Sentences with phrase «abstinence from»

(c) Abstinence from the use of non-prescribed drugs or alcohol, which were used as the reason for the conduct in question.
Because of the ongoing damage that sexually compulsive behaviors can cause in life and relationships, it is crucial to work with a professional to develop a plan for sobriety and abstinence from unwanted behaviors.
In addition, I will help you establish some practical skills for establishing and maintaining abstinence from addiction behaviors.
Relevant goals include: increasing abstinence from alcohol before and during pregnancy; reducing the occurrence of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS); reducing the proportion of adults engaging in binge drinking; and reducing the proportion of adults who drink excessively.
Barring total abstinence from all sexual activity, you won't be able to protect yourself completely from acquiring HSV — but there are many steps that you and your partner can take to decrease risk.
This allows parents to attend parenting courses or treatments and demonstrate abstinence from substance abuse.
There are three main ways to avoid STDs: abstinence from all sexual activity, exclusive relationships in which partners have tested negative for STDs, and the correct and consistent use of barriers (like condoms and dental dams).
Participants in the MDFT condition reported fewer days of substance use as well as a tendency to report increased abstinence from drugs and alcohol.
Each client is assisted in the establishment of a healthy support system to maintain the goal of abstinence from their addiction.
In most cases, if the noncustodial exercises visitation on a regular basis and complies with the other requirements established by the court (such as, counseling, or abstinence from alcohol before visitation), the court is likely to rule that the step - up visitation plan remains in effect.
It promotes abstinence from sex as the healthiest choice for adolescents; provides a comprehensive understanding of sexual health, sexuality and protection methods; and supports parents as the primary sexuality educators of their children through family activities that encourage dialogue between students and the caring adults in their lives about sexual health topics.
While abstinence from sex is the healthiest choice for avoiding sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancy, adolescents require a comprehensive understanding of sexual health, sexuality and protection methods, which they will need when they become sexually active.
And early stages of therapy, focuses on behaviour and abstinence from situations that induce the problem behaviour.
CBT - E was superior to long - term psychoanalytic psychotherapy with regard to abstinence from binge eating and purging at 5 months (ie, at the conclusion of CBTE - E and 5 months into long - term psychoanalytic psychotherapy) and 24 months (ie, at the conclusion of long - term psychoanalytic psychotherapy and 19 months after the conclusion of CBT - E) after the onset of treatment.
A judge can prohibit overnight visitation, order the offending parent to attend and complete counseling, and even order abstinence from drugs or alcohol for 24 hours preceding contact with the child, as well as during visitation.
These complementary effects included significant increases in parent — child communication about peer and media influences, in parental monitoring of smoking by children and friends, in parental specification of the disciplinary consequences of initiation, and in parental use of reinforcement to strengthen children's abstinence from smoking.
Promotes abstinence from sex as the healthiest choice for middle school students and provides a comprehensive understanding of sexual health, sexuality and protection methods.
Abstinence from all mood - altering chemicals and stable mental health are the foundation for building a new, healthy and rewarding lifestyle.
Exercise, sufficient sleep, therapy, support groups, and abstinence from alcohol and drugs can help control depressive episodes.
Life insurance underwriters consider «indirect treatment» as weight loss, non-use of sleeping pills and abstinence from alcohol prior to bed time.
Is there any mention with regard to abstinence from extra-martial sex / relations / affairs in the TWU covenant?
Including abstinence from solid food, alcohol and cigarettes, in addition to the change in his sleeping patterns, these bring to critical light the temporal, immaterial, and physiological labor of artists at a time when commodification of art production is keenly felt in Hong Kong.
V. Abstinence from fresh loans — After being formally inducted into a debt consolidation program, you'll be under the debt relief service provider's obligation to abstain from taking out fresh loans.
Be aware that the insurance industry is skeptical about quitters, and insurance companies will administer blood work to verify abstinence from smoking.
(a) As a SAP, if you believe that ongoing services (in addition to follow - up tests) are needed to assist an employee to maintain sobriety or abstinence from drug use after the employee resumes the performance of safety - sensitive duties, you must provide recommendations for these services in your follow - up evaluation report (see § 40.311 (d)(10)-RRB-.
The third annual drug policy, released last week by Bob Martinez, the director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, calls on schools and parents to promote abstinence from alcohol among minors.
The emergence of various theories both in favor and defiance of MOOCs hang in a balance with an abstinence from shifting towards an absolute definition.
The great counterpoint in the film by far is the complete abstinence from the development of the character as a protagonist.
According to experts, use of condoms, dental dams and abstinence from having any sexual contact in the event of an outbreak are a few ways that can ward off your chances of contracting the infection.
To reduce the possibility of a disulfiram - like reaction, abstinence from alcohol use should continue for 72 hours after completion of tinidazole.
Fasting can also be defined as an extreme form of dietary restriction, which entails the abstinence from all food, but not water, in a chronic manner as intermittent fasting or periodically as cycles of prolonged fasting lasting two or more days.
12 - Step addiction recovery groups are extremely helpful for anyone wanting to move into abstinence from both substance and process addictions: food, drugs, alcohol, sex, spending, gambling, anger and violence, caretaking, and so on.
During a cholera epidemic in 1832, he went around teaching and lecturing on the importance of fresh fruit and vegetables and whole grains in the diet, as well as abstinence from meat and meat products, alcohol and other stimulants or narcotics, correct sleeping, bathing, clothing and exercise habits to avoid cholera, with astounding results.
This means, unfortunately, that the safest, and most commonly successful solution is a total or near total abstinence from anything that might even look like «training:» insofar as those systems are being asked to support a high level of bodily function and help the body recover from it, they themselves won't be able to heal.
Fasting is the overall abstinence from consuming food.
There's no such thing as abstinence from food.
One study inspected the consequences three weeks after abstinence from drinking and discovered that free T3 (fT3) levels remained lower than in healthy participants.
Juice fasting, a popular variation, is abstinence from all food and drink except water and fresh vegetable and fruit juices.
It involves total or partial abstinence from food for pre-defined periods of time.
Hippocrates (400 BCE), the mythical Greek «Father of Medicine,» seems to have prescribed total abstinence from food while a «disease» was on the increase, and especially at the critical period, and a sparse diet on other occasions.
In the strict dietary sense, fasting is the complete abstinence from all substances except pure water, in an environment of total rest.
Is a risk of 10/150, 000,000 — 0.000007 % — per daily serving sufficient to motivate abstinence from store - bought produce?
Secondly, like most methods of fasting, the abstinence from caloric intake for large periods of time is going to be a large part of the reason for success.
What intermittent fasting really refers to is voluntary and controlled abstinence from food for a certain period of time.
Short - term abstinence from ejaculation for 3 weeks can actually increase testosterone slightly (17), with a significant spike of 145 % in T at the 7th day (18).
Sounds like, for many of the kids he included in his survey, their lives could be changed by knowledge that abstinence from their food triggers can be done in a safe, viable, enjoyable and fulfilling way.
This means abstinence from all kinds of meat, fish, eggs, and even dairy products, and stress is placed on a high fiber diet.
As to proper spacing of children, traditional cultures do not practice birth control; the proper spacing was therefore only regulated by the periods of abstinence from sexual activity observed in most cultures alongside of the fasting regiments.
Even the great philosophers of antiquity like Plato, Seneca, and «The Father of Modern Medicine» Hippocrates, were extolling the virtues of short periods of abstinence from food.
The problem with this is the abstinence from sugar can manifest into another form of eating disorder.
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