Sentences with phrase «absolutely essential»

I've got a busy week ahead, so meal prep is absolutely essential.
Vitamin D is absolutely essential.
Using the full range of motion is absolutely essential when you're working your back muscles.
HGH is released by the anterior pituitary gland in our brains and it has an absolutely essential role in the proper functioning of our bodies.
Taking into account that consuming enough protein with your daily diet is absolutely essential to building more muscle, this simply can not be neglected.
Protein is absolutely essential for the growth and repair of muscle tissue as the amino acids contained within protein as essentially the building blocks for muscle.
Yes, cardio exercise is absolutely essential for anybody trying to lose fat from any area on their bodies, especially from stubborn areas such as the back.
It's interesting to note, however, that up until the last few decades, fermenting and preserving foods was absolutely essential for survival.
In order to maximize this muscle fiber recruitment, it is absolutely essential to lift heavy weights.
Soy milk formulas are often given to babies with milk allergy; but allergies to soy are almost as common as those to milk.18 Use of soy formula to treat infant diarrhea has had mixed results, some studies showing improvement with soy formula while others show none at all.19 Soy formulas lack cholesterol which is absolutely essential for the development of the brain and nervous system; they also lack lactose and galactose, which play an equally important role in the development of the nervous system.
Soy formulas lack cholesterol, another nutrient that is absolutely essential for the development of the brain and nervous system; they also lack lactose and galactose, which play an equally important role in the development of the nervous system.
UV protection, therefore, is absolutely essential.
On measurements: Measurements are absolutely essential.
Getting friendly, curious, gentle, and ultimately compassionate toward the things we dislike about ourselves is a big — and absolutely essential — part of the process.
It's absolutely essential that you accept the fact that you have no control over whether or not your partner is abusive.
Healthy cookware is absolutely essential and hard to find.
This is when we realized that communication is absolutely essential in this kind of relationship.
Take the medications that are absolutely essential for your health and your doctor prescribed.
A healthy body is absolutely essential for the practice of yoga.
This may be the hardest part, but it is absolutely essential that you try to minimize partying and going out or ditch them out altogether.
Proper warm up is absolutely essential if you want to avoid injuring your knees.
While we need some carbohydrates while dieting, fats and proteins are absolutely essential for our body.
Living on concrete and wearing rubber shoes has restricted our access to this energy, and although we may not be able to discern when it's there or not, this force is absolutely essential for our bodies to function well.
Because of this, it's absolutely essential to include soluble fiber in your diet, despite the fact that you'll also be consuming some sugar with it.
The omega - 3s DHA and EPA are absolutely essential in your diet and must be obtained from the foods we eat.
The absolutely essential first step in reducing the atmospheric concentration to 350 ppm is a total global cessation of anthropogenic carbon emissions.
Very close cooperation between traditionally separate fields of research continues to be absolutely essential at the very cutting edge of structural biology.
«This level of cooperation between institutions is absolutely essential,» said Steve Hyman, director of the Broad's Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research and Distinguished Service Professor of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology at Harvard University.
This process of medicinal chemistry is a long and slow one, but having skilled people who can help with this is absolutely essential in the drug discovery and development process.
«Resuming the release of wolves into the wild is absolutely essential to overcoming inbreeding and ensuring the success of this wolf recovery program.»
«Rapidly reducing carbon emissions is absolutely essential to save this iconic ecosystem that supports a third of all marine biodiversity, provides food security and livelihoods to hundreds of millions of people throughout the tropics and protects thousands of kilometres of coastlines from shoreline erosion.»
«For this study, it was absolutely essential to pick an insulating film on which the molecules were adsorbed and to deliberately choose the atomic tip - terminations to probe them.
• Subject requires treatment with concomitant drugs that target serotonin 5 - hydroxytryptamine receptor 1 (5HT1R) or 5 - hydroxytryptamine receptor 2B (5HT2BR) or sigma nonspecific receptor with the exception of drugs that are considered absolutely essential for the care of the subject.
• Subject requires treatment with concomitant drugs that are strong inhibitors or inducers of P glycoprotein (P - gp) with the exception of drugs that are considered absolutely essential for the care of the subject.
This retrograde axonal transport of NGF is absolutely essential for the survival of the innervating neurons.
«This kind of data is absolutely essential in helping us design best management practices,» Schaffner says.
«It is absolutely essential that departments come up with plans to track and recruit women to join the faculty,» says Grosz.
Follow the ALARA, or «as low as reasonably achievable» principle, to limit exposure to parts of the body that are absolutely essential for diagnosis
A major breakthrough of this study was the finding that SWEET4c is absolutely essential for seeds to be filled.
«As mental illnesses are increasing at a very fast rate it is absolutely essential to expand the treatment alternatives for this patient group in primary healthcare.
Although the kidney, which not only produces urine but also plays a role in blood pressure control, is an absolutely essential organ to sustain life, it can not be regenerated once it has lost functionality.
«It's now understood to be absolutely essential for mitosis in virtually all eukaryotic cells,» Scholey said.
«The beta - barrel assembly machinery is absolutely essential for Gram - negative bacteria to survive.
Usually deeply divided along party lines, the subcommittee came together to lavish praise on ITER, with representative Lamar Smith (R — TX), chair of the full committee, and Representative Eric Swalwell (D — CA), the ranking member on the subcommittee, agreeing that ITER was, in Swalwell's words, «absolutely essential to proving that magnetically confined fusion can be a viable clean energy source.»
«Adaptation to such stresses is absolutely essential,» Mitchel remarks.
«We view the activity as absolutely essential to our ultimate goal to restore the Gulf to its former state,» adds Rowe.
Hundreds of diagrams illustrate the detailed, clearly written texts — absolutely essential for a subject such as this — but including, at a quick check, only one error.
Unlike oil, they write in dry, understated concern, water is absolutely essential for life.
This one is actually a simple question, but it's also absolutely essential.
Still, «it is absolutely essential that the remains be dated,» says paleoanthropologist Curtis Marean of Arizona State University, Tempe.
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