Sentences with phrase «about their feelings toward»

If you recall Charlie Brown's walk with Linus after their time skating on the pond, he was candid about his feelings toward December 25th: «I always end up feeling depressed,» he tells his buddy.
The 28 year - old was then asked about his feelings toward former club Real, to which he replied: «Of course my heart beats for Real.
In a day where cliches and coach - speak rule the day, Lynch first went «beast mode on FCC regulations» by dropping an s - bomb, then showed genuine emotion, talked about his feelings toward the media («I ain't never seen no talking win me nothing; been like that since I was little; was raised like that»), bragged about his team («they going to have to stop all of us.
It asked 130 residents about their feelings toward the neighborhood, Surrey Park, Glen Ellyn police and other issues.
I engaged in a few of these discussions offline and online, and while I'm still on the fence about my feelings toward the model, I can offer some insight and interpretation.
Indeed, when asked about their feelings toward various reforms, over 85 percent of school board members cite PD as «extremely» or «very» important.
What does her breakdown in the front yard say about her feelings toward her late husband and herself?
I am more ambivalent about my feelings toward the Major.
I've hardly been subtle about my feelings toward Trickerion throughout this review, but in case you somehow missed it I really, really like this game.
• AI Improvements: Apple has been pretty upfront about its feelings toward artificial intelligence, with CEO Tim Cook saying AI will be a huge focus for the iPhone.
In 1968, nearly 3,000 sixth - graders living in Luxembourg took intelligence tests and answered questions about their feelings toward school.
«We must work to lessen their detrimental effects by actively listening and engaging the client in discussion about their feelings toward their retirement income, education, and misconceptions, while sincerely sharing our clients concerns.»
I may or may not have changed my mind about my feelings toward summer since my last Miscellany Monday post.

Not exact matches

Many people I felt gratitude toward I also felt mixed about, which made writing a gratitude email challenging.
It's about feeling part of something bigger than themselves, with guidance and direction to help move them along the path toward their ultimate goals.
«It is important that anyone serving the Fed feel safe speaking up when they have concerns about bias toward industry, and that those concerns be addressed.»
But while we may be intentional about growing in relationship with God, it may seem challenging because we may not feel God's intentionality toward us.
In becoming man, Christ made the link between matter and spirit that most of us feel to be the truth about ourselves, even the atheists among us: our spirit strives toward what is noble and good, yet finds itself mired in what is paltry and second rate when not destructive of self and others.
The bad part was the sense of shame some Christians made me feel about my emotional struggles, but as I discovered how God views healing, I realized it wasn't my faith that was flawed; it was their views toward mental health and faith.
Since you easily pick up the feelings of your parishioners and you know almost immediately how to best respond to those feelings, it would serve you well to ask some hard questions about your impulses: Why do I feel like I need to move toward this person and see what they might need from me?
There's probably more about Esau and how God felt about him than any of the aforementioned and it doesn't look good, but when we read about Esau's later years, he appeared to be repentant and loving toward Jacob, but perhaps not with the Lord...
You have absolutely no ration basis for your open hatred toward a group of people that you are in no way connected to (unless you are actually a closet queen and you hate them because you hate yourself, which is a distinct possibility), and you feel the need to express that negativity despite what your religion actually says about it.
This involves helping them work through their painful feelings about the «stigma» of mental illness and their feelings of guilt and rejection toward the ill person.
The chapter entitled «Waging Identity Wars» forced me to confront some of the reasons why I can be cruel and dismissive toward conservative evangelicals (``... when we're suffering an identity crisis, we take cheap shots at other groups in order to feel better about ourselves») and how to move forward (``... we must affirm who we really are as the people of God before we can begin to interact with each other as the people of God.»)
So Jesus, in telling a story about two brothers and alluding to the story of the first two brothers in history, is telling us all that we are both the older brother and the younger brother, and are feelings toward one another have nothing to do with what we have or haven't done, or how we have been slighted or overlooked, insulted or abused.
By becoming more comfortable about ourselves and all our feelings we can become more generous and outgoing toward others.
We can be so concerned about our own virtue that we inhibit spontaneous feeling toward others.
Jordan Ekeroth writes about the tension Christians feel toward video games — either to dismiss them or over-spiritualize them — and how artists can move past that.
One could point out, quite accurately, that Whitehead talks about God and the world in such a way that it is very clear that while God proffers a subjective aim which, if accepted, would result in the greatest good possible under the circumstances, actual entities sophisticated enough to entertain complex contrasts of feeling also thereby have genuine freedom of choice with the result that they are free to reject the aim proffered by God, free to turn their backs on God's lure toward the best possible tomorrow.
In contrast to the left - over Victorian attitudes and feelings about sex still to be noted among some individuals and communities (attitudes toward sex education, for example), are the increasingly mechanized and exploitative and depersonalizing attitudes toward sex which are prevalent in our society.
Would legalizing euthanasia / PAS affect the way we think about mental and physical decline, about suffering, about the obligations of adult children to their parents or of how parents needing care feel toward their children?
If you care to apply the proper word (believe) to how you feel about or toward your god, then we would not even be having this discussion, for why would I argue against your accurate description of what you believe?
If you care to apply the proper word (believe) to how you feel about or toward other minds and evidence, then we would not even be having this discussion, for why would I argue against your accurate description of what you believe?
The empty chair method can also help in working through feelings about people who are still alive but with whom direct confrontation is either impossible or probably unproductive — e.g., a rigid boss on a job you still want to keep, an aged parent with whom an open confrontation would be destructive, or an ex-spouse toward whom one has energy - wasting resentments.
When some of the anger and frustration had been dealt with, not only verbally but also physically using foam rubber bats, (2) and Connie and Steve were feeling a little more friendly toward each other, the counselor asked them to try telling each other what they still liked about their marriage and about each other.
To have «gotten through» to have come to the end, to sense the laborious process of «working toward» about to break through into an «end achieved,» is a feeling we all know.
But if Rohr is right (and I believe he is), Calvary didn't change God's attitude toward us, it showed us what God has always felt about us: Deep, self - sacrificial love.
But what about my generation, the generation of American liberal Jews who feel increasingly alienated from old - world Orthodoxy and increasingly wooed by Christian denominations that are publishing position papers that redefine Christian attitudes toward Jews and invite us to dialogue?
Isn't «forgiveness» more about inner peace from releasing our judgments and ill feelings toward others?
On one level he feels overwhelming guilt feelings about his harming of them; on another level (often unconscious) his drinking may be a way of expressing hostility and resentment toward them.
Yet I suspect that the results of the sermon, in addition to transmitting certain head - level ideas about anger, were to make his congregation feel guilty about their unresolved hostility and to arouse hidden anger toward the minister himself.
Their attention is channeled toward cues about how one «feels» about a candidate rather than to past record or position on particular issues.
Acceptance of negative feelings about suffering, along with changes in life style and orientation and in attitude toward dying, aim at liberating the sufferer to retrieve primal trust.
I believe that the Spirit in that meeting will soften your negative feelings toward Ms. Love and toward Mormons in general while helping to clear up any misconceptions you might have about our religion.
So, if vouchers nudge even one of them toward leafy green vegetables (and even if the rest scalp those vouchers and head straight to Louie's), the congregation should feel good about its ministry.
Portraying the individual choice to abort in this way, as a step toward freedom for the entire human race, invites women to see the sorrow they feel about their own abortions as part of a false consciousness instilled by a society determined to repress female sexuality.
He responds by accusing her of being «irresponsible» in her attitudes toward finances and unaware of how a man feels about such things.
I've found that people have seriously strong feelings about pancakes and waffles, and rarely do they ever have equal feelings toward both so I would love to hear your thoughts.
So I'll just rest my hand on his head, and then all of a sudden I'll start feeling pretty good about petting my dog, and that's a start toward a new day.»
Cech effect in not just about making some saves each match its about calming the defence Me as a spectator have great confidence when the ball comes toward our goal and this must be the feeling of the defence
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