battery is fine, it should run at about the same speed.
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