Sentences with phrase «abrupt change of course»

In his latest role as a lawyer for Trump, Giuliani (who, like his client, is volatile by nature) appears to have made an abrupt change of course in his history of stridently defending the country's crime - fighting class and fiercely lashing out at those who attack it.
Prime minister tells Greek TV he will not resign and defends his abrupt change of course over debt crisis

Not exact matches

In stressing the need to study and consider new approaches to fiscal and monetary policy, I am not advocating an abrupt reversal of course; after all, you don't change horses in the middle of a stream.
On this basis, Eigen maintains that abrupt changes of a quite major sort are to be expected in the normal course of events, as a quasi-species centered on one sequence is rapidly replaced by a rather different successor quasi-species centered quite far away on one of the extensions of the former species.
Of course, it is perfectly normal for Texas to have abrupt changes in weather.
There was, of course, an abrupt change at the end of the YD, although the abrupt change at the start is better known.
Part of the problem is semantic: «Abrupt» and «catastrophic» are inavoidably subjective terms, although the former is a bit more prone to definition (e.g., any change of climate state involving a rapid transition from one state to another, although of course we then have to further define «rapid» and «climate state»).
This risk has been discussed since the 1980s, originally due to paleoclimatic data showing a number of abrupt AMOC changes in the course of Earth's history.
But «big changes in less than a decade» is how paleoclimatologists typically characterize all of the abrupt warmings and coolings in the best ice cores, though the full time course from one stable state to another may take a few decades.
Now the climate scientists, other than the Team of course, can pursuit identifying the precursors of and eventually be able to predicts future abrupt climate changes.
The requisite abrupt changes in the extent of sea ice cover are of course best explained by the turning on and turning off of the Atlantic's conveyor circulation.
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