Sentences with phrase «above as conversations»

I love to think of questions such as the one above as conversations starters.

Not exact matches

As I noted above, there's not enough room for everyone on the new ark and it's going to require some hard decisions and many difficult conversations.
«He strikes me as a person of above average intelligence who's tracking conversations and knows what's going on.
The short documentary above (made by a Microsoft team from the Netherlands) is a conversation with photographer Charles O'Rear, who in 1996 took the photograph «Bliss,» which became the default desktop wallpaper of Windows XP, and as a result is one of the most - viewed photographs in history.
If all you are doing with your SEO blog is copying SEO headlines from one of the above, prominent SEO news websites, than it probably means you will not get a lot of value out of your SEO blog, as it relates to new traffic, quality conversation and improved readership.
Above is a podcast conversation I had with Uber's Emil Michael about how Uber emerged from being an underdog into a market leader, how Uber expanded in the U.S. and in international markets such as China, and how partnerships and deals are done in an efficient way.
Yes David, as I admitted above, I did indeed misunderstand the nature of this conversation, and for that I have apologized.
Just as a point of clarification to Bill's post above, while I welcome what I thinkis a imporant point we should al keep in mind I would in no way ever see myself as an important part of the conversation more a present somewhat comenting bystander although my ego was very flattered when I read Bill's comment
In addition, the «About this blog» section above states as part of its purpose,»... fostering a global conversation about the role of religion and belief in readers» lives,» and like I said before, unfortunately for me and others like me, your beliefs and the beliefs of others like you can play a role in our lives, so we are involved already.
The above conversations exist as testament to this fact and argument is futile.
Perhaps we ought to encourage our pastors not to think of themselves as «above» such mundane conversations as gossip or as prohibitors of gossip, but rather as those who help us to gossip well in the congregation.
But rather than debate what Luther believed, which probably would be a long and somewhat unhelpful conversation, perhaps you might simply explain to me how your view of justification by faith (whether or not it is Luther's) is not actually just another form of justification by works (with coming to a correct belief being the «work»), as I outlined above.
As described above, personal conversations only take place very late in the hiring process, a decision that was taken in part to reduce the effects of biases.
We want the conversation to rise above all the noise and make sure parents understand the Common Core, and, just as important, we want to understand parents» concerns.
It is offensive to those who didn't ask for this disease when people say things such as those have in the above conversation.
She has the same Blanket Scarf as I'm sharing above from Conversation Pieces, but in the other plaid option.
The things mentioned above are just additional tools if you really need more sound advice, although once your first date goes as what you expected, try to call the next day and simply ask her if she is doing fine and just make the conversation short.
Exclusive to the deluxe Blu - ray release is a translucent slipcover as seen in the above image as well as a 48 - page booklet featuring an extended conversation with Hosoda, and his producers Watanabe Takashi and Saito Yuichiro, accompanied by a ton of production and concept art.
An extended cut of the film's previously - released trailer (see above) offers a better look at Hazel's daily life, via a talk with her parents - one that's rather different than the conversations most teens have with their mom and dad - as well as an extra moment or two between she and the young Augustus Waters (Elgort): a teen amputee and bone cancer survivor, whose thirst for life and upbeat personality make it all but impossible for Hazel to be immune to his charms (or so the trailer informs us, anyway).
Later repackaged as the third chapter of Jarmusch's 2003 anthology Coffee & Cigarettes (not to be confused with Cigarettes & Coffee, see above), this low - key diner - bar conversation between Iggy Pop and Tom Waits more than lives up to the promise of its premise.
It's packed full of clichés from start to finish and whilst Johnson has proven himself as a charismatic action star, here he is restricted to flying above disaster scenes and having heartfelt conversations.
The movie's Eric seems to know this, because he spends some time looking up to the sky, as if some answer will come to him from above, and having a one - sided conversation with an unseen «You.»
As part of the conversation, and as shown in this exclusive clip above, she revealed that she, too, is shipping Finn and PoAs part of the conversation, and as shown in this exclusive clip above, she revealed that she, too, is shipping Finn and Poas shown in this exclusive clip above, she revealed that she, too, is shipping Finn and Poe.
Click on the link above to check out our conversation on the making of The Danish Girl as part of the Focus Features» presentation.
For more, including idle conversation about films like «Great Expectations» as well as Hawke's thoughts on stones left unturned in his career, listen to the latest episode of «Playback» via the streaming link above.
Share space in class conversations: I work not to prioritize my voice over the voices of my students through established rhythms and routines — for example, I ring a chime rather than raise my voice above my students» voices when I need to interrupt conversations and bring us back together as a group.
As part of your discussion, refer to the views expressed by Jack and Sarah in the conversation above.
As you explain to the parent in detail the three things that their child did this week that were «over and above» expectations, the child hears the conversation.
With his press release announcing his support of community schools, Freeman signals that he is willing to rise above the same old, same old conversation on education in Nashville and embrace a progressive version of education reform, one that would not financially drain the Nashville school district as some other proposed efforts potentially would.
For the most part, we found the Sedona's steering and braking to be above - board, and the interior sound levels are sufficiently low as to allow normal conversation between people sitting in different rows.
Engage students in conversation about key themes as they are presented in each of the books about Sudan above and use a chart to show connections among the thematic elements in the texts.
In this particular entry, Jennifer posts a great mock conversation with her and an agent agent (which I won't reproduce her but I urge you to click the above link to read the entry), as well as -LRB-...)
... the deep character and equipment customization options, as well as the dynamically branching conversation systems, set this game above almost all other games shown at E3 this year.
In 1963, Whitman, using 16 mm black and white film, captured Suzanne De Maria, Simone Forti, John Vaccaro and Larry Rutter individually as they sat around a table in conversation with one another, as well as another shot of the table from above.
Each artist carries out their own dialogue and exploration with ceramics, not only as a material in its own right, but as an opportunity to capture and objectify their own, deeply personal conversations and investigations of themes as diverse as family, illness, mathematics, space and light and, above all, the self.
The Biennial also includes ceramic works by Sterling Ruby, John Mason, Shio Kusaka, and Pam Lins (in collaboration with Amy Sillman), and while the examples here are colorful and lustrously glazed, they serve the same conceptual purpose as the works mentioned above within the larger conversation the of Biennale — that is, they highlight the action of the artist's hand as works requiring dexterous skill in a world where such displays of manual proficiency are fewer and farther between than ever before.
As one part of the installation, there's a cubicle with a speaker placed above head level where you hear words, in alphabetical order, that might provoke «interesting topics of conversation».
Christian Haye, art dealer and Founder of The Project is in conversation with artist Melvin Edwards to discuss the historical and political legacies played by the pioneering galleries Just Above Midtown (JAM) founded by Linda Goode Bryant (1974 — 1986) and Haye's The Project (1998 — 2009), as critical platforms for African and African American artists.
Golden Age is as much an attempt to summarize existing conversations about the eternal returns of abstract painting as it is an incitement to discuss contemporary art practices (above and beyond specific styles, trends or topics), and how we can further their impact, agency and relevance.
Even though the promotional material pictures a boy seated in a pristine, gallery - style environment (above), the rug serves as a great conversation piece in any kid's room, especially if the child has The Polar Bears» Home in his or her library.
I am simply raising the question as to whether your contributions to the conversation about uncertainty are sufficiently informed to rise above the level of counterproductive half - baked amateur speculations, of the sorts that typically appear in the comments of climate blogs.
In this dialogue, I am the ClimateCoach and I am in conversation with a Neighbour who is curious about climate change, but admits to being rather overwhelmed by it; they have got as far as reading the material above and accept that the world is warming.
As I stated above my interest is reputations as a function of corporate to stakeholder conversations — which include customers, suppliers, and all the usual suspectAs I stated above my interest is reputations as a function of corporate to stakeholder conversations — which include customers, suppliers, and all the usual suspectas a function of corporate to stakeholder conversations — which include customers, suppliers, and all the usual suspects.
The Virginia and federal statutes allow one party to record a conversation, while Pennsylvania, as discussed above, requires the consent of all parties.
The above video (starting at 4:00) shows Reposa's conversation with the Texas Advertising Review Committee about his request to use DWI - KING as his phone number.
Pursuant to our phone conversation on [DATE], please accept this letter as confirmation that we have agreed to settle my claim referenced above, in full, for the amount of [AMOUNT OF FINAL SETTLEMENT OFFER].
A couple of the judges didn't perceive the meeting the same way as the above judge but agreed that though the conversation may have been uncomfortable at times, it was a lesser evil than not having a seat at the table at all.
So, as listed above, download the Amazon Alexa app, then open the app, and select the Conversation icon on the home screen.
As seen in the image above, you'll be able to see messages in the context of a conversation, send AI - powered smart replies, and view attached images right from the notification shade.
(You can talk about this in the same conversation as above.)
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