Sentences with phrase «abs tight»

Make sure to keep your abs tight and don't crunch your neck or lower back.
The all - American actress reveals how she keeps her hair glossy, her abs tight, and her skin glowing...
Keep your abs tight and hold this position as long as you can without bending your back.
Keeping your abs tight and «in» will help you keep your hips back and in the right position.
Keep your abs tight throughout the entire movement.
Place your hands about 6 inches apart with a thumbless (false) grip. - Step back a few feet, letting your body straighten out as you do so. - Keep your abs tight so that your body stays supported - Now lower your entire body forward, bending only at your elbows, so that your head ducks under the bar as though you are trying to do an overhead tricep stretch. - Keep your elbows tucked in close the whole way. - Keep your entire body tight and stiff.
Also, try to keep your head up and abs tight.
Keeping your abs tight, slowly slide one hand several inches in front of you, then bring it back.
Hold the abs tight to control each movement.
Standing trunk rotations - Using a cable or tubing, stand with the knees slightly bent and abs tight.
Keep your abs tight!
The exercises to get rid of love handles focus on increased reps and sets with a strong concentration on keeping the abs tight.
This simply means that you want to perform the concentric portion of the exercise at count 1, pause and squeeze your abs tight on count 2, and do eccentric half of the move on count 3.
Keep squeezing your abs tight.
You have to be sure to keep the abs tight all throughout the duration of the exercise and make sure that the back is straight as well.
Use your shoulders and triceps to move your upper torso up off the ground, while keeping your lower abs tight.
Also when you practice the punches, stance, footwork, you have to move your torso forward, backward and rotate it, and keep your abs tight.
Keeping your abs tight and back straight take a large step forward and sink down into a lunge by bending both your knees until your front thigh is parallel with the floor and the shin of your rear leg is parallel to the floor.
Keep your abs tight as your curl up, and relax on the way down.
Begin on hands and knees, hands directly under shoulders, knees under hips and back straight, abs tight.
Keep your abs tight to maintain a strong, straight spine.
Keep your abs tight and an make sure there is an arch in your lower back.
Keep your chest lifted and remember to keep your back straight and your abs tight.
Get into pushup position with your abs tight and shoulders drawn back and down (think «proud chest»).
Just like with a plank, keep your abs tight and drawn in towards your spine to protect your lower back.
Keep the shoulders back, the knees slightly bent and the abs tight.
Keep your back straight and your abs tight.
How to do it: Lie face down on a mat with your legs together and then raise yourself on to your forearms and balls of your feet (hands and forearms will be flat on the floor with you elbows directly under your shoulders), keep a straight line from your head to heels and your abs tight, you need to stay looking down in order to keep the spine in neutral position.
Keep the shoulders back, the knees slightly bent and the abs tight and look straight forward.
Keeping your back straight and holding your abs tight take a large step forward and bend both your knees until your leading leg is parallel to the floor and your knee is above your ankle.
Likewise, when doing upper body moves, make sure your keep your abs tight the entire time to avoid letting a sway develop in the lower back.
How to: Stand with your feet at shoulder width apart, keeping your abs tight and shoulders back and holding a pair of dumbbells with a neutral grip.
Stand straight up, keeping your abs tight and shoulders back and raise the cable out and to your side in a wide arc by moving your elbow and hand together in the same plane.
Keeping arms raised and abs tight, step your left foot back and lower into lunge position so front knee is bent at 90 degrees and directly over your ankle.
Keep your quads, glutes, and abs tight.
Keeping your body aligned and abs tight, push your hips back and bend your knees slowly (as if about to sit in a chair), lowering yourself into a squat; your thighs should be parallel to the floor (or as close as you can get), with knees behind your toes.
Keeping your abs tight, lean back slightly and extend your arms away from your chest and to the right with palms pressed together.
Hold for 10 to 30 seconds, keeping abs tight.
Shadow Boxing A Stand with your abs tight, elbows and knees bent, hands in fists in front of your chest.
Engage your core, keeping your abs tight.
Keeping your abs tight throughout the movement will also help you prevent back pain by increasing the abdominal pressure which serves the purpose of supporting your spine.
Your back should be straight and your abs tight.
As you release the barbell back to the original position make sure to keep your abs tight to stabilize the body
With abs tight, slowly pull yourself up until elbows are at the side of your torso.
Keep those abs tight and lower yourself to the ground until your arms are at a 90 degree angle.
Mountain Climbers: Begin in the «up» part of a push - up, with shoulders over hands, abs tight, and body in a straight line from head to ankles.
Keep your abs tight and butt engaged as you rotate your hips from side to side.
Lower arms back down as you jump feet in to return to «A.» Do 30 reps. Keep abs tight and dumbbells close to body.
Keeping your abs tight, come back to high plank and repeat 10 times.
With flat back, «hike» bell between legs (A), thrusting hips forward explosively as you squeeze glutes, swinging bell to chest height (B); keep abs tight, arms straight, and shoulders down and back.
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