Sentences with phrase «absolute destruction»

Absolute DESTRUCTION by the #UniversalChampion.
Once upon a time, six years ago, birth control wreaked absolute destruction on my health and my life.
Tiny Tanks is a fun multiplayer party game about colorful tanks, an endless flood of game modes and absolute destruction mayhem.
Since then, ISIS» aims have been, broadly, the absolute destruction of the current Iraqi government and the creation of a Sunni Islamic state, which would impose strict Sharia law.
Dieng, with his long arns and timing instincts, has proved an adequate adversary for Davis, even more so after this absolute destruction of a Doron Lamb shot.
Not content with simply neglecting the building, Bramson has been the loudest voice in the City demanding the absolute destruction of the Armory.
With Thanos and Darkseid's motives, the heroes may even be able to earn the help of some of their villains in order to avoid the absolute destruction of the multiverse.
While the latter showed how emotion and a simple misunderstanding could fuel the absolute destruction of a childhood friendship, the themes in «Gone Baby Gone» run much deeper.
Prevention Tips: Nothing short of the absolute destruction of Capcom will stop the spread of this disease.
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