Sentences with phrase «absorbing it like»

He absorbed it like a sponge.
Both upbringing and education were absorbed like so much milk and eggs, with entire docility and without any intellectual misgivings.
Coconut flour needs A LOT of liquid, it just absorbs it like crazy.
An article published in the «Ceylon Medical Journal» in 2006 stated that medium - chain fatty acids, such as those found in coconuts, are used directly by the body as fuel, not broken down and absorbed like other saturated fats.
This process helps remove various types of buildup so your diapers smell fresher and absorb like they did when they were new.
Abby and I had modeled the task and they absorbed it like little sponges.
These sensors could reveal patterns that help explain why the tropical Pacific emits carbon dioxide, rather than absorbing it like most of the rest of ocean.
A flexible cup that you wear internally to collect your flow instead of absorbing it like a tampon or a pad would.
Although IMOs were previously believed to bypass digestion and absorption in the small intestine, research has shown that they are partially absorbed like sugar and other non-fiber carbs (25, 26).
My body absorbed it like a sponge.
Cocoa butter has beneficial moisturizing qualities but is not easily absorbed by the skin, so you should use it with other oils that are easily absorbed like olive, sunflower, apricot kernel, etc..
An invisible sea of synthetic chemicals surrounds us every day, and our bodies absorb them like sponges until we are in toxic overload.
Erythritol is a sugar alcohol and because it is not fully absorbed like other sugar alcohols, such as xylitol, sorbitol, etc., it therefore produces digestive disorders for many people = gas, bloating, loose bowels.
Liver in animals is by far the highest source, know other foods come close and the Vit A from animal based foods is highly absorbed, plant sourced Vit A is very hard for humans to absorb like carrots for instance.
Light as a serum, effective as treatment and absorbing like water.
Aptly named «2nd Skin», this lighter than air foundation glides onto skin like water and absorbs like a serum.
We believe that when elearning is relevant, creative and interactive, people are able to absorb it like a sponge, and use it to improve their performance and reach their potential.
5 Pro Comp Wheels Hard Top Rough Country Shock Absorbers Like New Tires Fully automatic headlights Power windows Remote keyless entry.
Broccoli is very dense in nutrients, but dogs can't absorb them like humans do.
A guide accompanied us and he dished out all his knowledge to the group, which I absorbed like a sponge.
The weapons, especially the machine gun, do still feel like you're firing blanks half the time as most of the enemy wanzers seem to shrug the gunfire off or absorb it like an enthusiastic sponge.
His body literally absorbs them like an amoeba gobbling lunch.
That goes inside you like fresh squeezed orange juice, that every cell in your body absorbs like a dying breath.
Over raw wood, Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint will actually absorb like a stain.

Not exact matches

Overall, the 20 by 30 - inch towels absorb liquids like a sponge and clean surfaces like a scrubber.
Like the passengers on that San Francisco train, she's too absorbed in her virtual world to process the real one.
Scientific research has shown that both oxybenzone and octinoxate destroy coral by absorbing its nutrients, affecting coral - dependent marine life like sea urchins and algae.
It might seem like an empath is pushing you away or distancing themselves from you, but in reality, they're just trying to take a break from absorbing your feelings in addition to their own, which can be exhausting.
It will also create water buffers like green spaces and parks that can absorb water.
And the role of politics is crucial: can democracies like the US match the capacity of authoritarian societies like China to absorb economic pain?
Still, when you consider that Alphabet generated $ 7 billion in free cash that quarter, the losses seem like something the company could easily absorb.
These outer sections act like a vehicle's crumple zone, absorbing some of a collision's impact before its force reaches the player's head.
On days like that, I feel like a fraud, because I'm absorbing all the credit, and I deserve only a fraction of it.
Just like older people, so - called digital natives are terrible at multitasking and mostly use tech to mindlessly absorb information.
You got your head so far in the sand like an ostrich that you can't see how self - absorbed that way of thinking is.
And if Northwest didn't like the A320s, it's simply stuck with 10 planes while Airbus absorbs the risk for the rest.
The bacteria in your gut can alter how essential amino acids, which make up proteins like those in meat and beans, get absorbed into the body.
The most important piece of advice that Rosen absorbed: «Try not to act like a salesperson.»
One of the earliest things you learn at a place like ours is that the closer you sit to the action, the better the view and the more rapidly you absorb information.
The inherent awkwardness of not being face to face makes normal pauses where others are absorbing information and formulating their thoughts feel like an age.
In a case like ours, where the parent company absorbs all production and development costs, it doesn't make sense not to factor those costs into the price of goods sold abroad.»
The OXO cutting board gets consistent praise for being durable and not absorbing odors or colors from pungent foods like onions and garlic.
First, UV light is absorbed by the lens of your eye, which can cause cumulative damage over time like cataracts.
Deliveroo, which, according to Maple's announcement, is absorbing some of the startup's team, is one of the highly funded competitors trying to take on incumbents like Seamless parent company GrubHub and UberEats.
The game otherwise features classic «Kirby» gameplay, with relatively simplistic platforming and combat that's focused on Kirby's main ability: consuming enemies and absorbing their power, like some sort of pink necromancer.
«They don't necessarily have the resources, they can't absorb the increases in cost, and they feel like it's kind of relentless, it's one thing after the next,» San Francisco Chamber of Commerce vice president of public policy Dee Dee Workman told the Associated Press.
We would like to see the improvement in business investment consolidate and a continuation of job growth at a rate at least sufficient to absorb the increase in Australia's workforce.
Because sharing, linking, and reviewing other people's stuff is the only way to market your brand to avoid looking like a self - absorbed jerk.
The more they absorb their own savings (of which, to be clear, $ 300 billion is a small piece), the less countries like the US and the UK will continue to play our symbiotic consumer - of - last - resort role.
Although the economy may grow more slowly than we would like during that transition, it can still achieve above - potential growth and absorb its excess capacity.
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