Sentences with phrase «absorbed you become»

The more absorbed you become with your recipe, the more disconnected from you your child feels.
Also, the part that we fail to absorb becomes food for the beneficial bacteria, which they ferment to manufacture many beneficial chemicals, including propionate, acetate, butyrate, and lactic acid, which inhibits the bad bacteria by attacking them with hydrogen ions (acid).
Beneath the sheetmetal, Sachs Amplitude Selective Damping shock absorbers become standard, which Hyundai claims improves both ride and handling.

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Now, I'm not saying you become self - absorbed and narcissistic when you write a book, but people are going to ask you about it.
Flow happens when you become so absorbed in a moment or a task that you lose all sense of time.
But the gifts became a nuisance because there were too few families in the community to absorb them all.
GetAbstract is a leading online media company, with a mission to find, expertly compress and provide universal access to critical business knowledge, in a format that can be quickly and easily absorbed, allowing subscribers to stay current, competitive and to become leaders who can make better decisions.
They become robotic one step at a time, with users absorbing each new automation before another one is introduced.
Cross says that as the oceans absorb more carbon dioxide, the more acidic the water becomes, which hurts marine life and makes it harder for organisms to grow skeletons and build shells.
Regional exchange rates have become more flexible in recent years, and have played a greater role as shock absorber,» AMRO said in its flagship ASEAN +3 Regional Economic Outlook 2018 report.
«If the upcoming supply of units is not absorbed by demand as they are completed over the next 12 to 30 months, the supply - demand discrepancy would become more apparent, increasing the risk of an abrupt correction in prices and residential construction activity,» it says.
Lacking space to focus, work quietly if desired or have an uninterrupted conversation may detract from employees» ability to become deeply absorbed in — and fulfilled by — their role.
He played his squabbling rivals against themselves; he absorbed criticism from the Terence Corcorans of the world, who decried his high - spending ways; he became familiar to just enough voters to win his long - sought majority.
But if investment is being misallocated, if investment levels are higher than China's ability to absorb and exploit capital stock, then it should not be surprising at all that debt capacity is becoming a problem.
Uranium One became a much bigger player in the uranium market after it absorbed a company run and co-owned by Frank Giustra, a Canadian businessman and Bill Clinton associate, in February 2007.
However, the launch was a fiasco and it became apparent the launch goals were unrealistic and the change was too much for the sales channel to absorb within the time allocated.
The other way currency can absorb economic shock is that all earnings coming from abroad become worth more when converted into pounds.
It has become clear in the past year that the market's ability to absorb oil is heavily dependent on the pace of U.S. production.
We have become a society that is increasingly self - absorbed.
The Bible predicts that we will become a self - absorbed people.
The self - absorbed and self - indulged baby - boomers of the media seem deeply to resent that, but their self - reflection now has lots of cracks and this will become evident in Holyrood Palace when we watch a man and a woman who have seen more of life than most people who have ever lived.
Faced with a strange and forbidding landscape, one soggy, humid, and alive with snakes, Didion likewise becomes self - absorbed and desperate for refuge.
And I myself became more absorbed in this loving, rolling feast of a family as the years went on.
The psalmists were poets and I began to absorb beauty, the sounds and repetitions, and became a contemplative — realising that language was not just telling me something but inviting me into a world of language that was more about what you couldn't see than what you could.
It's as though I've become porous, my skin absorbing the pain of others, particularly other mamas and babies.
These are important, but when they become absorbing, this importance becomes invisible.
Others came to the United States, where many were absorbed by the Presbyterian Church, and to South America, where one Waldensian pastor became «good friends» with Jorge Bergoglio before his election as pope.
In other words, while fighting for divorce and custody, people naturally become excessively self - absorbed in their own protection for a stage.
But the Scriptures teach us that at the same time it will be rent by a profound schism between those who wish to break out of themselves that they may become still more masters of the world, and those who, accepting Christ's word, passionately await the death of the world that they may be absorbed with it into God.
It becomes less significant for being absorbed into the weekly routine.»
It's almost as though, with the rise of more secular geniuses, such as Darwin, Einstein, Dirac and Feynman, the Church has become discouraged and dropped out of the race, as itwere, content to stand on the sidelines and absorb what it can from purely superficial accounts.
«The state which would provide everything, absorbing everything into itself, would ultimately become a mere bureaucracy incapable of guaranteeing the very thing that the suffering person — every person — needs: namely, loving personal concern.»
That last sentence bears repetition, for it is fundamental to why there is such a widespread feeling that in some way our religious observance has by these changes been diminished and devalued: the day «becomes less significantfor being absorbed into the weekly routine».
The Weavers gradually absorbed not only the racist religious doctrines of Christian Identity, but became familiar with the world of UFOs and alien intelligences, the supposed machinations of the Bilderbergers and the Illuminati and, most of all, the alleged conspiracies of those who were said to be the literal offspring of Satan, the Jews.
A congregation simply misunderstands God if it becomes exclusive or self - absorbed or ethnically enclosed or hierarchically structured.
But this was in effect the swan song of the Q community, as it was absorbed into the gentile - Christian church, except for holdouts who returned to the baptist movement or to emergent normative Judaism, or became small Christian sects that we, on the winning side, call heresies: the Ebionites, meaning the «Poor,» or the Nazarenes, claiming Jesus of Nazara.
Marriage partners are tempted to become so absorbed in the flurry of their multiple responsibilities that their own relationship is more and more neglected.
Through cable television, youth were becoming absorbed in worldliness and drugs.
In the words of John Bowker, structure and system permit us «powerful and creative explorations of the implications of the system in art, music, iconography, architecture, self - sacrificing lives and the like» (Licensed Insanities, p. 137) But when structures stop moving, they become self - absorbed, oppressive and conformist.
These who may have few funds put aside gradually become penniless as rising prices and taxes absorb meager savings.
It is not a mere repetition of the name Allah, but is the silent recollection and contemplation of God, done in such a way that the heart of the contemplator becomes occupied with nothing but Him and the lover becomes completely absorbed in his Beloved.
The religious leaders (the Pharisees) have largely ceased to give an effective lead, and have become more and more absorbed in pious practices at the cost of the «weightier matters of the Law.»
This means that in the act of devotion he becomes completely absorbed in God and loses every vestige of his individual being and feels himself to be one with his Beloved.
This teaching Jesus had absorbed from the breast of prophetic, and, to a certain extent, Pharisaic Judaism; yet it became, on the one hand, the negation of everything that had vitalized Judaism; and, on the other hand, it brought Judaism to such an extreme that it became, in a sense, non-Judaism.
But she didn't become so absorbed in her relatively comfortable suburban life that she couldn't see someone who needed her to drop everything, delay her plans, and lend a hand.
He did not simply absorb the liberalism of Berlin, nor did he become a true follower of the theologian Karl Barth, with whom he had many sympathies.
Being that he is the author of life, he has set down guidelines for our happiness, so that we can be free of our selfish, self absorbed ways, and become true lovers by putting others first.
The Century absorbed a Christian socialist periodical, the World Tomorrow, in August of that year, and its editor in chief, Kirby Page, a noted pacifist, became a Century contributing editor.
Indeed, says Nussbaum, any philosophical examples that were to develop «the particularity, the emotive appeal, the absorbing plottedness, the variety and indeterminacy of good fiction» would by that very development become works of literature.
We usually just absorb the negativity and the vitriol and we allow it to become part of our normal operating system.
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