Sentences with phrase «absorb glucose so»

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As the chlorophyll within this organelle absorbs energy from sunlight, it releases high - energy electrons; vitamin K1 forms a bridge between chlorophyll and several iron - sulfur centers across which these electrons travel, releasing their energy so that the cell can ultimately use it to synthesize glucose..
Their bodies produce no insulin, the hormone that regulates blood sugar levels, so their cells can not absorb any glucose from the blood and have to tap into another energy source: fat reserves.
Glucose uptake is really important, so normally our tissues are sensitive to insulin and they pick up glucose that comes from the diet, and they nicely absorb and metabolize gGlucose uptake is really important, so normally our tissues are sensitive to insulin and they pick up glucose that comes from the diet, and they nicely absorb and metabolize gglucose that comes from the diet, and they nicely absorb and metabolize glucoseglucose.
This is shown here as these red lines, and these are GLUT4 transporters, so they actually bind to glucose and absorb glucose.
Fructose is absorbed slowly and must be converted to glucose by your liver before being able to be used by the body, so that alone will not improve performance either.
But it's transported across the intestinal wall by a different mechanism, so you can have both glucose and fructose being absorbed at the same time.
Eating a ketogenic diet will help to reduce obesity, manage diabetes, and improve insulin sensitivity so our cells can absorb glucose better.
So when you mix glucose and fructose together, you absorb more fructose than if you consumed fructose alone...
If you inject insulin, then the muscle cells absorb glucose even quicker, so your fat deposits don't increase.
Lactose is a «double - sugar» that requires the digestive enzyme lactase to split it apart into its component parts, glucose and galactose, so that it can be absorbed in our intestines.
Glucose is well absorbed so not considered a FODMAP.
In HFCS, the glucose and fructose are already separate and so can be absorbed more directly, the study's senior researcher Bartley Hoebel of Princeton University told LiveScience.
Glucose improves protein synthesis, so any reduction in your cell's ability to absorb glucose will inhibit muscle reGlucose improves protein synthesis, so any reduction in your cell's ability to absorb glucose will inhibit muscle reglucose will inhibit muscle recovery.
Apart from that, since exercise makes body cells to absorb more sugar from the blood the pancreas is very happy as it doesn't have to overwork making so much insulin necessary to lower blood glucose.
Ideally the meal is fed just prior to the injection, so when the insulin is working at it's maximum, it coincides with when the gut is absorbing the most energy in the form of glucose.
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