Sentences with phrase «absolute concentration»

What we must learn now is how to maintain absolute concentration at the back when we have so much possession.
Driving over a bump on the freeway, especially in a turn, required absolute concentration just to stay in my lane.
Since even one mistake in this job can lead to serious consequences, data entry personnel are expected to provide total and absolute concentration while performing their duties.
The most apparent is that single measures of absolute concentrations of salivary cortisol, for most health - related variables, seldom give significant findings; deviation measures, in terms of diurnal deviations and / or laboratory stress tests seem to be more strongly and consistently associated with a number of factors, such as Socioeconomic Status (SES), psychological characteristics, biological variables in terms of overweight and abdominal fat accumulation, and mental and somatic disease.
Perhaps Diawara's most impressive attribute is his calmness with and without the ball, never flustered and maintaining absolute concentration at all times.
The impact of rapid increases in air pollutants on heart health may be at least as important as absolute concentrations
While the atmospheric and monochromatic watercolors on view here range from pink to phosphorescent green, Fein's process is still as resolute as ever: Each work is the product of a single sitting and the artist's absolute concentration on her lines.
It's not a tactical game nor a complex one, so naturally if you're looking for either of those things then look elsewhere, but if you want something fast and furious that requires absolute concentration, on - the - ball reflexes and split - second decision - making that will challenge you every step of the way, then this is it.
Fully, intensely, quietly, in the quietude of absolute concentration and attention, he entered and partook of the Holy Communion.
Dark Souls will demand your absolute concentration, unflinchingly punish your mistakes, but reward your ability to learn from death.
Fiorano isn't a particularly fast circuit, but it is a technical one, requiring strict attention to the racing line, some unusual braking points, and absolute concentration.
For the most part you're in a sweaty, solitary world of absolute concentration and hyper - stimulation.
Even niche subjects can be tied into so many related areas that absolute concentration is required to keep things on track; to avoid straying from the road.
Interestingly, only male cats had significantly increased basal insulin concentrations after weight gain, and the absolute concentrations tended to be higher than in obese female cats.
It was also a brutally difficult and thoroughly exacting game, expecting nothing short of absolute concentration and a steely set of gaming skills in order for the player to survive.
Dark Souls will demand your absolute concentration, unflinchingly punish your mistakes, but reward your ability to learn from death.
It is a form of absolute concentration that enables an appreciation of unique detail in each work and, at once, a form of behavior that facilitates a process of learning and reflection based on visual comparison as well as correspondence with knowledge stored in our memory.
Absolute concentration is essential to what Lee does.
The threat to the world's oceans is not so much the absolute concentration of acidity, but rather the pace at which it is changing, Gattuso explained, pointing out that «cold water swallow up gas faster than hot or temperate water.»
In fact, a cover letter should be written with complete peace of mind and absolute concentration.
Writing a cover letter for any position requires much precision and absolute concentration.
To investigate the absolute concentration of N - acetylaspartate (NAA) in the anterior cingulated cortex (ACC) as predictors of patients that may benefit from cognitive behavioural therapy in the treatment of chronic pain.
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