Sentences with phrase «about use of resources»

«It meant that we weren't fighting for the same rooms, and there were no disagreements about the use of resources,» explains Lombardi.
It was about use of resources (trees being cut down to make paper) and about reusable items instead of single use items.
Twelfth, there are still other questions about the use of resources in the functioning of the community.
It was noted that little was offered about using of his resources, little was mentioned about the educational opportunities necessary to release his potential, and few qualifications were suggested for a staff clergyman in mental health facilities.

Not exact matches

Adam Cavalier, president of California - based insurance broker Cavalier Associates, notes that «There's a buzz about outsourcing, but the real value is only realized when employees internally are bought into the service and able to use these resources as they are meant to be used
IN 10 years, CJ King and Co Pty Ltd has grown from a small annex behind a North Beach home to what it claims is the biggest full colour printer in the Southern Hemisphere — a $ 1,500 investment that is now turning over $ 10 million a year.With the assistance of Austrade and the WA Department of Industry and Resources (DoIR), the company is taking on the UK market, already with some success.One of the remarkable things about this success story is that it has been achieved through a consummate belief in a philosophy to use standardised, leading - edge technology and to supply just the print trade and other on - sellers.
The four main anxiety points he hears about: taxation and budgets; changes to labour laws; more environmental regulation; and changes to resource industries» use of Crown land.
But, it is rare for people in a negotiation to be thinking broadly about the efficient use of resources when trying to minimize price.
In many indigenous cultures I have learned about, community members who want more resources than they can personally use are viewed as suffering from some kind of mental illness.
This would bring about a more sensible alignment in the costs and benefits of the programs, which should lead to a more efficient use of resources.
Entrepreneurship isn't about gathering resources; it's about demonstrating better uses for resources that already exist, regardless of who owns them.
Rather than inefficiently dictating how to use a resource from the top, this approach allows those in the trenches to make the best decisions with ample information about the scarcity and value of the key commodity — time.
According to one Pembina Institute report, using data compiled by Natural Resources Canada and Environment Canada, buildings account for about 11 per cent of Canada's total greenhouse gas emissions.
A lot of the concerns about Trump and corruption have been centered on flagrant violations, like using government resources to promote Trump resorts.
You may not think much about this, but a tremendous amount of global resources — such as energy, minerals, chemicals and water — are used to make a single item of clothing, electronic gadget, or household item.
This survey was conducted online within the U.S. by Harris Poll on behalf of CareerBuilder among 374 HR professionals (employed full - time, work in Human Resources and use, have primary or shared decision - making about the Human Resource system at their company) and 319 job seekers (unemployed, employed full - time or part - time and have applied for a job in the past six months) ages 18 and over between June 2 and June 25, 2014 (percentages for some questions are based on a subset, based on their responses to certain questions).
For all those reasons, it is a remarkable failure not only that Canada's mining machinery industry remains underdeveloped, capable of meeting only a small portion of the mining industry's needs in Canada (let alone globally)-- but, worse yet, that Canadian governments haven't even seriously thought about how to translate our growing resource extraction industry into a larger domestic mining machinery capbility. We've never seriously tried to make those connections. Which explains why the vast majority of the sophisticated, expensive, high - tech equipment used in our mines is imported.Â
This is about illegal use of public resources and also about the illegal * appearance * of mixing religion with public schooling which is also prohibited.
Of course, the thoughts about the world that scientists have had and the discoveries that they have made are often eligible to be used for the exploitation of the resources of the world for the satisfaction of human wantOf course, the thoughts about the world that scientists have had and the discoveries that they have made are often eligible to be used for the exploitation of the resources of the world for the satisfaction of human wantof the resources of the world for the satisfaction of human wantof the world for the satisfaction of human wantof human wants.
On a global level this concern about the gap in the control over and use of natural resources should be raised to gain a correct perspective on globalization.
Somehow the parts of Scripture that really do have something to say about how we use our resources pretty much get bypassed because most of our available resources are consumed by the property - staff - programs triad.
Consultation may become a primary function of the entire mental health center staff as more is learned about how to use the resources of community caretakers more effectively.
This is about Tony doing the same thing Tony has been doing all along: using his greater money and time resources to bury Julie in legal actions, adding another one every time he sees something new out of his control, forcing her to spend her more limited money and time responding and defending herself.
The language has a quaint and innocent ring, redolent of the countryman upset by the vices of the city and the new temptations to the young, like movies, while worrying about land use patterns and the waste of resources ¯ part seer and part curmudgeon.
Maybe you meant the opposite and were talking about humans: those humans who aren't so bright tend to reproduce more because their God told them to or because they won't use birth control and now they are overpopulating the planet leading to a loss of natural resources and the ultimate demise of the species due to ignorance.
It's striking how few of my esteemed colleagues at Yale Divinity School make regular professional use of the resources in the Day Missions Library, which contains a treasure of information about the worldwide expansion of Christianity.
The Faith Alive group in Southampton has in the past decade initiated Alpha courses, an ecumenical programme sharing ideas about leadership, formation and outreach methods with other denominations, a city guildhall event with a Catholic inspirational speaker and prayer teams, a city mission, an introductory programme for «new seekers», that is people interested in the Church and who might wish to continue with the RCIA, displays outside a church on a main road and a manned gazebo to provide information and resources to passers - by during the papal visit, and the Anchor catecheticscourse making use of the «way of beauty» for evangelising parishioners, seen as a primary target.
Young people must be acquainted with the facts about the earth, its resources, and the consequences of using them in various ways.
Presbyterians stopped using the word «missionary» and spoke of «fraternal workers» And mainline mission agencies talked about «global sharing of resources» rather than speak about «mission.»
It is a resource for home bakers to learn about common baking techniques, how to use different ingredients and for hundreds of fantastically delicious recipes.
I've used everything from Radiant Life to Wilderness Family Naturals to Spectrum — most are decent, but I prefer resources that speak openly about the processes they use, so I can have a better idea of what I'm buying.
Learn more about fruit ingredients or view how we process 24 million pounds of strawberries primarily used by the ice cream / frozen novelty industry in our resource library.
I love how you're open to it, and that you're adventurous about using all of God's resources to make DELICIOUS food.
Here are some of the resources available — let us know on the order section at the base of the licence agreement which, if any, you would like: • A5 small flyers about Fair Food & AFSA • A4 flyers with more information about Fair Food and Food Sovereignty in Australia and why we need a Fair Food movement • Scripts or guided conversation outlines are available to use to introduce the film and to use at the end of the screening to stimulate discussion
Through its digital resources, Rare Medium provides chefs with access to red meat knowledge from paddock to plate to close the knowledge gap about Australian red meat production and encourage whole of carcase use.
Our renewed focus on food waste diversion began when I came into the role of sustainability manager in 2007; as a fourth generation farmer, I, personally, am really passionate about not letting this resource go to waste by putting it to better use.
It is about supporting a system of sustainable agricultural management that promotes soil health and fertility through the use of such methods as crop rotation and cover cropping, which nourish plants, foster species diversity, help combat climate change, prevent damage to valuable water resources, and protect farmers and farmersâ $ ™ families from exposure to harmful chemicals.
Miyoko tells readers, «you probably recycle, shop at farmer's markets, buy local as much as you can...» She goes on to offer some staggering stats about animals raised for human consumption that I'm not sure a lot of non-vegans have considered -LCB- at least not most of the ones I have spoken to -RCB-- some research has shown vegans use approximately 90 percent less water, energy, resources and land to raise their food than do omnivores.
Governments are increasingly concerned about the impacts of inappropriate practices on the health of the natural environment, especially from soil erosion, contamination from agrochemicals, and inefficient use of water resources.
Nearly a quarter of all food calories produced for humans are never consumed, resulting in about $ 1 trillion in annual economic losses, significant greenhouse gas emissions and inefficient use of water, land and other resources.
we can't even get rid of players that have barely mannered to us for several years... which is incredibly annoying considering that our beloved owner would never risk his own financial resources whether he brought in some new blood or offloaded several failed Wenger projects for less than market value... he would simply make a little less and the burden would fall squarely on other sources of income, primarily us... I don't know about you but I would gladly use all the money they have been stockpiling to rid ourselves of those that don't meet acceptable standards and to replace them with a few higher priced gems... I know, I know, Wenger and his minions have been scouring the globe for years now to find anyone that was as good as our current lot to no avail, but I've just got to believe there must be two or three guys somewhere out there that can play this crazy game
• Communication about the importance of fathers in their children's literacy development, and especially about the use of books and other resources that have familiarity for the children; are the child's favourites; and have the 3 «R's» (rhythm, rhyme and repetition), which is particularly important for this cohort of children
They are given a package of information about various aspects of being a father — at the moment the midwives use resources produced by Working with Men to facilitate discussion with the dads, although they may also use the handouts supplied with Invisible Fathers, now they are available.
To help clear up any confusion you may have about servings and the amounts of foods in a cup or ounce, you have to also use the educational resources that supplement the new food pyramid.
This ranges from using specially designed resources about the effects of prison, to making sure there is a designated person for affected children to talk to.
And, in case you are worried about using anything disposable, The Flushable Liners are free of harmful substances, No odors or chemical residues and Made of 100 % viscose rayon a man - made material manufactured from natural replenishable resources.
Using original content authored by Missy, as well as up - to - date, evidence - based resources, Your Birth Experience helps you understand the physiological process of Normal Birth, while also offering non-biased information about interventions and options you might encounter in your birth setting.
⇒ Acclimating Your Dog to Your Baby's Routines ⇒ Acclimating Your Dog to Your Baby's Things ⇒ Five Step Positive Proaction Problem Prevention Plan ⇒ What Do You Know About Dogs and Baby Quiz and Answer Key ⇒ Your Dog's Evaluation and Scoring Tool ⇒ Body Language of Dogs Illustrated Guide ⇒ Evaluating Your Dog's Routines — As They Are, How They Need to Change ⇒ Bringing Baby Home Instructions and Checklist ⇒ What To Do When — Troubleshooting Guide ⇒ Warning Signs of Potential Problems ⇒ How to Use the Lure - Reward Method of Training ⇒ Additional Resources ⇒ Guidelines for Choosing a Dog Trainer ⇒ Answers to Common Questions and Problems
Anyone else have stories (or resources) to share about using a Simple Piece of Cloth to carry baby?
Christine is the founder and editor of the stylish parenting resource portal Boston Mamas, the graphic designer behind Posh Peacock, a digital strategist at Women Online, and co-founder of The Mission List (a network of women passionate about using their influence for social good) and Pivot Boston (an event series geared towards helping women follow their passion and make their lives awesome).
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