Sentences with phrase «absolute loss»

One catalyst will be absolute losses in bond mutual funds.
Representatives can look to the client as a group to recover the success fee but this is difficult and risky to organise, particularly with very large groups with small absolute losses.
People are going to get really shaken up when they see absolute losses.
Intrinsic to this combination of concepts there is a framework within which we may legitimately see the transience of events and of valued entities as redeemable from absolute loss and as, therefore, capable of making a difference of value to the universe as we experience it in the present.
More dramatic downside performance can be seen the higher yield (generally quality less than BB) bond funds, where relative and even absolute losses can be 25 %: Taking a closer look, the chart below compares performance of intermediate, high - yield, and equities when interest rates rise (note year, 10 - year Treasury yield, and rate increase from previous year): I included for comparison 2008 performance.
b. Dénouement — Investors in bond mutual funds will learn, perhaps for the first time, that these funds can experience absolute losses!
Whether or not you join Doug in trying to profit from a rise in interest rates, you should be wary about absolute losses in your bond fund.
«Opt in» takes organisation and generally excludes actions for consumers with small absolute losses.
For example, in the ten commandments murder expresses the absolute loss of peacefulness, just as stealing expresses the absolute loss of generosity, and not honoring your parents the loss of humility.
Consequently, there can be no absolute loss in the universe since each perishing occasion is somehow felt by the perceptivity that is intrinsic to all the constituents of nature.
In South West Victoria, 21 % of farms run at an absolute loss.
In South West Victoria, which produces about a quarter of Australia's milk, net farm incomes fell from over $ 195,000 per year in 2010 - 11 to just over $ 51,000 in 2012/13, with 21 % of farms running at an absolute loss (negative cash flow).
After literally years of being somewhat mystified by the first Pirates film's beloved status in the hearts and minds of millions, I'm at an absolute loss in coming up with reasons that the second entry, Dead Man's Chest, has whipped up these same millions of people into even more of a froth - mouthed frenzy, the likes of which I haven't seen before for a film this mediocre, even rivaling the collective fervor for Narnia, Harry Potter, and the Matrix sequels.
The good news is that, in a wash sale, even though you can not claim the loss immediately, it is not an «absolute loss».
We already have seen investors buying Treasury securities at rates below zero — meaning that in exchange for the safety of a Treasury investment they're willing to accept an absolute loss, one known in advance.
So from an absolute loss prespective A will loose max of $ 1, while B will loose max of $ 1000... so B is more risky... however the probabilty of it happening is very low... hence B may make money while A may loose...
A $ 10 absolute gain and a $ 10 absolute loss are even.
VVTV's stockholders face an absolute loss of capital if VVTV fails.
For recent artists, he argued, the metropolis was no longer a source of inspiration or aesthetic advancement — instead, «the key revelation of the city was in the shock of an absolute loss of hope.»
«In certain paintings there's this exuberance as well as a sense of absolute loss.
This leads to an impaired relationship with the alienated (target) parent and an absolute loss of parenting as a result of the hostility of the parent producing the alienation.
While I was very fortunate in that my fractures weren't displaced, so I didn't need surgery, both the fall and the injuries prompted feelings of vulnerability and fear because of my absolute loss of control in that situation, my ignorance about the recovery process, and my temporary inability to use my arms in many typical ways.
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