Sentences with phrase «absolute badass»

The protagonist makes snarky comments while slaying his foes, and he looks like the kind of absolute badass that only Hideki Kamiya could conjure up.
They had some great feedback for Lonzo and hopefully he takes that information and comes back an absolute badass.
All you have to do is stay on top of your serving schedule, keep up that healthy diet and carry on training like an absolute badass — Instant Knockout will do the rest.
When his body is discovered by local police, it's revealed that he's not just some snitch, but the little brother of Black Dynamite, an ex-CIA operative and absolute badass.
Surrey: There's really no wrong answer here, but Okoye, head of the Dora Milaje, was an absolute badass with a heart of gold.
You know, to dip the toes into the «destroy onslaughts of enemies while looking like an absolute badass» pool.
All of the music fits perfectly with the general look and feel of the game, and a few tracks are clearly designed to make you feel like an absolute badass, particularly the song that plays when you infiltrate a Palace specifically to steal the Treasure, and a particular boss battle theme which is currently my earworm.
Well, he is an absolute badass.
Combined with the flashy and stylish rail - grinding acrobatics, which reminded me so much of JSRF and the original Dreamcast game (Jet Grind Radio), Sunset Overdrive seems to focus entirely on blasting baddies while looking like an absolute badass.
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