Sentences with phrase «absorb food very»

Their intestines do not absorb food very well and so they pass watery stools.

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During the very early months of life the baby not only ingests food but also absorbs security and love through his body, and especially through his mouth.
I love this brand of Vitamin B12, as it's based on raw food, and very easy to absorb.
My educated guess is that it is just healing the digestive system or increasing digestive enzymes — that makes good nutritious food completely absorbed in few hours leaving very little residue for expulsion (increased efficiency from an engineer's perspective) and not so good food getting quickly expelled from the body — which makes the person productive in whatever they are supposed to do (Macro level action, taking care of digestive system for example, in setting your body in the correct path for best functioning or preventing you from getting any disease or letting you recover fast).
The post-workout shake is very important and convenient as it is easily ingested, absorbed and transported in comparison to eating whole foods after your workout.
The right kind of carbohydrate diet is really a «slow - carb» diet, meaning the natural sugars in the foods are very slowly absorbed into the bloodstream so they don't cause sugar spikes.
Aluminum cookware is one of the most common cookware to use, but can be very toxic as this heavy metal is absorbed into all food cooked in it.
I would make her do a lot of these foods in a crock - pot kind of soup type of manner, where nothing's raw, everything's either blended or, you know, pre-digested with the cooking process to make it very easy for the gut to absorb.
Food in smoothies is very easy to absorb because the blending essentially does a lot of the «digestion» for the body.
How you prepare foods is also very important, as it directly affects how well your body absorbs the nutrients and converts them to energy.
Red meat contains primarily heme iron, the form that is absorbed much more efficiently than the non-heme form of iron found in plant foods, of which very little is absorbed.
Digestion is a very energy demanding process, meaning that it takes a lot of energy in order to breakdown and digest the food we consume and absorb the nutrients.
Since every individual's nutrient status is different and impacted by how much they actually absorb from their food (very often impacted by thyroid health) this needs to to be considered before more specific recommendations are made.
A natural - source iron such as the liquid irons available in health - food stores are very well absorbed and do not contribute to constipation the way that many of the prescribed iron - salts do.
Most foods are all digested and absorbed by our body, fiber is very hard to digest so it's only digested partially and it contains no nutrients, but it helps to promote efficient intestinal function and helps to regulate the absorption of sugars into the bloodstream.
So it helps to boost immunity, balance pH levels, balance healthy gut flora and gut bacteria levels, lower excess cholesterol, stimulate your liver, your colon to remove excess waste and toxicity and it also a very important job that it has is to increase absorption of nutrients and nutrition and food within the intestines because your intestinal walls are what absorb that nutrition and what actually utilize that within your body.
Certain foods, such as dietary fat, are easily absorbed and take very little energy to metabolize.
Zinc is very difficult to absorb from plant foods.
H pylori is a very common cause of stomach inflammation and alkaline PH. Inflammation (caused by poor diet, gut bugs, dysbiosis, or eating foods you're sensitive to) prevents adequate enzyme production and food won't be assimilated or absorbed properly.
Kale, mustard greens, turnip greens and broccoli are low in oxalates so we absorb calcium from these foods very well.
Learn how to best absorb vitamin D from your foods and you may very well find that your tolerance to sun exposure increases significantly.
Liver in animals is by far the highest source, know other foods come close and the Vit A from animal based foods is highly absorbed, plant sourced Vit A is very hard for humans to absorb like carrots for instance.
Pancreatic enzymes are necessary for digestion, so animals who don't make enough of these enzymes get very sick and can lose a lot of weight because they can not properly digest and absorb the fat, protein, and sugar in their food.
They are a very concentrated source of energy, and fats also help your dog's body to absorb and use all the vitamins and nutrients that are in their food.
It's much easier for them to absorb moisture as they're digesting food, which is why a diet naturally high in moisture is so very important for cats.
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