Sentences with phrase «absorb smaller life»

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Many years ago, I heard someone speaking about how Jesus» life and death absorbed the «shock» of sin and death within creation and how we as His body have been called to a similar mission — the verses which speak of us «carrying in our selves» the marks that we belong to Him, sharing in some small way in His sufferings as we share in His life — it's all part of a realm where the sweet savor of the fragrance of Him is allowed to be evidenced in this broken world.
Reading his lively account of the scholars who excavate and display the Middle Ages, an account replete with cultural history, moral judgment, psychological speculation, gossip, and no small amount of romantic idealism and fin - de-siecle pathos, the reader can reflect as much upon his own world, and about the character of Cantor himself, as he does about the painstaking task of historical reconstruction that absorbed the lives of such as Theodor Mommsen, Marc Bloch, or David Knowles.
When FODMAPs aren't absorbed correctly in the small intestine, they «continue along their journey along the digestive tract, arriving at the large intestine, where they act as a food source to the bacteria that live there normally,» states Shepherd Works, a website from Dr. Sue Shepherd who developed the low - FODMAP diet.
Anemia is uncommon in the breastfed baby due to the following reasons: 1) a healthy, full - term infant has ample iron stores at birth to last him at least for the first six months of life, 2) although the amount of iron in breastmilk is small, it is readily absorbed at a rate of 49 % compared to 4 % of the iron in formula.
Aging in intestinal stem cells leads to changes in villi, the finger - shaped protuberances that line the small intestine and absorb nutrients, and crypts, the valleys between villi where the intestinal stem cells live.
That means you (your organs) can not break down or absorb this starch in your stomach or small intestine, but some of the trillions of bacteria that live inside your gut love it.
First, it is mainly absorbed in the small intestine and good bacteria live in the colon.
We realized that the exposition wasn't necessary and we were playing with what a small child would be absorbing, how much they would be aware and had to be aware of certain details in order to understand what's happening in their lives.
«In her absorbing, window - opening book, Zoepf reveals the variety of women's lives and interests away from political headlines and conventional stereotypes, and their power, often by small steps, to transform their world.»
Small dogs like chihuahuas and techichis were thought to absorb pain and sins from humans and were allegedly buried alive with the deads, or used at live water bottles.
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