Sentences with phrase «absolutely broken system»

But there's no «maybe» about the fact that we have to do something, because right now we're participating in an absolutely broken system.

Not exact matches

The combat system is completely broken, requiring you to waste valuable time and materials (stickers) for absolutely no gain.
The game looks absolutely gorgeous, but the controls and menus completely break it for me... Which is sad, because I'm sure I would like it if they just added a targeting system and smoother movement.
Indeed, as per a statement made by Ron Adler, president of the Ohio Coalition for Quality Education, not only is it «disappointing that ODE spends so much time denying that poverty and mobility of students impedes their ability to generate academic performance... they [continue to] remain absolutely silent about the state's broken report card and continually defend their value - added model that offers no transparency and creates wild swings for schools across Ohio» (i.e., the EVAAS system, although in all fairness all VAMs and the SGP yield the «wild swings» noted).
Jr., would later point out, while «it was inevitable that the impulse towards pure abstraction should have been carried to an absolute conclusion sooner or later», much is owed to Malevich for being the first to break through to «a system of absolutely pure geometric abstraction».
Absolutely, I assisted in a matter that involved approximately 40 million timecard entries, from two different timecard systems, for a supermarket chain involving allegations that employees were not being given sufficient break times.
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