Sentences with phrase «about their compensation arrangement»

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The contract must clearly disclose any conflicts of interest that do exist, and must give the client instructions as to how he or she can obtain online access to compensation arrangements entered into by the insurance carrier (the final rule, however, provides for a streamlined disclosure pursuant to which individualized information about specific advisors need not be listed).
Information about the post-retirement benefit available under this arrangement for Mr. Oman appears in column (h) of the Summary Compensation Table, in column (d) of the Pension Benefits table, in the narrative that follows the Pension Benefits table, and the table under «Potential Post-Employment Payments» beginning on page 87 of this proxy statement.
Additional information about this arrangement, including any compensation, is contained in the ETF's registration statement.
Despite discussions about alternative fee arrangements and the changing times for the business of law, many clients and law firms still deal with compensation for legal work based on the billable hour.
One option is to just be straightforward about the arrangement, noting the value without claiming it as direct compensation.
Section 141 sets out some of the matters that may be addressed and includes, amongst others, information about the time, areas of land and kinds of prospecting activities to be carried out, conditions, compensations and manner of resolving disputes and varying the access arrangements.
The study found that consumers were confused by, and in some cases did not appropriately apply, the information provided in disclosures about mortgage broker compensation arrangements.
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